#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright 2014-2017 Cumulus Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. # Author: Roopa Prabhu, roopa@cumulusnetworks.com # try: import ifupdown2.nlmanager.ipnetwork as ipnetwork import ifupdown2.ifupdown.policymanager as policymanager import ifupdown2.ifupdown.ifupdownflags as ifupdownflags from ifupdown2.lib.addon import Addon from ifupdown2.lib.nlcache import NetlinkCacheIfnameNotFoundError from ifupdown2.nlmanager.nlmanager import Link from ifupdown2.ifupdown.iface import * from ifupdown2.ifupdown.utils import utils from ifupdown2.ifupdownaddons.cache import * from ifupdown2.ifupdownaddons.modulebase import moduleBase except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): import nlmanager.ipnetwork as ipnetwork import ifupdown.policymanager as policymanager import ifupdown.ifupdownflags as ifupdownflags from lib.addon import Addon from lib.nlcache import NetlinkCacheIfnameNotFoundError from nlmanager.nlmanager import Link from ifupdown.iface import * from ifupdown.utils import utils from ifupdownaddons.cache import * from ifupdownaddons.modulebase import moduleBase class vxlan(Addon, moduleBase): _modinfo = { "mhelp": "vxlan module configures vxlan interfaces.", "attrs": { "vxlan-id": { "help": "vxlan id", "validrange": ["1", "16777214"], "required": True, "example": ["vxlan-id 100"] }, "vxlan-local-tunnelip": { "help": "vxlan local tunnel ip", "validvals": [""], "example": ["vxlan-local-tunnelip"] }, "vxlan-svcnodeip": { "help": "vxlan id", "validvals": [""], "example": ["vxlan-svcnodeip"] }, "vxlan-remoteip": { "help": "vxlan remote ip", "validvals": [""], "example": ["vxlan-remoteip"], "multiline": True }, "vxlan-learning": { "help": "vxlan learning yes/no", "validvals": ["yes", "no", "on", "off"], "example": ["vxlan-learning no"], "default": "yes" }, "vxlan-ageing": { "help": "vxlan aging timer", "validrange": ["0", "4096"], "example": ["vxlan-ageing 300"], "default": "300" }, "vxlan-purge-remotes": { "help": "vxlan purge existing remote entries", "validvals": ["yes", "no"], "example": ["vxlan-purge-remotes yes"], }, "vxlan-port": { "help": "vxlan UDP port (transmitted to vxlan driver)", "example": ["vxlan-port 4789"], "validrange": ["1", "65536"], "default": "4789", }, "vxlan-physdev": { "help": "vxlan physical device", "example": ["vxlan-physdev eth1"] }, "vxlan-ttl": { "help": "specifies the TTL value to use in outgoing packets " "(range 0..255), 0=auto", "default": "0", "validvals": ["0", "255"], "example": ['vxlan-ttl 42'], }, "vxlan-mcastgrp": { "help": "vxlan multicast group", "validvals": [""], "example": ["vxlan-mcastgrp"], } } } VXLAN_PHYSDEV_MCASTGRP_DEFAULT = "ipmr-lo" def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): Addon.__init__(self) moduleBase.__init__(self, *args, **kargs) self._vxlan_purge_remotes = utils.get_boolean_from_string( policymanager.policymanager_api.get_module_globals( module_name=self.__class__.__name__, attr="vxlan-purge-remotes" ) ) self._vxlan_local_tunnelip = None self._clagd_vxlan_anycast_ip = "" # If mcastgrp is specified we need to rely on a user-configred device (via physdev) # or via a policy variable "vxlan-physdev_mcastgrp". If the device doesn't exist we # create it as a dummy device. We need to keep track of the user configuration to # know when to delete this dummy device (when user remove mcastgrp from it's config) self.vxlan_mcastgrp_ref = False self.vxlan_physdev_mcast = policymanager.policymanager_api.get_module_globals( module_name=self.__class__.