## Markdown Usage
The basics of using the GitHub dialect of markdown are [here](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/writing-on-github/getting-started-with-writing-and-formatting-on-github/basic-writing-and-formatting-syntax). As a general rule, please use the simpler constructs and avoid fancy formatting.
And don't forget, a separate .md file for each new section in any chapter of the book.
References can be done in basic Markdown form, i.e.:
[text](URL) to refer to any valid URL
but a feature adapted from kramdown is also available, e.g.
{{{RFC8200}}} to refer to an RFC
{{{BCP198}}} to refer to an IETF Best Current Practice
{{{STD86}}} to refer to an IETF Internet Standard
{{{Last Section}}} to refer to a section in the present chapter
{{{2. Addresses}}} to refer to a section in another chapter (the single space is required)
Such references will be fixed up by the next run of makeBook,
since they are unknown to GitHub's built-in markdown.
Diagrams can be ASCII art when applicable, e.g.:
|Version| Traffic Class | Flow Label |
| Payload Length | Next Header | Hop Limit |
| etc. |
The [*mermaid* tool](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/writing-on-github/working-with-advanced-formatting/creating-diagrams) can be used for flow charts and state diagrams, e.g.:
flowchart LR
S[Start here] --> E[End here]
flowchart LR
S[Start here] --> E[End here]
Other types of diagrams could be included using SVG generated by a separate drawing tool such as *dia*, with the SVG file also stored here on GitHub, e.g.:
Existing diagrams in PNG or JPG format can be inserted in the same way, although SVG has the advantage of being a text format "under the covers".
### [Previous](Section%20Template.md) [Next](Last%20Section.md) [Chapter Contents](99.%20Chapter%20Template.md)