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package store
import (
// ReMatchASLookup matches lookups with an 'AS' prefix
var ReMatchASLookup = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^AS(\d+)`)
// NeighborsStoreBackend interface
type NeighborsStoreBackend interface {
// SetNeighbors replaces all neighbors for a given
// route server identified by sourceID.
ctx context.Context,
sourceID string,
neighbors api.Neighbors,
) error
// GetNeighborsAt retrieves all neighbors associated
// with a route server (source).
ctx context.Context,
sourceID string,
) (api.Neighbors, error)
// GetNeighborAt retrieve a neighbor at a route server.
ctx context.Context,
sourceID string,
neighborID string,
) (*api.Neighbor, error)
// CountNeighborsAt retrieves the current number of
// stored neighbors.
ctx context.Context,
sourceID string,
) (int, error)
// NeighborsStore is queryable for neighbor information
type NeighborsStore struct {
backend NeighborsStoreBackend
sources *SourcesStore
forceNeighborRefresh bool
// NewNeighborsStore creates a new store for neighbors
func NewNeighborsStore(
cfg *config.Config,
backend NeighborsStoreBackend,
) *NeighborsStore {
// Set refresh interval, default to 5 minutes when
// interval is set to 0
refreshInterval := time.Duration(
cfg.Server.NeighborsStoreRefreshInterval) * time.Minute
if refreshInterval == 0 {
refreshInterval = time.Duration(5) * time.Minute
log.Println("Neighbors Store refresh interval set to:", refreshInterval)
// Store refresh information per store
sources := NewSourcesStore(cfg, refreshInterval)
// Neighbors will be refreshed on every GetNeighborsAt
// invocation. Why? I (Annika) don't know. I have to ask Patrick.
// TODO: This feels wrong here. Figure out reason why it
// was added and refactor.
// At least now the variable name is a bit more honest.
forceNeighborRefresh := cfg.Server.EnableNeighborsStatusRefresh
store := &NeighborsStore{
backend: backend,
sources: sources,
forceNeighborRefresh: forceNeighborRefresh,
return store
// Start the store's housekeeping.
func (s *NeighborsStore) Start() {
log.Println("Starting local neighbors store")
go s.init()
func (s *NeighborsStore) init() {
// Periodically trigger updates. Sources with an
// LastNeighborsRefresh < refreshInterval or currently
// updating will be skipped.
for {
// SourceStatus retrievs the status for a route server
// identified by sourceID.
func (s *NeighborsStore) SourceStatus(sourceID string) (*Status, error) {
return s.sources.GetStatus(sourceID)
// IsInitialized retrieves the status for a route server
// and checks if it is ready.
func (s *NeighborsStore) IsInitialized(sourceID string) bool {
rdy, _ := s.sources.IsInitialized(sourceID)
return rdy
// updateSource will update a single source. This
// function may crash or return errors.
func (s *NeighborsStore) updateSource(
ctx context.Context,
src sources.Source,
srcID string,
) error {
// Get neighbors form source instance and update backend
res, err := src.Neighbors()
if err != nil {
return err
if err = s.backend.SetNeighbors(ctx, srcID, res.Neighbors); err != nil {
return err
return s.sources.RefreshSuccess(srcID)
// safeUpdateSource will try to update a source but
// will recover from a panic if something goes wrong.
// In that case, the LastError and State will be updated.
func (s *NeighborsStore) safeUpdateSource(id string) {
ctx := context.TODO()
if !s.sources.ShouldRefresh(id) {
return // Nothing to do here
if err := s.sources.LockSource(id); err != nil {
log.Println("Cloud not start neighbor refresh:", err)
// Apply jitter so, we do not hit everything at once.
// TODO: Make configurable
time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(30)) * time.Second)
src := s.sources.GetInstance(id)
srcName := s.sources.GetName(id)
// Prepare for impact.
