2014-07-09 14:14:14 -07:00
# This example lists all attributes for bridge configuration.
# The attributes with mstpctl- prefix indicate mstp settings on a bridge.
# The attributes with bridge- prefix indicate bridge stp and igmp attributes.
# Except bridge-ports, none of the other attributes are required. Default
# values are documented in the ifupdown-addons-interfaces(5) man page.
2014-11-15 23:32:56 -08:00
# The bridge in the example below is a vlan unaware bridge (classic linux
# bridge)
2014-07-09 14:14:14 -07:00
auto br-300
iface br-300 inet static
bridge-ports swp13.300 swp14.300
bridge-stp on
mstpctl-maxage 20
mstpctl-fdelay 15
mstpctl-maxhops 20
mstpctl-txholdcount 6
mstpctl-forcevers rstp
mstpctl-portpathcost swp13.300=0 swp14.300=0
mstpctl-portadminedge swp13.300=no swp14.300=no
mstpctl-portautoedge swp13.300=yes swp14.300=yes
mstpctl-portp2p swp13.300=no swp13.300=no
mstpctl-portrestrrole swp13.300=no swp14.300=no
mstpctl-bpduguard swp13.300=no swp14.300=no
mstpctl-portrestrtcn swp13.300=no swp14.300=no
mstpctl-treeprio 32768
mstpctl-treeportprio swp13.300=128
mstpctl-hello 2
mstpctl-portnetwork swp13.300=no
bridge-mclmc 3
bridge-mcrouter 0
bridge-mcsnoop 1
bridge-mcsqc 3
bridge-mcqifaddr 1
bridge-mcquerier 1
bridge-hashel 3
bridge-hashmax 4
bridge-mclmi 3
bridge-mcmi 200
bridge-mcqpi 200
bridge-mcqi 100
bridge-mcqri 20
bridge-mcsqi 50
bridge-portmcrouter swp13.300=0
bridge-portmcfl swp13.300=1