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synced 2024-05-06 15:54:50 +00:00
A newer iproute2 version changed the bridge vlan show output, ifupdown2 relies on the previous format, we have the convert data into old format: { "vx-1002": [{ "vlan": 1002, "flags": ["PVID", "Egress Untagged"] }], "vx-1004": [{ "vlan": 1004, "flags": ["PVID", "Egress Untagged"] }] } auto bridge iface bridge bridge-vlan-aware yes bridge-ports vx-1000 vx-1001 vx-1002 vx-1003 vx-1004 hostbond3 hostbond4 bridge-stp on bridge-vids 1000-1004 bridge-pvid 1 auto vx-1002 iface vx-1002 vxlan-id 1002 bridge-access 1002 vxlan-local-tunnelip bridge-learning off bridge-arp-nd-suppress on mstpctl-portbpdufilter yes mstpctl-bpduguard yes mtu 9152 auto hostbond4 iface hostbond4 bond-slaves swp2 swp3 bond-mode 802.3ad bond-min-links 1 bond-lacp-rate 1 mtu 9152 alias Local Node/s TORS1 and Ports swp32s2 swp32s3 <==> Remote Node/s HOSTS12 and Ports swp1 swp2 bridge-pvid 1001 auto swp3 iface swp3 link-speed 10000 link-duplex full link-autoneg off auto swp2 iface swp2 link-speed 10000 link-duplex full link-autoneg off auto vx-1004 iface vx-1004 vxlan-id 1004 bridge-access 1004 vxlan-local-tunnelip bridge-learning off bridge-arp-nd-suppress on mstpctl-portbpdufilter yes mstpctl-bpduguard yes mtu 9152 auto vx-1003 iface vx-1003 vxlan-id 1003 bridge-access 1003 vxlan-local-tunnelip bridge-learning off bridge-arp-nd-suppress on mstpctl-portbpdufilter yes mstpctl-bpduguard yes mtu 9152 auto hostbond3 iface hostbond3 bond-slaves swp5 swp6 bond-mode 802.3ad bond-min-links 1 bond-lacp-rate 1 mtu 9152 alias Local Node/s TORS1 and Ports swp32s0 swp32s1 <==> Remote Node/s HOSTS11 and Ports swp1 swp2 bridge-pvid 1000 auto swp6 iface swp6 link-speed 10000 link-duplex full link-autoneg off auto swp5 iface swp5 link-speed 10000 link-duplex full link-autoneg off auto vx-1001 iface vx-1001 vxlan-id 1001 bridge-access 1001 vxlan-local-tunnelip bridge-learning off bridge-arp-nd-suppress on mstpctl-portbpdufilter yes mstpctl-bpduguard yes mtu 9152 auto vx-1000 iface vx-1000 vxlan-id 1000 bridge-access 1000 vxlan-local-tunnelip bridge-learning off bridge-arp-nd-suppress on mstpctl-portbpdufilter yes mstpctl-bpduguard yes mtu 9152 Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <julien@cumulusnetworks.com>