# How to use this book This book is, and we hope always will be, a work in progress. It is intended for people who plan, deploy, maintain and operate computer networks using Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). It is being written and updated by exactly such people. IPv6 is a mature protocol but every day we gain more experience, products are updated, and quite often the underlying technical standards are updated too. Therefore, this book will likewise be constantly updated. It's issued under an [open source license](https://github.com/becarpenter/book6/blob/main/LICENSE.md). You are welcome to obtain a printed copy at cost price, but be aware that the book will evolve constantly. The [list of contents](https://github.com/becarpenter/book6/blob/main/Contents.md) should act as an on-line guide to the topics covered. Most readers will probably not read from cover to cover. Design your own path through the book. ### [Previous](Foreword.md) [Next](How%20a%20user%20sees%20IPv6.md) [Chapter Contents](./1.%20Introduction%20and%20Foreword.md)