#!/usr/bin/env bash echo "Installing batman-adv module on debian/ubuntu" echo "" echo "Batman is a Layer2-Mesh protocol which uses Ethernet devices (like eth*, vlans, etc.) to communicate with peers and provides access to the L2-mesh via a batX interface. You can only create a batman instance if at least one batman- -iface (read: an interface where the mesh protocol is spoken on) is present and added to the batman-mesh-instance." echo "More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B.A.T.M.A.N." echo "" echo "installing batctl: apt-get install batctl" apt-get install batctl echo "" echo "" echo "loading batman-adv module: modprobe batman-adv" modprobe batman-adv echo "" echo "usefull commands: $ batctl if add \$IFACE $ batctl -m bat0 if add \$IFACE" echo "please read: man batctl" echo "" echo "" echo "configuration example: $ cat /etc/network/interfaces auto bat0 iface bat0 batman-ifaces \$IFACE [\$IFACES...] batman-ifaces-ignore-regex .*_nodes batman-hop-penalty 23 address $ $ $ ifreload -a $ ifquery -a -c auto bat0 iface bat0 [pass] batman-ifaces tap0 tap1 [pass] batman-ifaces-ignore-regex .*_nodes [pass] batman-hop-penalty 23 [pass] address [pass] $"