__name__, attr="vxlan-physdev-mcastgrp" ) or self.VXLAN_PHYSDEV_MCASTGRP_DEFAULT def reset(self): # in daemon mode we need to reset mcastgrp_ref for every new command # this variable has to be set in get_dependent_ifacenames self.vxlan_mcastgrp_ref = False def syntax_check(self, ifaceobj, ifaceobj_getfunc): if self._is_vxlan_device(ifaceobj): if not ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first('vxlan-local-tunnelip') and not self._vxlan_local_tunnelip: self.logger.warning('%s: missing vxlan-local-tunnelip' % ifaceobj.name) return False return self.syntax_check_localip_anycastip_equal( ifaceobj.name, ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first('vxlan-local-tunnelip') or self._vxlan_local_tunnelip, self._clagd_vxlan_anycast_ip ) return True def syntax_check_localip_anycastip_equal(self, ifname, local_ip, anycast_ip): try: if local_ip and anycast_ip and ipnetwork.IPNetwork(local_ip) == ipnetwork.IPNetwork(anycast_ip): self.logger.warning('%s: vxlan-local-tunnelip and clagd-vxlan-anycast-ip are identical (%s)' % (ifname, local_ip)) return False except: pass return True def get_dependent_ifacenames(self, ifaceobj, ifaceobjs_all=None): if ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first("bridge-vlan-vni-map"): ifaceobj.link_privflags |= ifaceLinkPrivFlags.SINGLE_VXLAN if self._is_vxlan_device(ifaceobj): ifaceobj.link_kind |= ifaceLinkKind.VXLAN self._set_global_local_ip(ifaceobj) # if we detect a vxlan we check if mcastgrp is set (if so we set vxlan_mcastgrp_ref) # to know when to delete this device. if not self.vxlan_mcastgrp_ref and ifaceobj.get_attr_value("vxlan-mcastgrp"): self.vxlan_mcastgrp_ref = True elif ifaceobj.name == 'lo': clagd_vxlan_list = ifaceobj.get_attr_value('clagd-vxlan-anycast-ip') if clagd_vxlan_list: if len(clagd_vxlan_list) != 1: self.log_warn('%s: multiple clagd-vxlan-anycast-ip lines, using first one' % (ifaceobj.name,)) self._clagd_vxlan_anycast_ip = clagd_vxlan_list[0] self._set_global_local_ip(ifaceobj) # If we should use a specific underlay device for the VXLAN # tunnel make sure this device is set up before the VXLAN iface. physdev = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first('vxlan-physdev') if physdev: return [physdev] return None def _set_global_local_ip(self, ifaceobj): vxlan_local_tunnel_ip = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first('vxlan-local-tunnelip') if vxlan_local_tunnel_ip and not self._vxlan_local_tunnelip: self._vxlan_local_tunnelip = vxlan_local_tunnel_ip @staticmethod def _is_vxlan_device(ifaceobj): return ifaceobj.link_kind & ifaceLinkKind.VXLAN \ or ifaceobj.link_privflags & ifaceLinkPrivFlags.SINGLE_VXLAN \ or ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first("vxlan-id") \ or ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first("bridge-vlan-vni-map") def __get_vlxan_purge_remotes(self, ifaceobj): if not ifaceobj: return self._vxlan_purge_remotes purge_remotes = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first('vxlan-purge-remotes') if purge_remotes: purge_remotes = utils.get_boolean_from_string(purge_remotes) else: purge_remotes = self._vxlan_purge_remotes return purge_remotes def get_vxlan_ttl_from_string(self, ttl_config): ttl = 0 if ttl_config: if ttl_config.lower() == "auto": ttl = 0 else: ttl = int(ttl_config) return ttl def __config_vxlan_id(self, ifname, ifaceobj, vxlan_id_str, user_request_vxlan_info_data, cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data): """ Get vxlan-id user config and check it's value before inserting it in our netlink dictionary :param ifname: :param ifaceobj: :param vxlan_id_str: :param user_request_vxlan_info_data: :param cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data: :return: """ try: vxlan_id = int(vxlan_id_str) cached_vxlan_id = cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VXLAN_ID) if cached_vxlan_id and cached_vxlan_id != vxlan_id: self.log_error( "%s: Cannot change running vxlan id (%s): Operation not supported" % (ifname, cached_vxlan_id), ifaceobj ) user_request_vxlan_info_data[Link.IFLA_VXLAN_ID] = vxlan_id except ValueError: self.log_error("%s: invalid vxlan-id '%s'" % (ifname, vxlan_id_str), ifaceobj) def __get_vxlan_ageing_int(self, ifname, ifaceobj, link_exists): """ Get vxlan-ageing user config or via policy, return integer value, None or raise on error :param ifname: :param ifaceobj: :param link_exists: :return: """ vxlan_ageing_str = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first("vxlan-ageing") try: if vxlan_ageing_str: return int(vxlan_ageing_str) vxlan_ageing_str = policymanager.policymanager_api.get_attr_default( module_name=self.