#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright 2014-2017 Cumulus Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. # Author: Roopa Prabhu, roopa@cumulusnetworks.com # # utils -- # helper class # import os import re import shlex import fcntl import signal import logging import subprocess from functools import partial from ipaddr import IPNetwork, IPAddress try: from ifupdown2.ifupdown.iface import * import ifupdown2.ifupdown.ifupdownflags as ifupdownflags except ImportError: from ifupdown.iface import * import ifupdown.ifupdownflags as ifupdownflags def signal_handler_f(ps, sig, frame): if ps: ps.send_signal(sig) if sig == signal.SIGINT: raise KeyboardInterrupt class utils(): logger = logging.getLogger('ifupdown') DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w') _string_values = { "on": True, "yes": True, "1": True, "fast": True, "off": False, "no": False, "0": False, "slow": False } _binary_bool = { True: "1", False: "0", } _yesno_bool = { True: 'yes', False: 'no' } _onoff_bool = { 'yes': 'on', 'no': 'off' } _onoff_onezero = { '1' : 'on', '0' : 'off' } _yesno_onezero = { '1' : 'yes', '0' : 'no' } """ Set debian path as default path for all the commands. If command not present in debian path, search for the commands in the other system directories. This search is carried out to handle different locations on different distros. If the command is not found in any of the system directories, command execution will fail because we have set default path same as debian path. """ bridge_cmd = '/sbin/bridge' ip_cmd = '/bin/ip' brctl_cmd = '/sbin/brctl' pidof_cmd = '/bin/pidof' service_cmd = '/usr/sbin/service' sysctl_cmd = '/sbin/sysctl' modprobe_cmd = '/sbin/modprobe' pstree_cmd = '/usr/bin/pstree' ss_cmd = '/bin/ss' vrrpd_cmd = '/usr/sbin/vrrpd' ifplugd_cmd = '/usr/sbin/ifplugd' mstpctl_cmd = '/sbin/mstpctl' ethtool_cmd = '/sbin/ethtool' systemctl_cmd = '/bin/systemctl' dpkg_cmd = '/usr/bin/dpkg' for cmd in ['bridge', 'ip', 'brctl', 'pidof', 'service', 'sysctl', 'modprobe', 'pstree', 'ss', 'vrrpd', 'ifplugd', 'mstpctl', 'ethtool', 'systemctl', 'dpkg' ]: if os.path.exists(vars()[cmd + '_cmd']): continue for path in ['/bin/', '/sbin/', '/usr/bin/', '/usr/sbin/',]: if os.path.exists(path + cmd): vars()[cmd + '_cmd'] = path + cmd else: logger.debug('warning: path %s not found: %s won\'t be usable' % (path + cmd, cmd)) @staticmethod def get_onff_from_onezero(value): if value in utils._onoff_onezero: return utils._onoff_onezero[value] return value @staticmethod def get_yesno_from_onezero(value): if value in utils._yesno_onezero: return utils._yesno_onezero[value] return value @staticmethod def get_onoff_bool(value): if value in utils._onoff_bool: return utils._onoff_bool[value] return value @staticmethod def get_boolean_from_string(value): return utils._string_values.get(value, False) @staticmethod def get_yesno_boolean(bool): return utils._yesno_bool[bool] @staticmethod def boolean_support_binary(value): return utils._binary_bool[utils.get_boolean_from_string(value)] @staticmethod def is_binary_bool(value): return value == '0' or value == '1' @staticmethod def support_yesno_attrs(attrsdict, attrslist, ifaceobj=None): if ifaceobj: for attr in attrslist: value = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first(attr) if value and not utils.is_binary_bool(value): if attr in attrsdict: bool = utils.get_boolean_from_string(attrsdict[attr]) attrsdict[attr] = utils.get_yesno_boolean(bool) else: for attr in attrslist: if attr in attrsdict: attrsdict[attr] = utils.boolean_support_binary(attrsdict[attr]) @staticmethod