package main import ( "io" "log" "net/http" "strings" "" "" ) // Web Client // Handle assets and client app preprarations // Register assets handler and index handler // at /static and / func httpRegisterAssets(router *httprouter.Router) error { log.Println("Preparing and installing assets") // Serve static assets assets := rice.MustFindBox("../client/build") assetsHandler := http.StripPrefix( "/static/", http.FileServer(assets.HTTPBox())) // Register static assets router.Handler("GET", "/static/*path", assetsHandler) // Prepare client html: Rewrite paths indexHtml, err := assets.String("index.html") if err != nil { return err } pathRewriter := strings.NewReplacer( "js/", "/static/js/", "css/", "/static/css/") indexHtml = pathRewriter.Replace(indexHtml) // Rewrite paths // Serve index html as root router.GET("/", func(res http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) { io.WriteString(res, indexHtml) }) return nil }