__class__.__name__, attr="vxlan-ageing" ) if not vxlan_ageing_str and link_exists: # if link doesn't exist we let the kernel define ageing vxlan_ageing_str = self.get_attr_default_value("vxlan-ageing") if vxlan_ageing_str: return int(vxlan_ageing_str) except: self.log_error("%s: invalid vxlan-ageing '%s'" % (ifname, vxlan_ageing_str), ifaceobj) def __config_vxlan_ageing(self, ifname, ifaceobj, link_exists, user_request_vxlan_info_data, cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data): """ Check user config vxlan-ageing and insert it in our netlink dictionary if needed """ vxlan_ageing = self.__get_vxlan_ageing_int(ifname, ifaceobj, link_exists) if not vxlan_ageing or (link_exists and vxlan_ageing == cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VXLAN_AGEING)): return self.logger.info("%s: set vxlan-ageing %s" % (ifname, vxlan_ageing)) user_request_vxlan_info_data[Link.IFLA_VXLAN_AGEING] = vxlan_ageing def __config_vxlan_port(self, ifname, ifaceobj, link_exists, user_request_vxlan_info_data, cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data): """ Check vxlan-port user config, validate the integer value and insert it in the netlink dictionary if needed :param ifname: :param ifaceobj: :param link_exists: :param user_request_vxlan_info_data: :param cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data: :return: """ vxlan_port_str = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first("vxlan-port") try: if not vxlan_port_str: vxlan_port_str = policymanager.policymanager_api.get_attr_default( module_name=self.__class__.__name__, attr="vxlan-port" ) try: vxlan_port = int(vxlan_port_str) except TypeError: # TypeError means vxlan_port was None # ie: not provided by the user or the policy vxlan_port = self.netlink.VXLAN_UDP_PORT except ValueError as e: self.logger.warning( "%s: vxlan-port: using default %s: invalid configured value %s" % (ifname, self.netlink.VXLAN_UDP_PORT, str(e)) ) vxlan_port = self.netlink.VXLAN_UDP_PORT cached_vxlan_port = cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VXLAN_PORT) if link_exists: if vxlan_port != cached_vxlan_port: self.logger.warning( "%s: vxlan-port (%s) cannot be changed - to apply the desired change please run: ifdown %s && ifup %s" % (ifname, cached_vxlan_port, ifname, ifname) ) return self.logger.info("%s: set vxlan-port %s" % (ifname, vxlan_port)) user_request_vxlan_info_data[Link.IFLA_VXLAN_PORT] = vxlan_port except: self.log_error("%s: invalid vxlan-port '%s'" % (ifname, vxlan_port_str), ifaceobj) def __config_vxlan_ttl(self, ifname, ifaceobj, user_request_vxlan_info_data, cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data): """ Get vxlan-ttl from user config or policy, validate integer value and insert in netlink dict :param ifname: :param ifaceobj: :param user_request_vxlan_info_data: :param cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data: :return: """ vxlan_ttl_str = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first("vxlan-ttl") try: if vxlan_ttl_str: vxlan_ttl = self.get_vxlan_ttl_from_string(vxlan_ttl_str) else: vxlan_ttl = self.get_vxlan_ttl_from_string( policymanager.policymanager_api.get_attr_default( module_name=self.__class__.__name__, attr="vxlan-ttl" ) ) cached_ifla_vxlan_ttl = cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VXLAN_TTL) if vxlan_ttl != cached_ifla_vxlan_ttl: if cached_ifla_vxlan_ttl is not None: self.logger.info("%s: set vxlan-ttl %s (cache %s)" % (ifname, vxlan_ttl_str if vxlan_ttl_str else vxlan_ttl, cached_ifla_vxlan_ttl)) else: self.logger.info("%s: set vxlan-ttl %s" % (ifname, vxlan_ttl_str if vxlan_ttl_str else vxlan_ttl)) user_request_vxlan_info_data[Link.IFLA_VXLAN_TTL] = vxlan_ttl except: self.log_error("%s: invalid vxlan-ttl '%s'" % (ifname, vxlan_ttl_str), ifaceobj) def __config_vxlan_local_tunnelip(self, ifname, ifaceobj, link_exists, user_request_vxlan_info_data, cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data): """ Get