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synced 2024-05-06 15:54:50 +00:00
When clagd anycast ip configuration changes on an existing setup, we have two issues: - populate_dependency_info is run twice (in the ifreload case), first on the new ifaceobjs, then on the old ifaceobjs. Thus hitting vxlan.get_dependent_ifacenames twice where vxlan._clagd_vxlan_anycast_ip is set (the first time properly, then reset to it's old value). The fix: add a "old_ifaceobjs" flag to avoid resetting vxlan._clagd_vxlan_anycast_ip - when clagd anycast ip changes, clagd also updates the vxlan's ip but there's a chance that the ifupdown2 cache won't get the netlink notification in time before UP ops are running on the vxlans, running on a stale cache is no bueno. The fix: add additional checks to see if we should trust the cache of not. Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <jfortin@nvidia.com>
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2014-2017 Cumulus Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Author: Roopa Prabhu, roopa@cumulusnetworks.com
from ifupdown2.lib.addon import Addon
from ifupdown2.ifupdown.iface import *
from ifupdown2.nlmanager.nlmanager import Link
from ifupdown2.ifupdownaddons.modulebase import moduleBase
from ifupdown2.ifupdown.utils import utils
import ifupdown2.ifupdown.ifupdownflags as ifupdownflags
import ifupdown2.ifupdown.policymanager as policymanager
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
from lib.addon import Addon
from ifupdown.iface import *
from nlmanager.nlmanager import Link
from ifupdownaddons.modulebase import moduleBase
from ifupdown.utils import utils
import ifupdown.ifupdownflags as ifupdownflags
import ifupdown.policymanager as policymanager
class vlan(Addon, moduleBase):
""" ifupdown2 addon module to configure vlans """
_modinfo = {
"mhelp": "vlan module configures vlan interfaces. "
"This module understands vlan interfaces with dot "
"notations. eg swp1.100. Vlan interfaces with any "
"other names need to have raw device and vlan id attributes",
"attrs": {
"vlan-raw-device": {
"help": "vlan raw device",
"validvals": ["<interface>"]
"vlan-id": {
"help": "vlan id",
"validrange": ["0", "4096"]
"vlan-protocol": {
"help": "vlan protocol",
"default": "802.1q",
"validvals": ["802.1q", "802.1ad"],
"example": ["vlan-protocol 802.1q"]
"vlan-bridge-binding": {
"help": "The link state of the vlan device may need to track only the state of the subset of ports "
"that are also members of the corresponding vlan, rather than that of all ports. Add a flag to "
"specify a vlan bridge binding mode, by which the link state is no longer automatically "
"transferred from the lower device, but is instead determined by the bridge ports that are "
"members of the vlan.",
"default": "off",
"validvals": ["on", "off"],
"example": ["vlan-bridge-binding on"]
def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
moduleBase.__init__(self, *args, **kargs)
def _is_vlan_device(ifaceobj):
vlan_raw_device = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first('vlan-raw-device')
if vlan_raw_device:
return True
elif '.' in ifaceobj.name:
return True
return False
def _is_vlan_by_name(ifacename):
return '.' in ifacename
def _get_vlan_raw_device_from_ifacename(ifacename):
""" Returns vlan raw device from ifname
Returns eth0 for ifname eth0.100
Returns eth0.100 for ifname eth0.100.200
Returns None if vlan raw device name cannot
be determined
vlist = ifacename.split('.', 2)
if len(vlist) == 2:
