mirror of
synced 2024-05-06 15:54:56 +00:00
515 lines
14 KiB
515 lines
14 KiB
package bslack
import (
log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus"
type MMMessage struct {
Text string
Channel string
Username string
UserID string
Raw *slack.MessageEvent
type Bslack struct {
mh *matterhook.Client
sc *slack.Client
rtm *slack.RTM
Plus bool
Users []slack.User
si *slack.Info
channels []slack.Channel
var flog *log.Entry
var protocol = "slack"
func init() {
flog = log.WithFields(log.Fields{"module": protocol})
func New(cfg *config.BridgeConfig) *Bslack {
return &Bslack{BridgeConfig: cfg}
func (b *Bslack) Command(cmd string) string {
return ""
func (b *Bslack) Connect() error {
if b.Config.WebhookBindAddress != "" {
if b.Config.WebhookURL != "" {
flog.Info("Connecting using webhookurl (sending) and webhookbindaddress (receiving)")
b.mh = matterhook.New(b.Config.WebhookURL,
matterhook.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: b.Config.SkipTLSVerify,
BindAddress: b.Config.WebhookBindAddress})
} else if b.Config.Token != "" {
flog.Info("Connecting using token (sending)")
b.sc = slack.New(b.Config.Token)
b.rtm = b.sc.NewRTM()
go b.rtm.ManageConnection()
flog.Info("Connecting using webhookbindaddress (receiving)")
b.mh = matterhook.New(b.Config.WebhookURL,
matterhook.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: b.Config.SkipTLSVerify,
BindAddress: b.Config.WebhookBindAddress})
} else {
flog.Info("Connecting using webhookbindaddress (receiving)")
b.mh = matterhook.New(b.Config.WebhookURL,
matterhook.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: b.Config.SkipTLSVerify,
BindAddress: b.Config.WebhookBindAddress})
go b.handleSlack()
return nil
if b.Config.WebhookURL != "" {
flog.Info("Connecting using webhookurl (sending)")
b.mh = matterhook.New(b.Config.WebhookURL,
matterhook.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: b.Config.SkipTLSVerify,
DisableServer: true})
if b.Config.Token != "" {
flog.Info("Connecting using token (receiving)")
b.sc = slack.New(b.Config.Token)
b.rtm = b.sc.NewRTM()
go b.rtm.ManageConnection()
go b.handleSlack()
} else if b.Config.Token != "" {
flog.Info("Connecting using token (sending and receiving)")
b.sc = slack.New(b.Config.Token)
b.rtm = b.sc.NewRTM()
go b.rtm.ManageConnection()
go b.handleSlack()
if b.Config.WebhookBindAddress == "" && b.Config.WebhookURL == "" && b.Config.Token == "" {
return errors.New("No connection method found. See that you have WebhookBindAddress, WebhookURL or Token configured.")
return nil
func (b *Bslack) Disconnect() error {
return nil
func (b *Bslack) JoinChannel(channel config.ChannelInfo) error {
// we can only join channels using the API
if b.sc != nil {
if strings.HasPrefix(b.Config.Token, "xoxb") {
// TODO check if bot has already joined channel
return nil
_, err := b.sc.JoinChannel(channel.Name)
if err != nil {
if err.Error() != "name_taken" {
return err
return nil
func (b *Bslack) Send(msg config.Message) (string, error) {
flog.Debugf("Receiving %#v", msg)
if msg.Event == config.EVENT_USER_ACTION {
msg.Text = "_" + msg.Text + "_"
nick := msg.Username
message := msg.Text
channel := msg.Channel
if b.Config.PrefixMessagesWithNick {
message = nick + " " + message
if b.Config.WebhookURL != "" {
matterMessage := matterhook.OMessage{IconURL: b.Config.IconURL}
matterMessage.Channel = channel
matterMessage.UserName = nick
matterMessage.Type = ""
matterMessage.Text = message
err := b.mh.Send(matterMessage)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return "", nil
schannel, err := b.getChannelByName(channel)
if err != nil {
return "", err
np := slack.NewPostMessageParameters()
if b.Config.PrefixMessagesWithNick {
np.AsUser = true
np.Username = nick
np.IconURL = config.GetIconURL(&msg, &b.Config)
if msg.Avatar != "" {
np.IconURL = msg.Avatar
np.Attachments = append(np.Attachments, slack.Attachment{CallbackID: "matterbridge"})
np.Attachments = append(np.Attachments, b.createAttach(msg.Extra)...)
