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synced 2024-05-06 15:54:50 +00:00
This is a major update coming all at once from master-next branch master-next branch was started with --orphan option which is basically a new branch without history. The major changes are: - repackaging - cleanup the directory tree - rewritte setup.py to allow install from deb file or pypi (pip install) - add a Makefile to make things (like building a deb) easier - review all debian files Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <julien@cumulusnetworks.com>
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184 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2016-2017 Cumulus Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Author: Julien Fortin, julien@cumulusnetworks.com
import sys
import json
import struct
import select
import logging
import logging.handlers
from cStringIO import StringIO
class Log:
LOGGER_NAME = sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1]
def __init__(self):
- On start the daemon will log on syslog.
- For each client commands we might need to adjust the target
if -v --verbose or -d --debug are provided we override
sys.stdout and sys.stderr with string buffers to be able to send
back the content of these buffer on the UNIX socket back to the
if -l or --syslog we make sure to use syslog.
self.stdout_buffer = None
self.stderr_buffer = None
self.root = logging.getLogger()
self.root.name = Log.LOGGER_NAME
self.root_info = self.root.info
self.root_debug = self.root.debug
self.root_error = self.root.error
self.root_warning = self.root.warning
self.root_critical = self.root.critical
self.root.info = self.info
self.root.debug = self.debug
self.root.error = self.error
self.root.warning = self.warning
self.root.critical = self.critical
logging.addLevelName(logging.CRITICAL, 'critical')
logging.addLevelName(logging.WARNING, 'warning')
logging.addLevelName(logging.ERROR, 'error')
logging.addLevelName(logging.DEBUG, 'debug')
logging.addLevelName(logging.INFO, 'info')
self.syslog = True
self.socket = None
# syslog
facility = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_DAEMON
address = '/dev/log'
format = '%(name)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s'
self.syslog_handler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address=address, facility=facility)
# console
format = '%(levelname)s: %(message)s'
self.console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
if self.LOGGER_NAME[-1] == 'd':
self.update_current_logger(syslog=True, verbose=True, debug=False)
self.update_current_logger(syslog=False, verbose=False, debug=False)
def update_current_logger(self, syslog, verbose, debug):
self.syslog = syslog
self.root.setLevel(self.get_log_level(verbose=verbose, debug=debug))
self.root.handlers = [self.syslog_handler if self.syslog else self.console_handler]
def flush(self):
if self.socket:
result = dict()
stdout = self._flush_buffer('stdout', self.stdout_buffer, result)
stderr = self._flush_buffer('stderr', self.stderr_buffer, result)
if stdout or stderr:
except select.error as e:
# haven't seen the case yet
self.socket = None
self.update_current_logger(syslog=True, verbose=True)
def tx_data(self, data, socket=None):
socket_obj = socket if socket else self.socket
ready = select.select([], [socket_obj], [])
if ready and ready[1] and ready[1][0] == socket_obj:
frmt = "=%ds" % len(data)
packed_msg = struct.pack(frmt, data)
packed_hdr = struct.pack('=I', len(packed_msg))
def set_socket(self, socket):
self.socket = socket
def redirect_stdouput(self):
self.stdout_buffer = sys.stdout = StringIO()
self.stderr_buffer = self.console_handler.stream = sys.stderr = StringIO()
def error(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
self.root_error(msg, *args, **kwargs)
def critical(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
self.root_critical(msg, *args, **kwargs)
def warning(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
self.root_warning(msg, *args, **kwargs)
def info(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
self.root_info(msg, *args, **kwargs)
def debug(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
self.root_debug(msg, *args, **kwargs)
def get_current_log_level(self):
return self.root.level
def is_syslog(self): return self.syslog
def get_log_level(verbose=False, debug=False):
log_level = logging.WARNING
if debug:
log_level = logging.DEBUG
elif verbose:
log_level = logging.INFO
return log_level
def _flush_buffer(stream, buff, dictionary):
if buff:
data = buff.getvalue()
if data:
dictionary[stream] = data
return True
log = Log()
#logging.basicConfig( format="%(filename)s: %(username)s says '%(message)s' in %(funcname)s" )
Logger.debug(msg, *args, **kwargs)
Logs a message with level DEBUG on this logger. The msg is the message format string, and the args are the arguments which are merged into msg using the string formatting operator. (Note that this means that you can use keywords in the format string, together with a single dictionary argument.)
There are two keyword arguments in kwargs which are inspected: exc_info which, if it does not evaluate as false, causes exception information to be added to the logging message. If an exception tuple (in the format returned by sys.exc_info()) is provided, it is used; otherwise, sys.exc_info() is called to get the exception information.
Now that you know the basic plot, let me introduce one more character - the Filter.
Filter as the name suggests, allows you to filter a message before you log it. Yes, messages are filtered based on the level setting, but adding a Filter gives you more fine grained control of messages you log.
Both Loggers and Handlers can have multiple Filters. You can add Filters using addFilter and removeFilter methods.
When a Logger/Handler receives a message, it consults all of its filters. If the filter(record) method on any of the Filters attached returns False (or 0) the message is dropped.
The official documentation, though detailed, is actually pretty confusing about the role of Filters. This is a pity; because Filters can be handy when you want to drop a message based on a regular expression, error code, contextual information and pretty much anything else. The default Filter is pretty much useless (and the doc string is very confusing too). Just inherit from the default filter and override the filter method according to what you want to filter out. (Be sure to download the source for logging module and check out the unit tests which have some good examples. See the references at the end of this post.)"""