#!/usr/bin/python import sys import os import re import argparse from collections import OrderedDict lockfile="/run/network/.lock" modules_configfile='/var/lib/ifupdownaddons/addons.conf' modules_dir='/usr/share/ifupdownaddons' addon_config = OrderedDict([('pre-up', []), ('up', []), ('post-up', []), ('pre-down', []), ('down', []), ('post-down', [])]) def read_modules_config(): with open(modules_configfile, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for l in lines: litems = l.rstrip(' \n').split(',') operation = litems[0] mname = litems[1] addon_config[operation].append(mname) def man_rst_header(): print '==========================' print 'ifupdown-addons-interfaces' print '==========================' print '---------------------------------------------------------' print 'ifupdown2 addon modules interface configuration' print '---------------------------------------------------------' print ':Author: roopa@cumulusnetworks.com' print ':Date: 2013-09-25' print ':Copyright: Copyright 2013 Cumulus Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.' print ':Version: 0.1' print ':Manual section: 5' print '\n' def man_rst_body(): print 'DESCRIPTION' print '===========' print (''' ifupdown2 addon modules add incremental functionality to core ifupdown2 tool. All installed addon modules are executed on every interface listed in the interfaces file. Addon modules are installed under /usr/share/ifupdownaddons. To see the list of active addon modules, see ifaddon(8). Addon modules add new attributes to the interfaces(5) file. Below is a list of attribute options provided by each module. These can be listed under each iface section in the interfaces(5) file. ''') print '\n' def get_addon_modinfo(modules_dir): """ load python modules from modules_dir Default modules_dir is /usr/share/ifupdownmodules """ if not modules_dir in sys.path: sys.path.append(modules_dir) read_modules_config() modinfo = {} try: for op, mlist in addon_config.items(): for mname in mlist: if mname in modinfo.keys(): continue mpath = modules_dir + '/' + mname + '.py' if os.path.exists(mpath): try: m = __import__(mname) mclass = getattr(m, mname) except: pass continue minstance = mclass() if hasattr(minstance, 'get_modinfo'): modinfo[mname] = minstance.get_modinfo() except: raise return modinfo def print_long_string(indent, strarg): slen = 70 - len(indent) tmphelpstr = strarg l = len(strarg) while l > 0: rem = slen if l >= slen else l print('%s%s' %(indent, tmphelpstr[:rem])) tmphelpstr = tmphelpstr[rem:].strip() l -= rem def man_rst_examples(): print 'EXAMPLES' print '========' print ''' Listed below are addon modules and their supported attributes. The attributes if applicable go under the iface section in the interfaces(5) file.\n''' indent = ' ' modinfo = get_addon_modinfo(modules_dir) for m, mdict in modinfo.items(): aindent = indent + ' ' aindentplus = aindent + ' ' if not mdict: continue print_long_string(indent, '**%s**: %s' %(m, mdict.get('mhelp', ''))) attrdict = mdict.get('attrs') if not attrdict: continue print '\n' try: for attrname, attrvaldict in attrdict.items(): if attrvaldict.get('compat', False): continue print('%s**%s**\n' %(aindent, attrname)) print_long_string(aindentplus, '**help**: %s' %(attrvaldict.get('help', ''))) print '\n' print('%s**required**: %s\n' %(aindentplus, attrvaldict.get('required', False))) default = attrvaldict.get('default') if default: print('%s**default**: %s\n' %(aindentplus, default)) validrange = attrvaldict.get('validrange') if validrange: print('%svalidrange: %s\n' %(aindentplus, '-'.join(validrange))) validvals = attrvaldict.get('validvals') if validvals: print('%s**validvals**: %s\n' %(aindentplus, ','.join(validvals))) examples = attrvaldict.get('example') if not examples: continue print '%s**example**:' %(aindentplus) for e in examples: print '%s%s\n' %(aindentplus + indent, e) print '' except Exception, e: print "Roopa: m = %s, str(e) = %s\n" %(m, str(e)) pass print '' def man_rst_see_also(): print 'SEE ALSO' print '========' print ''' interfaces(5), ifup(8), ip(8), mstpctl(8), brctl(8), ethtool(8), clagctl(8)''' def show_man_rst(): man_rst_header() man_rst_body() man_rst_examples() man_rst_see_also() def show(): for operation, mlist in addon_config.items(): postion = 1 for m in mlist: print '%d. %s' %(postion, m) postion += 1 def