# # Build the Alice Looking Glass # ----------------------------- # # PROG=alice-lg ARCH=amd64 SYSTEM_INIT=systemd # == END BUILD CONFIGURATION == VERSION=$(shell cat ./VERSION) # Specify build server for remotely building the RPM # you can do this when you invoke the makefile # using: # make remote_rpm BUILD_SERVER=build-rpm.example.com BUILD_SERVER='' DIST=DIST/ REMOTE_DIST=$(PROG)-$(DIST) RPM=$(PROG)-$(VERSION)-1.x86_64.rpm LOCAL_RPMS=RPMS all: alice client_dev: $(MAKE) -C client/ client_prod: $(MAKE) -C client/ client_prod backend_dev: client_dev $(MAKE) -C backend/ dev: $(MAKE) -C backend/ osx-dev backend_prod: client_prod $(MAKE) -C backend/ bundle $(MAKE) -C backend/ linux alice: client_prod backend_prod mv backend/alice-lg-* bin/ dist: clean alice mkdir -p $(DIST)opt/ecix/alicelg/bin mkdir -p $(DIST)etc/alicelg # Adding post install script cp install/scripts/after_install $(DIST)/. ifeq ($(SYSTEM_INIT), systemd) # Installing systemd services mkdir -p $(DIST)usr/lib/systemd/system/ cp install/systemd/* $(DIST)usr/lib/systemd/system/. else # Installing upstart configuration mkdir -p $(DIST)/etc/init/ cp install/upstart/* $(DIST)etc/init/. endif # Copy example configuration cp etc/alicelg/alice.example.conf $(DIST)/etc/alicelg/alice.example.conf # Copy application cp bin/$(PROG)-linux-$(ARCH) DIST/opt/ecix/alicelg/bin/. rpm: dist # Clear tmp failed build (if any) mkdir -p $(LOCAL_RPMS) # Create RPM from dist fpm -s dir -t rpm -n $(PROG) -v $(VERSION) -C $(DIST) \ --architecture $(ARCH) \ --config-files /etc/alicelg/alice.example.conf \ --after-install $(DIST)/after_install \ opt/ etc/ mv $(RPM) $(LOCAL_RPMS) build_server: ifeq ($(BUILD_SERVER), '') $(error BUILD_SERVER not configured) endif remote_rpm: build_server dist mkdir -p $(LOCAL_RPMS) # Copy distribution to build server ssh $(BUILD_SERVER) -- rm -rf $(REMOTE_DIST) scp -r $(DIST) $(BUILD_SERVER):$(REMOTE_DIST) ssh $(BUILD_SERVER) -- fpm -s dir -t rpm -n $(PROG) -v $(VERSION) -C $(REMOTE_DIST) \ --architecture $(ARCH) \ --config-files /etc/alicelg/alice.example.conf \ --after-install $(REMOTE_DIST)/after_install \ opt/ etc/ # Get rpm from server scp $(BUILD_SERVER):$(RPM) $(LOCAL_RPMS)/. clean: rm -f bin/alice-lg-linux-amd64 rm -f bin/alice-lg-osx-amd64 rm -rf $(DIST)