vxlan-local-tunnelip user config or policy, validate ip address format and insert in netlink dict :param ifname: :param ifaceobj: :param link_exists: :param user_request_vxlan_info_data: :param cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data: :return: """ local = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first("vxlan-local-tunnelip") if not local and self._vxlan_local_tunnelip: local = self._vxlan_local_tunnelip if link_exists: # on ifreload do not overwrite anycast_ip to individual ip # if clagd has modified running_localtunnelip = cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VXLAN_LOCAL) if self._clagd_vxlan_anycast_ip and running_localtunnelip: anycastip = ipnetwork.IPNetwork(self._clagd_vxlan_anycast_ip) if anycastip == running_localtunnelip: local = running_localtunnelip if not local: local = policymanager.policymanager_api.get_attr_default( module_name=self.__class__.__name__, attr="vxlan-local-tunnelip" ) if local: try: local = ipnetwork.IPv4Address(local) if local.initialized_with_prefixlen: self.logger.warning("%s: vxlan-local-tunnelip %s: netmask ignored" % (ifname, local)) except Exception as e: raise Exception("%s: invalid vxlan-local-tunnelip %s: %s" % (ifname, local, str(e))) cached_ifla_vxlan_local = cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VXLAN_LOCAL) if local: if local != cached_ifla_vxlan_local: self.logger.info("%s: set vxlan-local-tunnelip %s" % (ifname, local)) user_request_vxlan_info_data[Link.IFLA_VXLAN_LOCAL] = local # if both local-ip and anycast-ip are identical the function prints a warning self.syntax_check_localip_anycastip_equal(ifname, local, self._clagd_vxlan_anycast_ip) elif cached_ifla_vxlan_local: self.logger.info("%s: removing vxlan-local-tunnelip (cache %s)" % (ifname, cached_ifla_vxlan_local)) user_request_vxlan_info_data[Link.IFLA_VXLAN_LOCAL] = None return local def __get_vxlan_mcast_grp(self, ifaceobj): """ Get vxlan-mcastgrp user config or policy :param ifaceobj: :return: """ vxlan_mcast_grp = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first("vxlan-mcastgrp") if not vxlan_mcast_grp: vxlan_mcast_grp = policymanager.policymanager_api.get_attr_default( module_name=self.__class__.__name__, attr="vxlan-mcastgrp" ) return vxlan_mcast_grp def __get_vxlan_svcnodeip(self, ifaceobj): """ Get vxlan-svcnodeip user config or policy :param ifaceobj: :return: """ vxlan_svcnodeip = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first('vxlan-svcnodeip') if not vxlan_svcnodeip: vxlan_svcnodeip = policymanager.policymanager_api.get_attr_default( module_name=self.__class__.__name__, attr="vxlan-svcnodeip" ) return vxlan_svcnodeip def __config_vxlan_group(self, ifname, ifaceobj, link_exists, mcast_grp, group, physdev, user_request_vxlan_info_data, cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data): """ vxlan-mcastgrp and vxlan-svcnodeip are mutually exclusive this function validates ip format for both attribute and tries to understand what the user really want (remote or group option). :param ifname: :param ifaceobj: :param mcast_grp: :param group: :param physdev: :param user_request_vxlan_info_data: :param cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data: :return: """ if mcast_grp and group: self.log_error("%s: both group (vxlan-mcastgrp %s) and " "remote (vxlan-svcnodeip %s) cannot be specified" % (ifname, mcast_grp, group), ifaceobj) attribute_name = "vxlan-svcnodeip" multicast_group_change = False if group: try: group = ipnetwork.IPv4Address(group) if group.initialized_with_prefixlen: self.logger.warning("%s: vxlan-svcnodeip %s: netmask ignored" % (ifname, group)) except Exception as e: raise Exception("%s: invalid vxlan-svcnodeip %s: %s" % (ifname, group, str(e))) if group.ip.is_multicast: self.logger.warning("%s: vxlan-svcnodeip %s: invalid group address, " "for multicast IP please use attribute \"vxlan-mcastgrp\"" % (ifname, group)) # if svcnodeip is used instead of mcastgrp we warn the user # if mcast_grp is not provided by the user we can instead # use the svcnodeip value if not