0.1.3 (2008-05-20): - aggregation (-A) now supported for Cisco prefix-lists. - pipelining now can be enabled for RIPE-style queries too (ipv6). - more-specific routes (-R len) feature ported from bgpq - pipelining now set by default. -T flag now disables pipelining. - strlcpy.c imported into sources. Not found on Linux :) 0.1.2 (2008-05-19): - final support for asn32, now with correct syntax for Juniper. - experimental 'pipelining' mode (flag -T), much faster when working with big as-set's. - RIPE-style query (-i origin) now requests only route6 objects. 0.1.1 (2008-05-16): - initial support for asn32 added (flag -3). By default it's off, and when bgpq sees 32-bit asn in resolver queue, it either replaces it with AS23456 (in as-path generation mode) or queries radb for prefixes with that origin. Note: for now only JunOS 9.1 can handle asn32, not Cisco IOS..