return vlist[0]
elif len(vlist) == 3:
return vlist[0] + "." + vlist[1]
return None
def _get_vlan_raw_device(self, ifaceobj):
vlan_raw_device = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first('vlan-raw-device')
if vlan_raw_device:
return vlan_raw_device
return self._get_vlan_raw_device_from_ifacename(ifaceobj.name)
def get_dependent_ifacenames(self, ifaceobj, ifaceobjs_all=None, old_ifaceobjs=False):
if not self._is_vlan_device(ifaceobj):
return None
ifaceobj.link_kind |= ifaceLinkKind.VLAN
return [self._get_vlan_raw_device(ifaceobj)]
def _bridge_vid_add_del(self, bridgename, vlanid, add=True):
""" If the lower device is a vlan aware bridge, add/del the vlanid
to the bridge """
if self.cache.bridge_is_vlan_aware(bridgename):
if add:
self.netlink.link_add_bridge_vlan(bridgename, vlanid)
self.netlink.link_del_bridge_vlan(bridgename, vlanid)
def _bridge_vid_check(self, ifaceobjcurr, bridgename, vlanid):
""" If the lower device is a vlan aware bridge, check if the vlanid
is configured on the bridge """
if not self.cache.bridge_is_vlan_aware(bridgename):
_, vids = self.cache.get_pvid_and_vids(bridgename)
if not vids or vlanid not in vids:
ifaceobjcurr.status = ifaceStatus.ERROR
ifaceobjcurr.status_str = 'bridge vid error'
def _up(self, ifaceobj):
vlanid = self._get_vlan_id(ifaceobj)
if vlanid == -1:
raise Exception('could not determine vlanid')
vlanrawdevice = self._get_vlan_raw_device(ifaceobj)
if not vlanrawdevice:
raise Exception('could not determine vlan raw device')
ifname = ifaceobj.name
if ifupdownflags.flags.PERFMODE:
cached_vlan_ifla_info_data = {}
cached_vlan_ifla_info_data = self.cache.get_link_info_data(ifname)
vlan_bridge_binding = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first("vlan-bridge-binding")
if not vlan_bridge_binding:
vlan_bridge_binding = policymanager.policymanager_api.get_attr_default(
) or self.get_attr_default_value("vlan-bridge-binding")
bool_vlan_bridge_binding = utils.get_boolean_from_string(vlan_bridge_binding)
vlan_protocol = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first('vlan-protocol')
cached_vlan_protocol = cached_vlan_ifla_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VLAN_PROTOCOL)
if not vlan_protocol:
vlan_protocol = self.get_attr_default_value('vlan-protocol')
if cached_vlan_protocol and vlan_protocol.lower() != cached_vlan_protocol.lower():
raise Exception('%s: cannot change vlan-protocol to %s: operation not supported. '
'Please delete the device with \'ifdown %s\' and recreate it to '
'apply the change.'
% (ifaceobj.name, vlan_protocol, ifaceobj.name))
cached_vlan_id = cached_vlan_ifla_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VLAN_ID)
if cached_vlan_id is not None and vlanid != cached_vlan_id:
raise Exception('%s: cannot change vlan-id to %s: operation not supported. '
'Please delete the device with \'ifdown %s\' and recreate it to '
'apply the change.'
% (ifaceobj.name, vlanid, ifaceobj.name))
if not ifupdownflags.flags.PERFMODE:
vlan_exists = self.cache.link_exists(ifaceobj.name)
if vlan_exists:
user_vlan_raw_device = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first('vlan-raw-device')
cached_vlan_raw_device = self.cache.get_lower_device_ifname(ifname)
if cached_vlan_raw_device and user_vlan_raw_device and cached_vlan_raw_device != user_vlan_raw_device:
raise Exception('%s: cannot change vlan-raw-device from %s to %s: operation not supported. '
'Please delete the device with \'ifdown %s\' and recreate it to apply the change.'