physdev: self.log_error("%s: vxlan: 'group' (vxlan-mcastgrp) requires 'vxlan-physdev' to be specified" % (ifname)) elif mcast_grp: try: mcast_grp = ipnetwork.IPv4Address(mcast_grp) if mcast_grp.initialized_with_prefixlen: self.logger.warning("%s: vxlan-mcastgrp %s: netmask ignored" % (ifname, mcast_grp)) except Exception as e: raise Exception("%s: invalid vxlan-mcastgrp %s: %s" % (ifname, mcast_grp, str(e))) if not mcast_grp.ip.is_multicast: self.logger.warning("%s: vxlan-mcastgrp %s: invalid group address, " "for non-multicast IP please use attribute \"vxlan-svcnodeip\"" % (ifname, mcast_grp)) # if mcastgrp is specified with a non-multicast address # we warn the user. If the svcnodeip wasn't specified by # the user we can use the mcastgrp value as svcnodeip if not group: group = mcast_grp mcast_grp = None else: attribute_name = "vxlan-mcastgrp" if mcast_grp: group = mcast_grp if not physdev: self.log_error("%s: vxlan: 'group' (vxlan-mcastgrp) requires 'vxlan-physdev' to be specified" % (ifname)) cached_ifla_vxlan_group = cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VXLAN_GROUP) if group != cached_ifla_vxlan_group: if not group: group = ipnetwork.IPNetwork("") attribute_name = "vxlan-svcnodeip/vxlan-mcastgrp" self.logger.info("%s: set %s %s" % (ifname, attribute_name, group)) user_request_vxlan_info_data[Link.IFLA_VXLAN_GROUP] = group # if the mcastgrp address is changed we need to signal this to the upper function # in this case vxlan needs to be down before applying changes then up'd multicast_group_change = True if link_exists: if cached_ifla_vxlan_group: self.logger.info( "%s: vxlan-mcastgrp configuration changed (cache %s): flapping vxlan device required" % (ifname, cached_ifla_vxlan_group) ) else: self.logger.info( "%s: vxlan-mcastgrp configuration changed: flapping vxlan device required" % ifname ) return group, multicast_group_change def __config_vxlan_learning(self, ifaceobj, link_exists, user_request_vxlan_info_data, cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data): if not link_exists or not ifaceobj.link_privflags & ifaceLinkPrivFlags.BRIDGE_PORT: vxlan_learning = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first('vxlan-learning') if not vxlan_learning: vxlan_learning = self.get_attr_default_value('vxlan-learning') vxlan_learning = utils.get_boolean_from_string(vxlan_learning) else: vxlan_learning = cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VXLAN_LEARNING) if vxlan_learning != cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VXLAN_LEARNING): self.logger.info("%s: set vxlan-learning %s" % (ifaceobj.name, "on" if vxlan_learning else "off")) user_request_vxlan_info_data[Link.IFLA_VXLAN_LEARNING] = vxlan_learning def __get_vxlan_physdev(self, ifaceobj, mcastgrp): """ vxlan-physdev wrapper, special handling is required for mcastgrp is provided the vxlan needs to use a dummy or real device for tunnel endpoint communication This wrapper will get the physdev from user config or policy. IF the device doesnt exists we create a dummy device. :param ifaceobj: :param mcastgrp: :return physdev: """ physdev = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first("vxlan-physdev") # if the user provided a physdev we need to honor his config # or if mcastgrp wasn't specified we don't need to go further if physdev or not mcastgrp: return physdev physdev = self.vxlan_physdev_mcast if not self.cache.link_exists(physdev): self.logger.info("%s: needs a dummy device (%s) to use for " "multicast termination (vxlan-mcastgrp %s)" % (ifaceobj.name, physdev, mcastgrp)) self.netlink.link_add_with_attributes(ifname=physdev, kind="dummy", ifla={Link.IFLA_MTU: 16000, Link.IFLA_LINKMODE: 1}) self.netlink.link_up(physdev) return physdev def __config_vxlan_physdev(self, link_exists, ifaceobj, vxlan_physdev, user_request_vxlan_info_data, cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data): if vxlan_physdev: try: vxlan_physdev_ifindex = self.cache.get_ifindex(vxlan_physdev) except NetlinkCacheIfnameNotFoundError: try: vxlan_physdev_ifindex = int(self.sysfs.read_file_oneline("/sys/class/net/%s/ifindex" % vxlan_physdev)) except: self.logger.error("%s: physdev %s doesn't exists" % (ifaceobj.name, vxlan_physdev)) return if vxlan_physdev_ifindex != cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VXLAN_LINK): self.logger.info("%s: set vxlan-physdev %s" % (ifaceobj.name, vxlan_physdev)) user_request_vxlan_info_data[Link.IFLA_VXLAN_LINK] = vxlan_physdev_ifindex # if the vxlan exists we need to return True, meaning that the vxlan # needs to be flapped because we detected a vxlan-physdev change if link_exists: self.logger.info("%s: vxlan-physdev configuration changed: flapping vxlan device required" % ifaceobj.name) return True return False def _up(self, ifaceobj): vxlan_id_str = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first("vxlan-id") if not ifaceobj.link_privflags & ifaceLinkPrivFlags.SINGLE_VXLAN and not vxlan_id_str: self.logger.warning("%s: missing vxlan-id attribute on vxlan device" % ifaceobj.name) return ifname = ifaceobj.name link_exists = self.cache.link_exists(ifname) if link_exists: # if link already exists make sure this is a vxlan device_link_kind = self.cache.get_link_kind(ifname) if device_link_kind != "vxlan": self.logger.error( "%s: device already exists and is not a vxlan (type %s)" % (ifname, device_link_kind) ) ifaceobj.set_status(ifaceStatus.ERROR) return # get vxlan running attributes cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data = self.cache.get_link_info_data(ifname) else: cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data = {} user_request_vxlan_info_data = {} if vxlan_id_str: # for single vxlan device we don't have a vxlan-id self.__config_vxlan_id(ifname, ifaceobj, vxlan_id_str, user_request_vxlan_info_data, cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data) self.__config_vxlan_learning(ifaceobj, link_exists, user_request_vxlan_info_data, cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data) self.__config_vxlan_ageing(ifname, ifaceobj, link_exists, user_request_vxlan_info_data, cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data) self.__config_vxlan_port(ifname, ifaceobj, link_exists, user_request_vxlan_info_data, cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data) self.__config_vxlan_ttl(ifname, ifaceobj, user_request_vxlan_info_data, cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data) local = self.__config_vxlan_local_tunnelip(ifname, ifaceobj, link_exists, user_request_vxlan_info_data, cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data) vxlan_mcast_grp = self.__get_vxlan_mcast_grp(ifaceobj) vxlan_svcnodeip = self.__get_vxlan_svcnodeip(ifaceobj) vxlan_physdev = self.__get_vxlan_physdev(ifaceobj, vxlan_mcast_grp) vxlan_physdev_changed = self.__config_vxlan_physdev( link_exists, ifaceobj, vxlan_physdev, user_request_vxlan_info_data, cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data ) group, multicast_group_changed = self.__config_vxlan_group( ifname, ifaceobj, link_exists, vxlan_mcast_grp, vxlan_svcnodeip, vxlan_physdev, user_request_vxlan_info_data, cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data ) flap_vxlan_device = link_exists and (multicast_group_changed or vxlan_physdev_changed) if user_request_vxlan_info_data: if link_exists and not len(user_request_vxlan_info_data) > 1: # if the vxlan already exists it's already cached # user_request_vxlan_info_data always contains at least one # element: vxlan-id self.logger.info('%s: vxlan already exists - no change detected' % ifname) else: if ifaceobj.link_privflags & ifaceLinkPrivFlags.SINGLE_VXLAN: if link_exists: self.logger.warning("%s: updating existing single vxlan device is not support yet" % ifname) else: self.iproute2.link_add_single_vxlan( ifname, local, user_request_vxlan_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VXLAN_PORT) ) else: try: if flap_vxlan_device: self.netlink.link_down_force(ifname) self.netlink.link_add_vxlan_with_info_data(ifname, user_request_vxlan_info_data) if flap_vxlan_device: self.netlink.link_up_force(ifname) except Exception as e: if link_exists: self.log_error("%s: applying vxlan change failed: %s" % (ifname, str(e)), ifaceobj) else: self.log_error("%s: vxlan creation failed: %s" % (ifname, str(e)), ifaceobj) return vxlan_purge_remotes = self.