Ticket: CM-2731
Reviewed By:
Testing Done: Tested ifupdown sanity
The graph module modifies the indegrees array and so introduce a copy
of the dict before modifying it.
Ticket: CM-1438
Reviewed By: review pending
Testing Done: Tested ifup/ifdown
Before this patch, `ifup --with-depends <iface>` only brought up
lowerdevices. Because those were enough for iface to function.
And if ifaces above it (upperdevices) needed fixing, user could just
execute `ifup --with-depends <ifaceupper>`.
But in a recent, bond under a bridge bug in 2.0, got me thinking that
its probably better to up the upperdevices which might be impacted as
well. and this patch does just that.
The patch includes changes to make ifupdown generate dependency
information for all interfaces even if the user requested to operate
on a single interface. This is to get a full view of the interfaces file.
This might add some overhead. Should not change anything during boot.
Still looking at ways to optimize.
added a --with-depends option)
Ticket: CM-1438
Reviewed By:
Testing Done:
still debating on the default behaviour for following dependents.
for now not following dependents might be better.
When all interfaces are selected, it always follows dependents
Ticket: CM-1438
Reviewed By: TBD
Testing Done:
- Will checkin build files after some more testing and performance
numbers. It will go into the testing repo for 2.0
- All TODO items are part of the checked in TODO file