% (ifaceobj.name, cached_vlan_raw_device, user_vlan_raw_device, ifaceobj.name))
if not self.cache.link_exists(vlanrawdevice):
if ifupdownflags.flags.DRYRUN:
raise Exception('rawdevice %s not present' % vlanrawdevice)
if vlan_exists:
# vlan-bridge-binding has changed we need to update it
if vlan_bridge_binding is not None and bool_vlan_bridge_binding != cached_vlan_ifla_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VLAN_FLAGS, {}).get(Link.VLAN_FLAG_BRIDGE_BINDING, False):
self.logger.info("%s: mismatch detected: resetting: vlan-bridge-binding %s" % (ifname, vlan_bridge_binding))
self.netlink.link_add_vlan(vlanrawdevice, ifaceobj.name, vlanid, vlan_protocol, bool_vlan_bridge_binding)
self._bridge_vid_add_del(vlanrawdevice, vlanid)
self.netlink.link_add_vlan(vlanrawdevice, ifaceobj.name, vlanid, vlan_protocol, bool_vlan_bridge_binding if vlan_bridge_binding is not None else None)
self._bridge_vid_add_del(vlanrawdevice, vlanid)
def _down(self, ifaceobj):
vlanid = self._get_vlan_id(ifaceobj)
if vlanid == -1:
raise Exception('could not determine vlanid')
vlanrawdevice = self._get_vlan_raw_device(ifaceobj)
if not vlanrawdevice:
raise Exception('could not determine vlan raw device')
if not ifupdownflags.flags.PERFMODE and not self.cache.link_exists(ifaceobj.name):
self._bridge_vid_add_del(vlanrawdevice, vlanid, add=False)
except Exception as e:
def _query_check(self, ifaceobj, ifaceobjcurr):
if not self.cache.link_exists(ifaceobj.name):
if '.' not in ifaceobj.name:
# if vlan name is not in the dot format, check its running state
ifname = ifaceobj.name
cached_vlan_raw_device = self.cache.get_lower_device_ifname(ifname)
# vlan-raw-device
cached_vlan_raw_device != ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first('vlan-raw-device')
cached_vlan_info_data = self.cache.get_link_info_data(ifname)
# vlan-id
vlanid_config = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first('vlan-id')
if not vlanid_config:
vlanid_config = str(self._get_vlan_id(ifaceobj))
cached_vlan_id = cached_vlan_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VLAN_ID)
cached_vlan_id_str = str(cached_vlan_id)
ifaceobjcurr.update_config_with_status('vlan-id', cached_vlan_id_str, vlanid_config != cached_vlan_id_str)
# vlan-protocol
protocol_config = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first('vlan-protocol')
if protocol_config:
cached_vlan_protocol = cached_vlan_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VLAN_PROTOCOL)
if protocol_config.upper() != cached_vlan_protocol.upper():
# vlan-bridge-binding
vlan_bridge_binding = ifaceobj.get_attr_value_first("vlan-bridge-binding")
if vlan_bridge_binding:
cached_vlan_bridge_binding = cached_vlan_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VLAN_FLAGS, {}).get(
"on" if cached_vlan_bridge_binding else "off",
cached_vlan_bridge_binding != utils.get_boolean_from_string(vlan_bridge_binding)
self._bridge_vid_check(ifaceobjcurr, cached_vlan_raw_device, cached_vlan_id)
def _query_running(self, ifaceobjrunning):
ifname = ifaceobjrunning.name
if not self.cache.link_exists(ifname):
if not self.cache.get_link_kind(ifname) == 'vlan':
# If vlan name is not in the dot format, get the
# vlan dev and vlan id
if '.' in ifname:
cached_vlan_info_data = self.cache.get_link_info_data(ifname)
for attr_name, nl_attr in (
('vlan-id', Link.IFLA_VLAN_ID),
('vlan-protocol', Link.IFLA_VLAN_PROTOCOL)
ifaceobjrunning.update_config(attr_name, str(cached_vlan_info_data.get(nl_attr)))
ifaceobjrunning.update_config('vlan-raw-device', self.cache.get_lower_device_ifname(ifname))
if cached_vlan_info_data.get(Link.IFLA_VLAN_FLAGS, {}).get(Link.VLAN_FLAG_BRIDGE_BINDING, False):
ifaceobjrunning.update_config("vlan-bridge-binding", "on")
_run_ops = {
"pre-up": _up,
"post-down": _down,
"query-checkcurr": _query_check,
"query-running": _query_running
def get_ops(self):
""" returns list of ops supported by this module """
return list(self._run_ops.keys())
def run(self, ifaceobj, operation, query_ifaceobj=None, **extra_args):
""" run vlan configuration on the interface object passed as argument
**ifaceobj** (object): iface object
**operation** (str): any of 'pre-up', 'post-down', 'query-checkcurr',
**query_ifaceobj** (object): query check ifaceobject. This is only
valid when op is 'query-checkcurr'. It is an object same as
ifaceobj, but contains running attribute values and its config
status. The modules can use it to return queried running state
of interfaces. status is success if the running state is same
as user required state in ifaceobj. error otherwise.
if ifaceobj.type == ifaceType.BRIDGE_VLAN:
op_handler = self._run_ops.get(operation)
if not op_handler:
if (operation != 'query-running' and
not self._is_vlan_device(ifaceobj)):
if operation == 'query-checkcurr':
op_handler(self, ifaceobj, query_ifaceobj)
op_handler(self, ifaceobj)