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package birdwatcher
// Parsers and helpers
import (
// Convert server time string to time
func parseServerTime(value interface{}, layout, timezone string) (time.Time, error) {
svalue, ok := value.(string)
if !ok {
return time.Time{}, nil
loc, err := time.LoadLocation(timezone)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
t, err := time.ParseInLocation(layout, svalue, loc)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
return t.UTC(), nil
// Make api status from response:
// The api status is always included in a birdwatcher response
func parseApiStatus(bird ClientResponse, config Config) (api.ApiStatus, error) {
birdApi, ok := bird["api"].(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
// Define error status
status := api.ApiStatus{
Version: "unknown / error",
ResultFromCache: false,
Ttl: time.Now(),
// Try to retrieve the real error from server
birdErr, ok := bird["error"].(string)
if !ok {
// Unknown error
return status, fmt.Errorf("Invalid API response received from server")
return status, fmt.Errorf(birdErr)
ttl, err := parseServerTime(
if err != nil {
return api.ApiStatus{}, err
status := api.ApiStatus{
Version: birdApi["Version"].(string),
ResultFromCache: birdApi["result_from_cache"].(bool),
Ttl: ttl,
return status, nil
// Parse birdwatcher status
func parseBirdwatcherStatus(bird ClientResponse, config Config) (api.Status, error) {
birdStatus := bird["status"].(map[string]interface{})
// Get special fields
serverTime, _ := parseServerTime(
lastReboot, _ := parseServerTime(
lastReconfig, _ := parseServerTime(
// Make status response
status := api.Status{
ServerTime: serverTime,
LastReboot: lastReboot,
LastReconfig: lastReconfig,
Backend: "bird",
Version: mustString(birdStatus["version"], "unknown"),
Message: mustString(birdStatus["message"], "unknown"),
RouterId: mustString(birdStatus["router_id"], "unknown"),
return status, nil
// Parse neighbour uptime
func parseRelativeServerTime(uptime interface{}, config Config) time.Duration {
serverTime, _ := parseServerTime(uptime, config.ServerTimeShort, config.Timezone)
return time.Since(serverTime)
// Parse neighbours response
func parseNeighbours(bird ClientResponse, config Config) (api.Neighbours, error) {
neighbours := api.Neighbours{}
protocols := bird["protocols"].(map[string]interface{})
// Iterate over protocols map:
for protocolId, proto := range protocols {
protocol := proto.(map[string]interface{})
routes := protocol["routes"].(map[string]interface{})
uptime := parseRelativeServerTime(protocol["state_changed"], config)
lastError := mustString(protocol["last_error"], "")
neighbour := &api.Neighbour{
Id: protocolId,
Address: mustString(protocol["neighbor_address"], "error"),
Asn: mustInt(protocol["neighbor_as"], 0),
State: mustString(protocol["state"], "unknown"),
Description: mustString(protocol["description"], "no description"),
//TODO make these changes configurable
RoutesReceived: mustInt(routes["imported"], 0),
RoutesExported: mustInt(routes["exported"], 0), //TODO protocol_exported?
RoutesFiltered: mustInt(routes["filtered"], 0),
RoutesPreferred: mustInt(routes["preferred"], 0),
RoutesAccepted: mustInt(routes["pipe_imported"], mustInt(routes["imported"], 0)),
RoutesPipeFiltered: mustInt(routes["pipe_filtered"], mustInt(routes["filtered"], 0)),
Uptime: uptime,
LastError: lastError,
Details: protocol,
neighbours = append(neighbours, neighbour)
return neighbours, nil
// Parse route bgp info
func parseRouteBgpInfo(data interface{}) api.BgpInfo {
bgpData, ok := data.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
// Info is missing
return api.BgpInfo{}
asPath := parseIntList(bgpData["as_path"])
communities := parseBgpCommunities(bgpData["communities"])
largeCommunities := parseBgpCommunities(bgpData["large_communities"])
localPref, _ := strconv.Atoi(mustString(bgpData["local_pref"], "0"))
med, _ := strconv.Atoi(mustString(bgpData["med"], "0"))
bgp := api.BgpInfo{
Origin: mustString(bgpData["origin"], "unknown"),
AsPath: asPath,
NextHop: mustString(bgpData["next_hop"], "unknown"),
LocalPref: localPref,
Med: med,
Communities: communities,
LargeCommunities: largeCommunities,
return bgp
// Extract bgp communities from response
func parseBgpCommunities(data interface{}) []api.Community {
communities := []api.Community{}
ldata, ok := data.([]interface{})
if !ok { // We don't have any
return []api.Community{}
for _, c := range ldata {
cdata := c.([]interface{})
community := api.Community{}
for _, cinfo := range cdata {
community = append(community, int(cinfo.(float64)))
communities = append(communities, community)
return communities
// Assert string, provide default
func mustString(value interface{}, fallback string) string {
sval, ok := value.(string)
if !ok {
return fallback
return sval
// Assert list of strings
func mustStringList(data interface{}) []string {
list := []string{}
ldata, ok := data.([]interface{})
if !ok {
return []string{}
for _, e := range ldata {
s, ok := e.(string)
if ok {
list = append(list, s)
return list
// Convert list of strings to int
func parseIntList(data interface{}) []int {
list := []int{}
sdata := mustStringList(data)
for _, e := range sdata {
val, _ := strconv.Atoi(e)
list = append(list, val)
return list
func mustInt(value interface{}, fallback int) int {
fval, ok := value.(float64)
if !ok {
return fallback
return int(fval)
// Parse partial routes response
func parseRoutesData(birdRoutes []interface{}, config Config) api.Routes {
routes := api.Routes{}
for _, data := range birdRoutes {
rdata := data.(map[string]interface{})
age := parseRelativeServerTime(rdata["age"], config)
rtype := mustStringList(rdata["type"])
bgpInfo := parseRouteBgpInfo(rdata["bgp"])
route := &api.Route{
Id: mustString(rdata["network"], "unknown"),
NeighbourId: mustString(rdata["from_protocol"], "unknown neighbour"),
Network: mustString(rdata["network"], "unknown net"),
Interface: mustString(rdata["interface"], "unknown interface"),
Gateway: mustString(rdata["gateway"], "unknown gateway"),
Metric: mustInt(rdata["metric"], -1),
Age: age,
Type: rtype,
Bgp: bgpInfo,
Details: rdata,
routes = append(routes, route)
return routes
// Parse routes response
func parseRoutes(bird ClientResponse, config Config) (api.Routes, error) {
birdRoutes, ok := bird["routes"].([]interface{})
if !ok {
return api.Routes{}, fmt.Errorf("Routes response missing")
routes := parseRoutesData(birdRoutes, config)
// Sort routes
return routes, nil
func parseRoutesDump(bird ClientResponse, config Config) (api.RoutesResponse, error) {
result := api.RoutesResponse{}
apiStatus, err := parseApiStatus(bird, config)
if err != nil {
return result, err
result.Api = apiStatus
// Fetch imported routes
importedRoutes, ok := bird["imported"].([]interface{})
if !ok {
return result, fmt.Errorf("Imported routes missing")
// Sort routes by network for faster querying
imported := parseRoutesData(importedRoutes, config)
result.Imported = imported
// Fetch filtered routes
filteredRoutes, ok := bird["filtered"].([]interface{})
if !ok {
return result, fmt.Errorf("Filtered routes missing")
filtered := parseRoutesData(filteredRoutes, config)
result.Filtered = filtered
return result, nil