// replace mentions
np.LinkNames = 1
if msg.Event == config.EVENT_MSG_DELETE {
// some protocols echo deletes, but with empty ID
if msg.ID == "" {
return "", nil
// we get a "slack <ID>", split it
ts := strings.Fields(msg.ID)
b.sc.DeleteMessage(schannel.ID, ts[1])
return "", nil
// if we have no ID it means we're creating a new message, not updating an existing one
if msg.ID != "" {
ts := strings.Fields(msg.ID)
b.sc.UpdateMessage(schannel.ID, ts[1], message)
return "", nil
if msg.Extra != nil {
// check if we have files to upload (from slack, telegram or mattermost)
if len(msg.Extra["file"]) > 0 {
var err error
for _, f := range msg.Extra["file"] {
fi := f.(config.FileInfo)
_, err = b.sc.UploadFile(slack.FileUploadParameters{
Reader: bytes.NewReader(*fi.Data),
Filename: fi.Name,
Channels: []string{schannel.ID},
InitialComment: fi.Comment,
if err != nil {
flog.Errorf("uploadfile %#v", err)
_, id, err := b.sc.PostMessage(schannel.ID, message, np)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return "slack " + id, nil
func (b *Bslack) getAvatar(user string) string {
var avatar string
if b.Users != nil {
for _, u := range b.Users {
if user == u.Name {
return u.Profile.Image48
return avatar
func (b *Bslack) getChannelByName(name string) (*slack.Channel, error) {
if b.channels == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: channel %s not found (no channels found)", b.Account, name)
for _, channel := range b.channels {
if channel.Name == name {
return &channel, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: channel %s not found", b.Account, name)
func (b *Bslack) getChannelByID(ID string) (*slack.Channel, error) {
if b.channels == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: channel %s not found (no channels found)", b.Account, ID)
for _, channel := range b.channels {
if channel.ID == ID {
return &channel, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: channel %s not found", b.Account, ID)
func (b *Bslack) handleSlack() {
mchan := make(chan *MMMessage)
if b.Config.WebhookBindAddress != "" {
flog.Debugf("Choosing webhooks based receiving")
go b.handleMatterHook(mchan)
} else {
flog.Debugf("Choosing token based receiving")
go b.handleSlackClient(mchan)
flog.Debug("Start listening for Slack messages")
for message := range mchan {
// do not send messages from ourself
if b.Config.WebhookURL == "" && b.Config.WebhookBindAddress == "" && message.Username == b.si.User.Name {
if (message.Text == "" || message.Username == "") && message.Raw.SubType != "message_deleted" {
text := message.Text
text = b.replaceURL(text)
text = html.UnescapeString(text)
flog.Debugf("Sending message from %s on %s to gateway", message.Username, b.Account)
msg := config.Message{Text: text, Username: message.Username, Channel: message.Channel, Account: b.Account, Avatar: b.getAvatar(message.Username), UserID: message.UserID, ID: "slack " + message.Raw.Timestamp, Extra: make(map[string][]interface{})}
if message.Raw.SubType == "me_message" {
msg.Event = config.EVENT_USER_ACTION
if message.Raw.SubType == "channel_leave" || message.Raw.SubType == "channel_join" {
msg.Username = "system"
msg.Event = config.EVENT_JOIN_LEAVE
// edited messages have a submessage, use this timestamp
if message.Raw.SubMessage != nil {
msg.ID = "slack " + message.Raw.SubMessage.Timestamp
if message.Raw.SubType == "message_deleted" {
msg.Text = config.EVENT_MSG_DELETE
msg.Event = config.EVENT_MSG_DELETE
msg.ID = "slack " + message.Raw.DeletedTimestamp
// if we have a file attached, download it (in memory) and put a pointer to it in msg.Extra
if message.Raw.File != nil {
// limit to 1MB for now
if message.Raw.File.Size <= b.General.MediaDownloadSize {
comment := ""
data, err := b.downloadFile(message.Raw.File.URLPrivateDownload)
if err != nil {
flog.Errorf("download %s failed %#v", message.Raw.File.URLPrivateDownload, err)
} else {
results := regexp.MustCompile(`.*?commented: (.*)`).FindAllStringSubmatch(msg.Text, -1)
if len(results) > 0 {
comment = results[0][1]
msg.Extra["file"] = append(msg.Extra["file"], config.FileInfo{Name: message.Raw.File.Name, Data: data, Comment: comment})
flog.Debugf("Message is %#v", msg)
b.Remote <- msg
func (b *Bslack) handleSlackClient(mchan chan *MMMessage) {
for msg := range b.rtm.IncomingEvents {
if msg.Type != "user_typing" && msg.Type != "latency_report" {
flog.Debugf("Receiving from slackclient %#v", msg.Data)
switch ev := msg.Data.(type) {
case *slack.MessageEvent:
if len(ev.Attachments) > 0 {
// skip messages we made ourselves
if ev.Attachments[0].CallbackID == "matterbridge" {
if !b.Config.EditDisable && ev.SubMessage != nil && ev.SubMessage.ThreadTimestamp != ev.SubMessage.Timestamp {
flog.Debugf("SubMessage %#v", ev.SubMessage)
ev.User = ev.SubMessage.User
ev.Text = ev.SubMessage.Text + b.Config.EditSuffix