write_modules_config(): with open(modules_configfile, 'w') as f: for op, mlist in addon_config.items(): [f.write('%s,%s\n' %(op, m)) for m in mlist] def process_add_cmd(args): op = args.operation module = args.module position = args.position if not op: for k, vlist in addon_config.items(): if module not in vlist: addon_config[k].append(module) else: print '%s: module %s already present' %(k, module) return if module in addon_config.get(op): print 'module already present' return if position: try: addon_config[op].insert(position, module) except Exception, e: print ('error inserting module %s at postion %s (%s)' %(module, position, str(e))) raise else: addon_config[op].append(module) def process_del_cmd(args): op = args.operation module = args.module if op: del addon_config[op] else: try: [addon_config[op].remove(module) for op in addon_config.keys()] except ValueError: pass def process_move_cmd(args): op = args.operation module = args.module pos = 0 try: pos = int(args.position) if pos < 0 or pos > len(addon_config.get(op)): raise Exception('invalid value for position') except: raise if addon_config[op].index(module) == pos: print '%s module %s already at location %d' %(op, module, pos) return addon_config[op].remove(module) addon_config[op].insert(pos, module) def print_mlist(mlist, indent): for idx, val in enumerate(mlist): print '%s%d. %s' %(indent, idx, val) def process_show_cmd(args): indent = ' ' op = args.operation if args.man: show_man_rst() return if op: mlist = addon_config[op] print '%s:' %op print_mlist(mlist, indent) else: for op, mlist in addon_config.items(): print '%s:' %op print_mlist(mlist, indent) print '' cmdhandlers = {'add' : process_add_cmd, 'del' : process_del_cmd, 'move' : process_move_cmd, 'show' : process_show_cmd} def update_subparser_add(subparser): subparser.add_argument('module', metavar='MODULE', help='module name') subparser.add_argument('operation', metavar='OPERATION', choices=['pre-up', 'up', 'post-up', 'pre-down', 'down', 'post-down'], help='operations', nargs='?') subparser.add_argument('position', metavar='POSITION', nargs='?', help='position') subparser.set_defaults(func=process_add_cmd) def update_subparser_del(subparser): subparser.add_argument('module', metavar='MODULE', help='module name') subparser.add_argument('operation', metavar='OPERATION', choices=['pre-up', 'up', 'post-up', 'pre-down', 'down', 'post-down'], help='operations', nargs='?') subparser.add_argument('position', metavar='POSITION', nargs='?', help='position') subparser.set_defaults(func=process_del_cmd) def update_subparser_move(subparser): subparser.add_argument('module', metavar='MODULE', help='module name') subparser.add_argument('operation', metavar='OPERATION', choices=['pre-up', 'up', 'post-up', 'pre-down', 'down', 'post-down'], help='operations') subparser.add_argument('position', metavar='POSITION', help='position') subparser.set_defaults(func=process_move_cmd) def update_subparser_show(subparser): subparser.add_argument('--man', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) subparser.add_argument('operation', metavar='OPERATION', choices=addon_config.keys(), help='operations %s' %str(addon_config.keys()), nargs='?') subparser.set_defaults(func=process_show_cmd) def update_argparser(argparser): subparsers = argparser.add_subparsers(help='sub-command help') parser_add = subparsers.add_parser('add') update_subparser_add(parser_add) parser_del = subparsers.add_parser('del', help='del help') update_subparser_del(parser_del) parser_move = subparsers.add_parser('move', help='move help') update_subparser_move(parser_move) parser_show = subparsers.add_parser('show', help='show help') update_subparser_show(parser_show) def parse_args(argsv): descr = 'ifupdown addon modules management command.\n \ This command helps add/del/display/reorder modules \n \ in all ifupdown module categories' argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=descr) update_argparser(argparser) args = argparser.parse_args(argsv) return args def main(argv): """ main function """ try: # Command line arg parser args = parse_args(argv[1:]) read_modules_config() args.func(args) write_modules_config() except Exception, e: print 'error processing command (%s)' %str(e) if __name__ == "__main__": if not os.geteuid() == 0: print 'Error: Must be root to run this command' exit(1) main(sys.argv)