__get_vlxan_purge_remotes(ifaceobj) remoteips = ifaceobj.get_attr_value('vxlan-remoteip') if remoteips: try: for remoteip in remoteips: ipnetwork.IPv4Address(remoteip) except Exception as e: self.log_error('%s: vxlan-remoteip: %s' % (ifaceobj.name, str(e))) if vxlan_purge_remotes or remoteips: # figure out the diff for remotes and do the bridge fdb updates # only if provisioned by user and not by an vxlan external # controller. local_str = str(local) if local_str and remoteips and local_str in remoteips: remoteips.remove(local_str) peers = self.iproute2.get_vxlan_peers(ifaceobj.name, str(group.ip) if group else None) cur_peers = set(peers) if remoteips: new_peers = set(remoteips) del_list = cur_peers.difference(new_peers) add_list = new_peers.difference(cur_peers) else: del_list = cur_peers add_list = [] for addr in del_list: try: self.iproute2.bridge_fdb_del( ifaceobj.name, "00:00:00:00:00:00", None, True, addr ) except: pass for addr in add_list: try: self.iproute2.bridge_fdb_append( ifaceobj.name, "00:00:00:00:00:00", None, True, addr ) except: pass def _down(self, ifaceobj): try: self.netlink.link_del(ifaceobj.name) except Exception as e: self.log_warn(str(e)) @staticmethod def _query_check_n_update(ifaceobj, ifaceobjcurr, attrname, attrval, running_attrval): if not ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first(attrname): return if running_attrval and attrval == running_attrval: ifaceobjcurr.update_config_with_status(attrname, attrval, 0) else: ifaceobjcurr.update_config_with_status(attrname, running_attrval, 1) @staticmethod def _query_check_n_update_addresses(ifaceobjcurr, attrname, addresses, running_addresses): if addresses: for a in addresses: if a in running_addresses: ifaceobjcurr.update_config_with_status(attrname, a, 0) else: ifaceobjcurr.update_config_with_status(attrname, a, 1) running_addresses = set(running_addresses).difference( set(addresses)) [ifaceobjcurr.update_config_with_status(attrname, a, 1) for a in running_addresses] def _query_check(self, ifaceobj, ifaceobjcurr): ifname = ifaceobj.name if not self.cache.link_exists(ifname): return cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data = self.cache.get_link_info_data(ifname) if not cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data: ifaceobjcurr.check_n_update_config_with_status_many(ifaceobj, self.get_mod_attrs(), -1) return for vxlan_attr_str, vxlan_attr_nl, callable_type in ( ('vxlan-id', Link.IFLA_VXLAN_ID, int), ('vxlan-ttl', Link.IFLA_VXLAN_TTL, int), ('vxlan-port', Link.IFLA_VXLAN_PORT, int), ('vxlan-ageing', Link.IFLA_VXLAN_AGEING, int), ('vxlan-mcastgrp', Link.IFLA_VXLAN_GROUP, ipnetwork.IPv4Address), ('vxlan-svcnodeip', Link.IFLA_VXLAN_GROUP, ipnetwork.IPv4Address), ('vxlan-physdev', Link.IFLA_VXLAN_LINK, lambda x: self.cache.get_ifindex(x)), ('vxlan-learning', Link.IFLA_VXLAN_LEARNING, lambda boolean_str: utils.get_boolean_from_string(boolean_str)), ): vxlan_attr_value = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first(vxlan_attr_str) if not vxlan_attr_value: continue cached_vxlan_attr_value = cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data.get(vxlan_attr_nl) try: vxlan_attr_value_nl = callable_type(vxlan_attr_value) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning('%s: %s: %s' % (ifname, vxlan_attr_str, str(e))) ifaceobjcurr.update_config_with_status(vxlan_attr_str, cached_vxlan_attr_value or 'None', 1) continue if vxlan_attr_value_nl == cached_vxlan_attr_value: ifaceobjcurr.update_config_with_status(vxlan_attr_str, vxlan_attr_value, 0) else: ifaceobjcurr.update_config_with_status(vxlan_attr_str, cached_vxlan_attr_value or 'None', 1) # # vxlan-local-tunnelip # running_attrval = cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VXLAN_LOCAL) attrval = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first('vxlan-local-tunnelip') if not attrval: attrval = self._vxlan_local_tunnelip # TODO: vxlan._vxlan_local_tunnelip should be a ipnetwork.IPNetwork obj ifaceobj.update_config('vxlan-local-tunnelip', attrval) if str(running_attrval) == self._clagd_vxlan_anycast_ip: # if local ip is anycast_ip, then let query_check to go through attrval = self._clagd_vxlan_anycast_ip self._query_check_n_update( ifaceobj, ifaceobjcurr, 'vxlan-local-tunnelip', str(attrval), str(running_attrval.ip) if running_attrval else None ) # # vxlan-remoteip # purge_remotes = self.