import _ from 'underscore' import bigInt from 'big-integer'; import React from 'react' import {connect} from 'react-redux' import {Link} from 'react-router' import {push} from 'react-router-redux' import {loadRouteserverProtocol} from 'components/routeservers/actions' import RelativeTimestamp from 'components/relativetime/timestamp' import LoadingIndicator from 'components/loading-indicator/small' import {ipToNumeric} from 'components/utils/ip' import {urlEscape} from 'components/utils/query' function _filteredProtocols(protocols, filter) { let filtered = []; if(filter == "") { return protocols; // nothing to do here } // We support different filter modes: // - Default: Try to match as much as possible // - AS$num: Try to match ASN only const filterAsn = _getFilterAsn(filter); if (filterAsn) { filtered = _.filter(protocols, (p) => { return (p.asn == filterAsn); }); } else { filter = filter.toLowerCase(); filtered = _.filter(protocols, (p) => { return (p.asn == filter || p.address.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) != -1 || p.description.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) != -1); }); } return filtered; } function _getFilterAsn(filter) { const tokens = filter.split("AS", 2); if (tokens.length !== 2) { return false; // Not an ASN query } const asn = parseInt(tokens[1], 10); // Check if ASN is a valid number if (asn >= 0 == false) { return false; } return asn; } function _sortAnum(sort) { return (a, b) => { const va = a[sort]; const vb = b[sort]; if (va < vb ) { return -1; } if (va > vb ) { return 1; } return 0; } } function _sortIpAddr(sort) { return (a, b) => { const va = ipToNumeric(a[sort]); const vb = ipToNumeric(b[sort]); // Handle ipv6 case if (va instanceof bigInt) { return va.compareTo(vb); } if (va < vb ) { return -1; } if (va > vb ) { return 1; } return 0; } } function _sortOrder(cmp, order) { return (a, b) => { const res = cmp(a, b); if (order == 'desc') { return res * -1; } return res; } } function _sortNeighbors(neighbors, sort, order) { // Make compare function let cmp = _sortAnum(sort); if (sort == "address") { cmp = _sortIpAddr(sort); } return neighbors.sort(_sortOrder(cmp, order)); } class RoutesLink extends React.Component { render() { let url = `/routeservers/${this.props.routeserverId}/protocols/${this.props.protocol}/routes`; if (this.props.state.toLowerCase() != 'up') { return ({this.props.children}); } return ( {this.props.children} ) } } class NeighborColumnHeader extends React.Component { render() { const baseUrl = `/routeservers/${this.props.rsId}`; const name = this.props.columns[this.props.column]; const sortColumn = this.props.column.toLowerCase(); const active = sortColumn == this.props.sort; const query = urlEscape(this.props.query); let cls = `col-neighbor-attr col-neighbor-${this.props.column} `; // Render link with sorting indicator if (active) { const nextOrder = (this.props.order == 'asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc'; const url = `${baseUrl}?s=${sortColumn}&o=${nextOrder}&q=${query}`; let indicator = ; cls += 'col-neighbor-active '; if (this.props.order == 'desc') { indicator = ; } return ( {name} {indicator} ); } // Column is not active, just present a link: const url = `${baseUrl}?s=${sortColumn}&o=${this.props.order}&q=${query}` return( {name} ); } } // // Neighbours Columns Components // // * Render columums either with direct property // access, or // * Use a "widget", a rendering function to which // the neighbour is passed. // Helper: const lookupProperty = function(obj, path) { let property = path.split(".").reduce((acc, part) => acc[part], obj); if (typeof(property) == "undefined") { property = `Property "${path}" not found in object.`; } return property; } // Widgets: const ColDescription = function(props) { const neighbour = props.neighbour; return ( {neighbour.description} {neighbour.state != "up" && neighbour.last_error && {neighbour.last_error} } ); } const ColUptime = function(props) { return ( ); } const ColLinked = function(props) { // Access neighbour property by path const property = lookupProperty(props.neighbour, props.column); return ( {property} ); } const ColPlain = function(props) { // Access neighbour property by path const property = lookupProperty(props.neighbour, props.column); return ( {property} ); } // Column: const NeighbourColumn = function(props) { const neighbour = props.neighbour; const column = props.column; const widgets = { // Special cases "asn": ColPlain, "state": ColPlain, "Uptime": ColUptime, "Description": ColDescription, }; // Get render function let Widget = widgets[column] || ColLinked; return ( ); } class NeighboursTableView extends React.Component { render() { const columns = this.props.neighboursColumns; const columnsOrder = this.props.neighboursColumnsOrder; const sortedNeighbors = _sortNeighbors(this.props.neighbours, this.props.sortColumn, this.props.sortOrder); let header = => { return ( ); }); let neighbours = => { let neighbourColumns = => { return }); return {neighbourColumns}; }); let uptimeTitle; let sectionTitle = ''; let sectionAnchor = 'sessions-unknown'; let sectionCls = 'card-header card-header-neighbors '; switch(this.props.state) { case 'up': uptimeTitle = 'Uptime'; sectionAnchor = 'sessions-up'; sectionTitle = 'BGP Sessions Established'; sectionCls += 'established '; break; case 'down': uptimeTitle = 'Downtime'; break; case 'start': sectionAnchor = 'sessions-up'; uptimeTitle = 'Since'; sectionAnchor = 'sessions-down'; sectionTitle = 'BGP Sessions Down'; sectionCls += 'down '; } return (


{header} {neighbours}
); } } const NeighboursTable = connect( (state) => ({ neighboursColumns: state.config.neighbours_columns, neighboursColumnsOrder: state.config.neighbours_columns_order, sortColumn: state.neighbors.sortColumn, sortOrder: state.neighbors.sortOrder, filterQuery: state.neighbors.filterQuery, }) )(NeighboursTableView); class Protocols extends React.Component { componentDidMount() { this.props.dispatch( loadRouteserverProtocol(parseInt(this.props.routeserverId)) ); } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if(this.props.routeserverId != nextProps.routeserverId) { this.props.dispatch( loadRouteserverProtocol(parseInt(nextProps.routeserverId)) ); } } render() { if(this.props.isLoading) { return (
); } let protocol = this.props.protocols[parseInt(this.props.routeserverId)]; if(!protocol) { return null; } protocol = _filteredProtocols(protocol, this.props.filterQuery); if(!protocol || protocol.length == 0) { return (

No neighbours could be found.

); } // Filter neighbours let neighboursUp = []; let neighboursDown = []; let neighboursIdle = []; for (let id in protocol) { let n = protocol[id]; switch(n.state.toLowerCase()) { case 'up': neighboursUp.push(n); break; case 'down': neighboursDown.push(n); break; case 'start': neighboursIdle.push(n); break; default: neighboursUp.push(n); console.error("Couldn't classify neighbour by state:", n); } } // Render tables let tables = []; if (neighboursUp.length) { tables.push(); } if (neighboursDown.length) { tables.push(); } if (neighboursIdle.length) { tables.push(); } return (
); } } export default connect( (state) => { return { isLoading: state.routeservers.protocolsAreLoading, protocols: state.routeservers.protocols, filterQuery: state.neighbors.filterQuery, routing: state.routing.locationBeforeTransitions, } } )(Protocols);