def get_int_from_boolean_and_string(value): try: return int(value) except: return int(utils.get_boolean_from_string(value)) @staticmethod def strip_hwaddress(hwaddress): if hwaddress and hwaddress.startswith("ether"): hwaddress = hwaddress[5:].strip() return hwaddress.lower() if hwaddress else hwaddress # we need to "normalize" the user provided MAC so it can match with # what we have in the cache (data retrieved via a netlink dump by # nlmanager). nlmanager return all macs in lower-case @classmethod def importName(cls, modulename, name): """ Import a named object """ try: module = __import__(modulename, globals(), locals(), [name]) except ImportError: return None return getattr(module, name) @classmethod def lockFile(cls, lockfile): try: fp = os.open(lockfile, os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC | os.O_WRONLY) fcntl.flock(fp, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) fcntl.fcntl(fp, fcntl.F_SETFD, fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC) except IOError: return False return True @classmethod def parse_iface_range(cls, name): # eg: swp1.[2-100] # return (prefix, range-start, range-end) # eg return ("swp1.", 1, 20, ".100") range_match = re.match("^([\w]+)\[([\d]+)-([\d]+)\]([\.\w]+)", name) if range_match: range_groups = range_match.groups() if range_groups[1] and range_groups[2]: return (range_groups[0], int(range_groups[1], 10), int(range_groups[2], 10), range_groups[3]) else: # eg: swp[1-20].100 # return (prefix, range-start, range-end, suffix) # eg return ("swp", 1, 20, ".100") range_match = re.match("^([\w\.]+)\[([\d]+)-([\d]+)\]", name) if range_match: range_groups = range_match.groups() if range_groups[1] and range_groups[2]: return (range_groups[0], int(range_groups[1], 10), int(range_groups[2], 10)) return None @classmethod def expand_iface_range(cls, name): ifacenames = [] irange = cls.parse_iface_range(name) if irange: if len(irange) == 3: # eg swp1.[2-4], r = "swp1.", 2, 4) for i in range(irange[1], irange[2]): ifacenames.append('%s%d' %(irange[0], i)) elif len(irange) == 4: for i in range(irange[1], irange[2]): # eg swp[2-4].100, r = ("swp", 2, 4, ".100") ifacenames.append('%s%d%s' %(irange[0], i, irange[3])) return ifacenames @classmethod def is_ifname_range(cls, name): if '[' in name or ']' in name: return True return False @classmethod def check_ifname_size_invalid(cls, name=''): """ IFNAMSIZ in include/linux/if.h is 16 so we check this """ IFNAMSIZ = 16 if len(name) > IFNAMSIZ - 1: return True else: return False @classmethod def enable_subprocess_signal_forwarding(cls, ps, sig): signal.signal(sig, partial(signal_handler_f, ps)) @classmethod def disable_subprocess_signal_forwarding(cls, sig): signal.signal(sig, signal.SIG_DFL) @classmethod def _log_command_exec(cls, cmd, stdin): if stdin: cls.logger.info('executing %s [%s]' % (cmd, stdin)) else: cls.logger.info('executing %s' % cmd) @classmethod def _format_error(cls, cmd, cmd_returncode, cmd_output, stdin): if type(cmd) is list: cmd = ' '.join(cmd) if stdin: cmd = '%s [%s]' % (cmd, stdin) if cmd_output: return 'cmd \'%s\' failed: returned %d (%s)' % \ (cmd, cmd_returncode, cmd_output) else: return 'cmd \'%s\' failed: returned %d' % (cmd, cmd_returncode) @classmethod def get_normalized_ip_addr(cls, ifacename, ipaddrs): if not ipaddrs: return None if isinstance(ipaddrs, list): addrs = [] for ip in ipaddrs: if not ip: continue try: addrs.append(str(IPNetwork(ip)) if '/' in ip else str(IPAddress(ip))) except Exception as e: cls.logger.warning('%s: %s' % (ifacename, e)) return