[server] listen_http = enable_prefix_lookup = true [theme] path = /path/to/my/alice/theme/files # Optional: url_base = /theme [pagination] # Routes can be paginated, which comes in handy with # peers announcing a lot of routes. Set to 0 to disable # pagination. routes_filtered_page_size = 250 routes_accepted_page_size = 250 routes_not_exported_page_size = 250 [rejection] asn = 9033 reject_id = 65666 [rejection_reasons] 1 = An IP Bogon was detected 2 = Prefix is longer than 64 3 = Prefix is longer than 24 4 = AS path contains a bogon AS 5 = AS path length is longer than 64 6 = First AS in path is not the same as the Peer AS 7 = ECIX prefix hijack 8 = Origin AS not found in IRRDB for Peer AS-SET 9 = Prefix not found in IRRDB for Origin AS 10 = Advertised nexthop address is not the same as the peer [noexport] asn = 9033 noexport_id = 65667 load_on_demand = true # Default: false [noexport_reasons] 1 = The target peer policy is Fairly-open and the sender ASN is an exception 2 = The target peer policy is Selective and the sender ASN is no exception 3 = The target peer policy is set to restrictive 4 = The sender has specifically refused export to the target peer, either through sending 65000:AS, or through the portal 5 = The sender has refused export to all peers and the target is no exception, either through sending 65000:0, or through the portal 6 = The Sender has set (peerRTTHigherDeny:ms) and the targets RTT ms >= then the ms in the community 7 = The Sender has set (peerRTTLowerDeny:ms) and the targets RTT ms <= then the ms in the community [rejection_candidates] communities = 6695:1102:14, 6695:1102:15, 23:42:46 [rpki] enabled = true # Optional, falling back to defaults as defined in: # https://www.euro-ix.net/en/forixps/large-bgp-communities/ valid = 23042:1000:1 unknown = 23042:1000:2 # not_checked = 23042:1000:3 invalid = 23042:1000:4-* # Define Known Bgp Communities [bgp_communities] 1:23 = some tag 9033:65666:1 = ip bogon detected # Wildcards are supported aswell: 0:* = do not redistribute to AS$1 # # Define columns for neighbours and routes table, # with = # # and := Implicitly referencing the object, # e.g. route.bgp.as_path -> bgp.as_path) # |= A widget with special rendering features, # to which the object is applied. E.g. # Uptime, which will be rendered as # Uptime(neighbour). # # As per convention: Widgets are in Uppercase, object properties are # in lowercase. # # Available Widgets for Neighbours: # # Uptime Displays the relative uptime of this neighbour # Description The neighbour's description with link to routes page # [neighbours_columns] address = Neighbour asn = ASN state = State Uptime = Uptime Description = Description routes_received = Routes Received routes_filtered = Filtered [routes_columns] network = Network gateway = Gateway interface = Interface metric = Metric bgp.as_path = AS Path [lookup_columns] network = Network gateway = Gateway neighbour.asn = ASN neighbour.description = Description bgp.as_path = AS Path routeserver.name = RS # Routeservers [source.0] name = rs1.example.com (IPv4) asn = 99999 # optional blackholes =, [source.0.birdwatcher] api = http://rs1.example.com:29184/ # Optional: show_last_reboot = true [source.1] name = rs1.example.com (IPv6) [source.1.birdwatcher] timezone = Europe/Brussels api = http://rs1.example.com:29186/ # Optional: Examples for time format # Please see https://golang.org/pkg/time/#pkg-constants for an # explanation on how time parsing in go works. servertime = 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00 servertime_short = 02.01.2006 servertime_ext = Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700