#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright 2020 Alexandre Derumier # Author: Alexandre Derumier, aderumier@odiso.com # try: from ifupdown2.lib.addon import Addon from ifupdown2.ifupdown.iface import * from ifupdown2.ifupdown.utils import utils from ifupdown2.ifupdownaddons.modulebase import moduleBase from ifupdown2.ifupdown.exceptions import moduleNotSupported import ifupdown2.ifupdown.ifupdownflags as ifupdownflags except Exception: from lib.addon import Addon from ifupdown.iface import * from ifupdown.utils import utils from ifupdownaddons.modulebase import moduleBase from ifupdown.exceptions import moduleNotSupported import ifupdown.ifupdownflags as ifupdownflags import logging import re import subprocess import os class openvswitch_port(Addon, moduleBase): """ ifupdown2 addon module to configure openvswitch ports """ _modinfo = { 'mhelp': 'openvswitch module configure openvswitch ports', 'attrs': { 'ovs-bridge': { 'help': 'Interfaces to be part of this ovs bridge', 'required': True, }, 'ovs-type': { 'help': 'ovs interface type', 'validvals': ['OVSPort', 'OVSIntPort', 'OVSBond', 'OVSTunnel', 'OVSPatchPort'], 'required': True, 'example': ['ovs-type OVSPort'], }, 'ovs-options': { 'help': 'This option lets you add extra arguments to a ovs-vsctl command', 'required': False, 'example': ['ovs_options bond_mode=balance-tcp lacp=active tag=100'] }, 'ovs-extra': { 'help': 'This option lets you run additional ovs-vsctl commands,' + 'separated by "--" (double dash). Variables can be part of the "ovs_extra"' + 'option. You can provide all the standard environmental variables' + 'described in the interfaces(5) man page. You can also pass shell' + 'commands.extra args', 'required': False, 'example': ['ovs_extra set interface ${IFACE} external-ids:iface-id=$(hostname -s)'] }, 'ovs-bonds': { 'help': 'Interfaces to be part of this ovs bond', 'validvals': [''], 'required': False, }, 'ovs-tunnel-type': { 'help': 'For "OVSTunnel" interfaces, the type of the tunnel', 'required': False, 'example': ['ovs-tunnel-type gre'], }, 'ovs-tunnel-options': { 'help': 'For "OVSTunnel" interfaces, this field should be ' + 'used to specify the tunnel options like remote_ip, key, etc.', 'required': False, 'example': ['ovs-tunnel-options options:remote_ip= options:key=1'], }, 'ovs-patch-peer': { 'help': 'ovs patch peer', 'required': False, 'example': ['ovs-patch-peer patch0'], }, 'ovs-mtu': { 'help': 'mtu of the ovs interface', 'required': False, 'example': ['ovs-mtu 9000'], }, } } def __init__ (self, *args, **kargs): moduleBase.__init__ (self, *args, **kargs) Addon.__init__(self) if not os.path.exists('/usr/bin/ovs-vsctl'): raise moduleNotSupported('module init failed: no /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl found') def _is_ovs_port (self, ifaceobj): ovstype = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-type') ovsbridge = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-bridge') if ovstype and ovsbridge: return True return False def _get_bond_ifaces (self, ifaceobj): ovs_bonds = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-bonds') if ovs_bonds: return sorted (ovs_bonds.split ()) return None def _ovs_vsctl(self, ifaceobj, cmdlist): if cmdlist: os.environ['IFACE'] = ifaceobj.name if ifaceobj.name else '' os.environ['LOGICAL'] = ifaceobj.name if ifaceobj.name else '' os.environ['METHOD'] = ifaceobj.addr_method if ifaceobj.addr_method else '' os.environ['ADDRFAM'] = ','.join(ifaceobj.addr_family) if ifaceobj.addr_family else '' finalcmd = "/usr/bin/ovs-vsctl" for cmd in cmdlist: finalcmd = finalcmd + " -- " + cmd try: self.logger.debug ("Running %s" % (finalcmd)) utils.exec_user_command(finalcmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as c: raise Exception ("Command \"%s failed: %s" % (finalcmd, c.output)) except Exception as e: raise Exception ("%s" % e) def _addport (self, ifaceobj): iface = ifaceobj.name ovsbridge = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-bridge') ovsoptions = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-options') ovstype = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-type') ovsbonds = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-bonds') ovsextra = ifaceobj.get_attr_value('ovs-extra') cmd_list = [] if ovstype == 'OVSBond': if ovsbonds is None: raise Exception ("missing ovs-bonds option") cmd = "--may-exist --fake-iface add-bond %s %s %s"%(ovsbridge, iface, ovsbonds) cmd_list.append(cmd) else: cmd = "--may-exist add-port %s %s"%(ovsbridge, iface) cmd_list.append(cmd) #clear old ports options cmd = "--if-exists clear port %s bond_active_slave bond_mode cvlans external_ids lacp mac other_config qos tag trunks vlan_mode"%(iface) cmd_list.append(cmd) #clear old interface options cmd = "--if-exists clear interface %s mtu_request external-ids other_config options"%(iface) cmd_list.append(cmd) if ovsoptions: cmd = "set Port %s %s" %(iface, ovsoptions) cmd_list.append(cmd) if ovstype == 'OVSIntPort': cmd = "set Interface %s type=internal"%(iface) cmd_list.append(cmd) if ovstype == 'OVSTunnel': ovstunneltype = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-tunnel-type') if ovstunneltype is None: raise Exception ("missing ovs-tunnel-type option") ovstunneloptions = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first('ovs-tunnel-options') if ovstunneloptions is None: raise Exception ("missing ovs-tunnel-options option") cmd = "set Interface %s type=%s %s"%(iface, ovstunneltype, ovstunneloptions) cmd_list.append(cmd) if ovstype == 'OVSPatchPort': ovspatchpeer = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-patch-peer') if ovspatchpeer is None: raise Exception ("missing ovs-patch-peer") cmd = "set Interface %s type=patch options:peer=%s"%(iface, ovspatchpeer) cmd_list.append(cmd) #mtu ovsmtu = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-mtu') ovsbonds_list = self._get_bond_ifaces(ifaceobj) if ovsmtu is not None: #we can't set mtu on bond fake interface, we apply it on slaves interfaces if ovstype == 'OVSBond' and ovsbonds_list is not None: for slave in ovsbonds_list: cmd = "set Interface %s mtu_request=%s"%(slave,ovsmtu) cmd_list.append(cmd) else: cmd = "set Interface %s mtu_request=%s"%(iface,ovsmtu) cmd_list.append(cmd) #extra if ovsextra is not None: cmd_list.extend(ovsextra) self._ovs_vsctl(ifaceobj, cmd_list) if ovstype != 'OVSTunnel' and ovstype != 'OVSPatchPort': if not self.cache.link_exists(ifaceobj.name): self.iproute2.link_add_openvswitch(ifaceobj.name, "openvswitch") def _delport (self, ifaceobj): iface = ifaceobj.name ovsbridge = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-bridge') cmd = "--if-exists del-port %s %s"%(ovsbridge, iface) self._ovs_vsctl(ifaceobj, [cmd]) def get_dependent_ifacenames(self, ifaceobj, ifacenames_all=None, old_ifaceobjs=False): if not self._is_ovs_port (ifaceobj): return None ifaceobj.link_privflags |= ifaceLinkPrivFlags.OPENVSWITCH ovsbridge = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first ('ovs-bridge') return [ovsbridge] def _up (self, ifaceobj): self._addport (ifaceobj) def _down (self, ifaceobj): if not ifupdownflags.flags.PERFMODE and not self.cache.link_exists (ifaceobj.name): return self._delport (ifaceobj) def _query_check (self, ifaceobj, ifaceobjcurr): if not self.cache.link_exists (ifaceobj.name): return return _run_ops = { 'pre-up': _up, 'post-down': _down, 'query-checkcurr': _query_check } def get_ops (self): """ returns list of ops supported by this module """ return self._run_ops.keys () def run (self, ifaceobj, operation, query_ifaceobj = None, **extra_args): """ run Openvswitch port configuration on the interface object passed as argument Args: **ifaceobj** (object): iface object **operation** (str): any of 'pre-up', 'post-down', 'query-checkcurr', 'query-running' Kwargs: **query_ifaceobj** (object): query check ifaceobject. This is only valid when op is 'query-checkcurr'. It is an object same as ifaceobj, but contains running attribute values and its config status. The modules can use it to return queried running state of interfaces. status is success if the running state is same as user required state in ifaceobj. error otherwise. """ op_handler = self._run_ops.get (operation) if not op_handler: return if (operation != 'query-running' and not self._is_ovs_port (ifaceobj)): return if operation == 'query-checkcurr': op_handler (self, ifaceobj, query_ifaceobj) else: op_handler (self, ifaceobj)