addrs else: try: return str(IPNetwork(ipaddrs)) if '/' in ipaddrs else str(IPAddress(ipaddrs)) except Exception as e: cls.logger.warning('%s: %s' % (ifacename, e)) return ipaddrs @classmethod def get_ip_objs(cls, module_name, ifname, addrs_list): addrs_obj_list = [] for a in addrs_list or []: try: addrs_obj_list.append(IPNetwork(a) if '/' in a else IPAddress(a)) except Exception as e: cls.logger.warning('%s: %s: %s' % (module_name, ifname, str(e))) return addrs_obj_list @classmethod def get_ip_obj(cls, module_name, ifname, addr): if addr: try: return IPNetwork(addr) if '/' in addr else IPAddress(addr) except Exception as e: cls.logger.warning('%s: %s: %s' % (module_name, ifname, str(e))) return None @classmethod def is_addr_ip_allowed_on(cls, ifaceobj, syntax_check=False): msg = ('%s: ignoring ip address. Assigning an IP ' 'address is not allowed on' % ifaceobj.name) if (ifaceobj.role & ifaceRole.SLAVE and not (ifaceobj.link_privflags & ifaceLinkPrivFlags.VRF_SLAVE)): up = None if ifaceobj.upperifaces: up = ifaceobj.upperifaces[0] msg = ('%s enslaved interfaces. %s' % (msg, ('%s is enslaved to %s' % (ifaceobj.name, up)) if up else '')).strip() if syntax_check: cls.logger.warning(msg) else: cls.logger.info(msg) return False elif (ifaceobj.link_kind & ifaceLinkKind.BRIDGE and ifaceobj.link_privflags & ifaceLinkPrivFlags.BRIDGE_VLAN_AWARE): msg = '%s bridge vlan aware interfaces' if syntax_check: cls.logger.warning(msg) else: cls.logger.info(msg) return False return True @classmethod def _execute_subprocess(cls, cmd, env=None, shell=False, close_fds=False, stdout=True, stdin=None, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT): """ exec's commands using subprocess Popen Args: cmd, should be shlex.split if not shell returns: output Note: close_fds=True is affecting performance (2~3 times slower) """ if ifupdownflags.flags.DRYRUN: return '' cmd_output = None try: ch = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=env, shell=shell, close_fds=close_fds, stdin=subprocess.PIPE if stdin else None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE if stdout else cls.DEVNULL, stderr=stderr) utils.enable_subprocess_signal_forwarding(ch, signal.SIGINT) if stdout or stdin: cmd_output = ch.communicate(input=stdin)[0] cmd_returncode = ch.wait() except Exception as e: raise Exception('cmd \'%s\' failed (%s)' % (' '.join(cmd), str(e))) finally: utils.disable_subprocess_signal_forwarding(signal.SIGINT) if cmd_returncode != 0: raise Exception(cls._format_error(cmd, cmd_returncode, cmd_output, stdin)) return cmd_output @classmethod def exec_user_command(cls, cmd, close_fds=False, stdout=True, stdin=None, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT): cls._log_command_exec(cmd, stdin) return cls._execute_subprocess(cmd, shell=True, close_fds=close_fds, stdout=stdout, stdin=stdin, stderr=stderr) @classmethod def exec_command(cls, cmd, env=None, close_fds=False, stdout=True, stdin=None, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT): cls._log_command_exec(cmd, stdin) return cls._execute_subprocess(shlex.split(cmd), env=env, close_fds=close_fds, stdout=stdout, stdin=stdin, stderr=stderr) @classmethod def exec_commandl(cls, cmdl, env=None, close_fds=False, stdout=True, stdin=None, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT): cls._log_command_exec(' '.join(cmdl), stdin) return cls._execute_subprocess(cmdl, env=env, close_fds=close_fds, stdout=stdout, stdin=stdin, stderr=stderr) fcntl.fcntl(utils.DEVNULL, fcntl.F_SETFD, fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC)