import React from 'react' import {connect} from 'react-redux' /* * Primary Route Indicator */ export const PrimaryIndicator = function(props) { if (props.route.primary) { return(
Best Route
); } // Default return ( ); } /* * Blackhole Route Indicator */ export const BlackholeIndicator = function(props) { const blackholes = props.blackholes || []; const communities = props.route.bgp.communities; const nextHop = props.route.bgp.next_hop; // Check if next hop is a known blackhole let isBlackhole = blackholes.includes(nextHop); // Check if BGP community 65535:666 is set for (const c of communities) { if (c[0] == 65535 && c[1] == 666) { isBlackhole = true; break; } } if (isBlackhole) { return(
); } return ( ); } /* * RPKI Status Indicators */ const _RpkiIndicator = function(props) { // Check if indicator is enabled if (props.rpki.enabled == false) { return null; } // Check for BGP large communities as configured in the alice.conf const rpkiValid = props.rpki.valid; const rpkiUnknown = props.rpki.unknown; const rpkiNotChecked = props.rpki.not_checked; const rpkiInvalid = props.rpki.invalid; const communities = props.route.bgp.large_communities; for (const com of communities) { // RPKI VALID if (com[0].toFixed() === rpkiValid[0] && com[1].toFixed() === rpkiValid[1] && com[2].toFixed() === rpkiValid[2]) { return (
RPKI Valid
); } // RPKI UNKNOWN if (com[0].toFixed() === rpkiUnknown[0] && com[1].toFixed() === rpkiUnknown[1] && com[2].toFixed() === rpkiUnknown[2]) { return (
RPKI Unknown
); } // RPKI NOT CHECKED if (com[0].toFixed() === rpkiNotChecked[0] && com[1].toFixed() === rpkiNotChecked[1] && com[2].toFixed() === rpkiNotChecked[2]) { return ( ); } // RPKI INVALID // Depending on the configration this can either be a // single flag or a range with a given reason. let rpkiInvalidReason = 0; if (com[0].toFixed() === rpkiInvalid[0] && com[1].toFixed() === rpkiInvalid[1]) { // This needs to be considered invalid, now try to detect why if (rpkiInvalid.length > 3 && rpkiInvalid[3] == "*") { // Check if token falls within range const start = parseInt(rpkiInvalid[2], 10); if (com[2] >= start) { rpkiInvalidReason = com[2]; } } else { if (com[2].toFixed() === rpkiInvalid[2]) { rpkiInvalidReason = 1; } } } // This in invalid, render it! if (rpkiInvalidReason > 0) { const cls = `route-prefix-flag rpki-route rpki-invalid rpki-invalid-${rpkiInvalidReason}` return (
RPKI Invalid
); } } return null; } export const RpkiIndicator = connect( (state) => ({ rpki: state.config.rpki, asn: state.config.asn, }) )(_RpkiIndicator); /* * Reject Candidate Indicator */