/* * Routes Rendering Columns */ import _ from 'underscore' window._ = _; import React from 'react' import FilterReason from 'components/routeservers/large-communities/filter-reason' import NoexportReason from 'components/routeservers/large-communities/noexport-reason' import {ROUTES_RECEIVED, ROUTES_FILTERED, ROUTES_NOT_EXPORTED} from './actions'; // Helper: export const PrimaryIndicator = function(props) { if (props.route.primary) { return(
Best Route
); } // Default return ( ); } export const BlackholeIndicator = function(props) { // Check if BGP community 65535:666 is set const communities = props.route.bgp.communities; let isBlackhole = false; for (let c of communities) { if (c[0] == 65535 && c[1] == 666) { isBlackhole = true; break; } } if (isBlackhole) { return(
); } return ( ); } // Helper: Lookup value in route path export const _lookup = (r, path) => { return path.split(".").reduce((acc, elem) => acc[elem], r); } export const ColDefault = function(props) { return ( {_lookup(props.route, props.column)} ); } // Include filter and noexport reason in this column. export const ColNetwork = function(props) { return ( {props.route.network} {props.displayReasons == ROUTES_FILTERED && } {props.displayReasons == ROUTES_NOT_EXPORTED && } ); } // Special AS Path Widget export const ColAsPath = function(props) { const asns = _lookup(props.route, "bgp.as_path"); const baseUrl = "http://irrexplorer.nlnog.net/search/" let asnLinks = asns.map((asn, i) => { return ({asn} ); }); return ( {asnLinks} ); } export const ColFlags = function(props) { return ( ); } // Meta component, decides what to render based on on // prop 'column'. export default function(props) { const widgets = { "network": ColNetwork, "flags": ColFlags, "bgp.as_path": ColAsPath, "ASPath": ColAsPath, }; let Widget = widgets[props.column] || ColDefault; return ( ); }