__get_vlxan_purge_remotes(ifaceobj) if purge_remotes or ifaceobj.get_attr_value('vxlan-remoteip'): # If purge remotes or if vxlan-remoteip's are set # in the config file, we are owners of the installed # remote-ip's, lets check and report any remote ips we don't # understand cached_svcnode = cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VXLAN_GROUP) self._query_check_n_update_addresses( ifaceobjcurr, 'vxlan-remoteip', ifaceobj.get_attr_value('vxlan-remoteip'), self.iproute2.get_vxlan_peers(ifaceobj.name, str(cached_svcnode.ip) if cached_svcnode else None) ) def _query_running(self, ifaceobjrunning): ifname = ifaceobjrunning.name if not self.cache.link_exists(ifname): return if not self.cache.get_link_kind(ifname) == 'vxlan': return cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data = self.cache.get_link_info_data(ifname) if not cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data: return # # vxlan-id # vxlan_id = cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VXLAN_ID) if not vxlan_id: # no vxlan id, meaning this not a vxlan return ifaceobjrunning.update_config('vxlan-id', str(vxlan_id)) # # vxlan-port # vxlan_port = cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VXLAN_PORT) if vxlan_port: ifaceobjrunning.update_config('vxlan-port', vxlan_port) # # vxlan-svcnode # vxlan_svcnode_value = cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VXLAN_GROUP) if vxlan_svcnode_value: vxlan_svcnode_value = str(vxlan_svcnode_value) ifaceobjrunning.update_config('vxlan-svcnode', vxlan_svcnode_value) # # vxlan-remoteip # purge_remotes = self.__get_vlxan_purge_remotes(None) if purge_remotes: # if purge_remotes is on, it means we own the # remote ips. Query them and add it to the running config attrval = self.iproute2.get_vxlan_peers(ifname, vxlan_svcnode_value) if attrval: [ifaceobjrunning.update_config('vxlan-remoteip', a) for a in attrval] # # vxlan-link # vxlan-ageing # vxlan-learning # vxlan-local-tunnelip # for vxlan_attr_name, vxlan_attr_nl, callable_netlink_value_to_string in ( ('vxlan-physdev', Link.IFLA_VXLAN_LINK, self._get_ifname_for_ifindex), ('vxlan-ageing', Link.IFLA_VXLAN_AGEING, str), ('vxlan-learning', Link.IFLA_VXLAN_LEARNING, lambda value: 'on' if value else 'off'), ('vxlan-local-tunnelip', Link.IFLA_VXLAN_LOCAL, str), ): vxlan_attr_value = cached_vxlan_ifla_info_data.get(vxlan_attr_nl) if vxlan_attr_value is not None: vxlan_attr_value_str = callable_netlink_value_to_string(vxlan_attr_value) if vxlan_attr_value: ifaceobjrunning.update_config(vxlan_attr_name, vxlan_attr_value_str) def _get_ifname_for_ifindex(self, ifindex): """ we need this middle-man function to query the cache cache.get_ifname can raise KeyError, we need to catch it and return None """ try: return self.cache.get_ifname(ifindex) except KeyError: return None _run_ops = { "pre-up": _up, "post-down": _down, "query-running": _query_running, "query-checkcurr": _query_check } def get_ops(self): return list(self._run_ops.keys()) def run(self, ifaceobj, operation, query_ifaceobj=None, **extra_args): op_handler = self._run_ops.get(operation) if not op_handler: return if operation != 'query-running': if not self._is_vxlan_device(ifaceobj): return if not self.vxlan_mcastgrp_ref \ and self.vxlan_physdev_mcast \ and self.cache.link_exists(self.vxlan_physdev_mcast): self.netlink.link_del(self.vxlan_physdev_mcast) self.reset() if operation == 'query-checkcurr': op_handler(self, ifaceobj, query_ifaceobj) else: op_handler(self, ifaceobj)