// it seems ev.SubMessage.Edited == nil when slack unfurls
// do not forward these messages #266
if ev.SubMessage.Edited == nil {
// use our own func because rtm.GetChannelInfo doesn't work for private channels
channel, err := b.getChannelByID(ev.Channel)
if err != nil {
m := &MMMessage{}
if ev.BotID == "" && ev.SubType != "message_deleted" {
user, err := b.rtm.GetUserInfo(ev.User)
if err != nil {
m.UserID = user.ID
m.Username = user.Name
if user.Profile.DisplayName != "" {
m.Username = user.Profile.DisplayName
m.Channel = channel.Name
m.Text = ev.Text
if m.Text == "" {
for _, attach := range ev.Attachments {
if attach.Text != "" {
m.Text = attach.Text
} else {
m.Text = attach.Fallback
m.Raw = ev
m.Text = b.replaceMention(m.Text)
m.Text = b.replaceVariable(m.Text)
m.Text = b.replaceChannel(m.Text)
// when using webhookURL we can't check if it's our webhook or not for now
if ev.BotID != "" && b.Config.WebhookURL == "" {
bot, err := b.rtm.GetBotInfo(ev.BotID)
if err != nil {
if bot.Name != "" {
m.Username = bot.Name
if ev.Username != "" {
m.Username = ev.Username
m.UserID = bot.ID
mchan <- m
case *slack.OutgoingErrorEvent:
flog.Debugf("%#v", ev.Error())
case *slack.ChannelJoinedEvent:
b.Users, _ = b.sc.GetUsers()
case *slack.ConnectedEvent:
b.channels = ev.Info.Channels
b.si = ev.Info
b.Users, _ = b.sc.GetUsers()
// add private channels
groups, _ := b.sc.GetGroups(true)
for _, g := range groups {
channel := new(slack.Channel)
channel.ID = g.ID
channel.Name = g.Name
b.channels = append(b.channels, *channel)
case *slack.InvalidAuthEvent:
flog.Fatalf("Invalid Token %#v", ev)
case *slack.ConnectionErrorEvent:
flog.Errorf("Connection failed %#v %#v", ev.Error(), ev.ErrorObj)
func (b *Bslack) handleMatterHook(mchan chan *MMMessage) {
for {
message := b.mh.Receive()
flog.Debugf("receiving from matterhook (slack) %#v", message)
m := &MMMessage{}
m.Username = message.UserName
m.Text = message.Text
m.Text = b.replaceMention(m.Text)
m.Text = b.replaceVariable(m.Text)
m.Text = b.replaceChannel(m.Text)
m.Channel = message.ChannelName
if m.Username == "slackbot" {
mchan <- m
func (b *Bslack) userName(id string) string {
for _, u := range b.Users {
if u.ID == id {
if u.Profile.DisplayName != "" {
return u.Profile.DisplayName
return u.Name
return ""
// @see https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting#linking_to_channels_and_users
func (b *Bslack) replaceMention(text string) string {
results := regexp.MustCompile(`<@([a-zA-z0-9]+)>`).FindAllStringSubmatch(text, -1)
for _, r := range results {
text = strings.Replace(text, "<@"+r[1]+">", "@"+b.userName(r[1]), -1)
return text
// @see https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting#linking_to_channels_and_users
func (b *Bslack) replaceChannel(text string) string {
results := regexp.MustCompile(`<#[a-zA-Z0-9]+\|(.+?)>`).FindAllStringSubmatch(text, -1)
for _, r := range results {
text = strings.Replace(text, r[0], "#"+r[1], -1)
return text
// @see https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting#variables
func (b *Bslack) replaceVariable(text string) string {
results := regexp.MustCompile(`<!([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(\|.+?)?>`).FindAllStringSubmatch(text, -1)
for _, r := range results {
text = strings.Replace(text, r[0], "@"+r[1], -1)
return text
// @see https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting#linking_to_urls
func (b *Bslack) replaceURL(text string) string {
results := regexp.MustCompile(`<(.*?)(\|.*?)?>`).FindAllStringSubmatch(text, -1)
for _, r := range results {
text = strings.Replace(text, r[0], r[1], -1)
return text
func (b *Bslack) createAttach(extra map[string][]interface{}) []slack.Attachment {
var attachs []slack.Attachment
for _, v := range extra["attachments"] {
entry := v.(map[string]interface{})
s := slack.Attachment{}
s.Fallback = entry["fallback"].(string)
s.Color = entry["color"].(string)
s.Pretext = entry["pretext"].(string)
s.AuthorName = entry["author_name"].(string)
s.AuthorLink = entry["author_link"].(string)
s.AuthorIcon = entry["author_icon"].(string)
s.Title = entry["title"].(string)
s.TitleLink = entry["title_link"].(string)
s.Text = entry["text"].(string)
s.ImageURL = entry["image_url"].(string)
s.ThumbURL = entry["thumb_url"].(string)
s.Footer = entry["footer"].(string)
s.FooterIcon = entry["footer_icon"].(string)
attachs = append(attachs, s)
return attachs
func (b *Bslack) downloadFile(url string) (*[]byte, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
client := &http.Client{
Timeout: time.Second * 5,
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.Header.Add("Authorization", "Bearer "+b.Config.Token)
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
io.Copy(&buf, resp.Body)
data := buf.Bytes()
return &data, nil