enable persistent ifupdown2 debug logs
ifupdown2 will keep debug logs in /etc/network/ifupdown2/logs
by default the last 42 configurations logs will be kept.
yes - (default) enable persistent logging (42 configs)
no - disable persistent logging
[2-9]+ - specify how many configuration logs should be stored
Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <jfortin@nvidia.com>
ifupdown2 used /var/tmp/network/ to store its state file
upstream users reported that when /var/tmp is not mounted
before network configuration ifupdown2 fails. We now let
user define which location they want to use for the state
closes: #918832
Reported-by: Maximilian Wilhelm <max@sdn.clinic>
Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <julien@cumulusnetworks.com>
batman wasn't in master-next so it got removed during the last merge
this commit adds it back to master.
See PR #12
From Maximilian Wilhelm:
This commit adds support for configuring B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced interfaces
with ifupdown2. B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced is a protocol to build Layer2 based
mesh networks with. It's supported in the Linux kernel and thus available
in many Linux environments.
A configuration could look like this
auto bat0
iface bat0
batman-ifaces eth1 eth2.23
batman-ifaces-ignore-regex .*_nodes
batman-hop-penalty 23
where »bat0« would be the local connection to the mesh network.
The interfaces »eth1« and »eth2.23« would be used by the B.A.T.M.A.N. adv.
protocol to communicate to other member of the mesh network.
Any interfaces matching the »ifaces-ignore-regex« will be gently ignored
by ifquery and ifreload as there might be some tunnels or interfaces
added to the mesh network by other means which should not be removed by
any subsequent ifreload run.
The »hop-penalty» parameter set the penalty of this node within the mesh
Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <julien@cumulusnetworks.com>
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Wilhelm <max@rfc2324.org>
Author: Maximilian Wilhelm <max@rfc2324.org>
This commit adds support for configuring GRE/IPIP/SIT tunnel interfaces as know
from previous versions of ifupdown. Currently only configuration checks for GRE
and SIT tunnels are implemented.
A tunnel interface configuration could look like this:
auto gre42
iface gre42 inet tunnel
mode gre
# optional tunnel attributes
ttl 64
mtu 1400
tunnel-physdev eth0
address 2001:db8:d0c:23::42/64
auto he-ipv6
iface he-ipv6 inet tunnel
mode sit
# optional tunnel attributes
ttl 255
mtu 1466
tunnel-physdev vrf_external
address 2001:db8:666::2/64
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Wilhelm <max@rfc2324.org>
In linux its possible to assign an ip address to a vlan-aware bridge
For some use cases is it useful to restrict users from configuring ips on
bridges VA. This patch will let admins and distributions decide if it is
necessary to warn the user in such case.
The patch introduces a new configuration variable in:
vlan_aware_bridge_address_support: yes|no|on|off|0|1 (default to yes)
[8:30:41] root:~ # cat /etc/network/ifupdown2/ifupdown2.conf | grep "vlan_aware_bridge_address_support"
[8:30:43] root:~ # ifquery bridge
auto bridge
iface bridge
bridge-ports swp1
bridge-vlan-aware yes
[8:30:46] root:~ # ifup bridge --syntax-check
[8:30:52] root:~ # echo $?
[8:30:54] root:~ # echo "vlan_aware_bridge_address_support=no" >> /etc/network/ifupdown2/ifupdown2.conf
[8:31:11] root:~ # ifup bridge --syntax-check
warning: bridge: ignoring ip address. Assigning an IP address is not allowed on bridge vlan aware interfaces
[8:31:14] root:~ # echo $?
[8:31:17] root:~ #
[8:31:20] root:~ # ifup -a
[8:31:22] root:~ # echo $?
[8:31:25] root:~ # ifquery bridge -c
auto bridge
iface bridge [fail]
bridge-vlan-aware yes [pass]
bridge-ports swp1 [pass]
address [fail]
[8:31:29] root:~ # ifdown bridge && ifup bridge -v |& grep "bridge vlan aware interfaces"
info: bridge: ignoring ip address. Assigning an IP address is not allowed on bridge vlan aware interfaces
[8:31:57] root:~ #
Reviewed-by: Roopa Prabhu <roopa@cumulusnetworks.com>
Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <julien@cumulusnetworks.com>
This is a major update coming all at once from master-next branch
master-next branch was started with --orphan option which is basically a new
branch without history.
The major changes are:
- repackaging
- cleanup the directory tree
- rewritte setup.py to allow install from deb file or pypi (pip install)
- add a Makefile to make things (like building a deb) easier
- review all debian files
Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <julien@cumulusnetworks.com>