mirror of https://github.com/checktheroads/hyperglass synced 2024-05-11 05:55:08 +00:00

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2020-01-26 02:12:45 -07:00
"""Response model."""
# Standard Library Imports
# flake8: noqa
import math
import secrets
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union
# Third Party Imports
import ujson
from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic import StrictFloat
from pydantic import StrictInt
from pydantic import StrictStr
from pydantic import constr
from pydantic import validator
GET /.well-known/looking-glass/v1/ping/2001:DB8::35?protocol=2,1
GET /.well-known/looking-glass/v1/traceroute/
GET /.well-known/looking-glass/v1/show/route/2001:DB8::/48?protocol=2,1
GET /.well-known/looking-glass/v1/show/bgp/
GET /.well-known/looking-glass/v1/show/bgp/summary?protocol=2&routerindex=3
GET /.well-known/looking-glass/v1/show/bgp/neighbors/
GET /.well-known/looking-glass/v1/routers
GET /.well-known/looking-glass/v1/routers/1
GET /.well-known/looking-glass/v1/cmd
class _HyperglassQuery(BaseModel):
class Config:
json_loads = ujson.loads
json_dumps = ujson.dumps
validate_all = True
validate_assignment = True
class BaseQuery(_HyperglassQuery):
protocol: StrictStr = "1,1"
router: StrictStr
routerindex: StrictInt
random: StrictStr = secrets.token_urlsafe(16)
vrf: Optional[StrictStr]
runtime: StrictInt = 30
query_format: constr(regex=r"(text\/plain|application\/json)") = "text/plain"
def validate_runtime(cls, value):
if isinstance(value, float) and math.modf(value)[0] == 0:
value = math.ceil(value)
return value
class Config:
fields = {"query_format": "format"}
class BaseData(_HyperglassQuery):
router: StrictStr
performed_at: datetime
runtime: Union[StrictFloat, StrictInt]
output: List[StrictStr]
data_format: StrictStr
def validate_runtime(cls, value):
if isinstance(value, float) and math.modf(value)[0] == 0:
value = math.ceil(value)
return value
class Config:
fields = {"data_format": "format"}
extra = "allow"
class QueryError(_HyperglassQuery):
status: constr(regex=r"error")
message: StrictStr
class QueryResponse(_HyperglassQuery):
status: constr(regex=r"success|fail")
data: BaseData