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
"Recovering after failed neighbors refresh of",
srcName, "from:", err)
s.sources.RefreshError(id, err)
if err := s.updateSource(ctx, src, id); err != nil {
"Refeshing neighbors of", srcName, "failed:", err)
s.sources.RefreshError(id, err)
// Update all neighbors from all sources, where the
// sources last neighbor refresh is longer ago
// than the configured refresh period.
func (s *NeighborsStore) update() {
for _, id := range s.sources.GetSourceIDs() {
go s.safeUpdateSource(id)
// GetNeighborsAt gets all neighbors from a routeserver
func (s *NeighborsStore) GetNeighborsAt(sourceID string) (api.Neighbors, error) {
ctx := context.TODO()
if s.forceNeighborRefresh {
src := s.sources.GetInstance(sourceID)
if src == nil {
return nil, sources.ErrSourceNotFound
if err := s.updateSource(ctx, src, sourceID); err != nil {
return nil, err
return s.backend.GetNeighborsAt(ctx, sourceID)
// GetNeighborAt looks up a neighbor on a RS by ID.
func (s *NeighborsStore) GetNeighborAt(
sourceID string, neighborID string,
) (*api.Neighbor, error) {
ctx := context.TODO()
return s.backend.GetNeighborAt(ctx, sourceID, neighborID)
// lookupNeighborsAt filters for neighbors at a route
// server matching a given query string.
func (s *NeighborsStore) lookupNeighborsAt(
ctx context.Context,
sourceID string,
query string,
) (api.Neighbors, error) {
results := api.Neighbors{}
neighbors, err := s.backend.GetNeighborsAt(ctx, sourceID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
asn := -1
if ReMatchASLookup.MatchString(query) {
groups := ReMatchASLookup.FindStringSubmatch(query)
if a, err := strconv.Atoi(groups[1]); err == nil {
asn = a
for _, neighbor := range neighbors {
if asn >= 0 && neighbor.ASN == asn { // only executed if valid AS query is detected
results = append(results, neighbor)
} else if ContainsCi(neighbor.Description, query) {
results = append(results, neighbor)
} else {
return results, nil
// LookupNeighbors filters for neighbors matching a query
// on all route servers.
func (s *NeighborsStore) LookupNeighbors(
query string,
) api.NeighborsLookupResults {
// Create empty result set
ctx := context.TODO()
results := make(api.NeighborsLookupResults)
for _, sourceID := range s.sources.GetSourceIDs() {
neighbors, err := s.lookupNeighborsAt(ctx, sourceID, query)
if err != nil {
log.Println("error during lookup:", query, err)
results[sourceID] = neighbors
return results
// FilterNeighborsAt filters neighbors from a single route server.
func (s *NeighborsStore) FilterNeighborsAt(
sourceID string,
filter *api.NeighborFilter,
) (api.Neighbors, error) {
ctx := context.TODO()
results := []*api.Neighbor{}
neighbors, err := s.backend.GetNeighborsAt(ctx, sourceID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Apply filters
for _, neighbor := range neighbors {
if filter.Match(neighbor) {
results = append(results, neighbor)
return results, nil
// FilterNeighbors retrieves neighbors by name or by ASN
// from all route servers.
func (s *NeighborsStore) FilterNeighbors(
filter *api.NeighborFilter,
) api.Neighbors {
results := []*api.Neighbor{}
// Get neighbors from all routeservers
for _, sourceID := range s.sources.GetSourceIDs() {
neighbors, err := s.FilterNeighborsAt(sourceID, filter)
if err != nil {
log.Println("error during filter lookup:", err)
results = append(results, neighbors...)
return results
// Stats exports some statistics for monitoring.
func (s *NeighborsStore) Stats() *api.NeighborsStoreStats {
ctx := context.TODO()
totalNeighbors := 0
rsStats := []api.RouteServerNeighborsStats{}
for _, sourceID := range s.sources.GetSourceIDs() {
status, _ := s.sources.GetStatus(sourceID)
ncount, err := s.backend.CountNeighborsAt(ctx, sourceID)
if err != nil {
log.Println("error during neighbor count:", err)
totalNeighbors += ncount
serverStats := api.RouteServerNeighborsStats{
Name: s.sources.GetName(sourceID),
State: status.State.String(),
Neighbors: ncount,
UpdatedAt: s.SourceCachedAt(sourceID),
rsStats = append(rsStats, serverStats)
storeStats := &api.NeighborsStoreStats{
TotalNeighbors: totalNeighbors,
RouteServers: rsStats,
return storeStats
// SourceCachedAt returns the last time the store content
// was refreshed.
func (s *NeighborsStore) SourceCachedAt(sourceID string) time.Time {
status, err := s.sources.GetStatus(sourceID)
if err != nil {
log.Println("error while getting source cached at:", err)
return time.Time{}
return status.LastRefresh
// SourceCacheTTL returns the next time when a refresh
// will be started.
func (s *NeighborsStore) SourceCacheTTL(sourceID string) time.Time {
return s.sources.NextRefresh(sourceID)