A looking glass is implemented by network operators as a way of providing customers, peers, or the general public with a way to easily view elements of, or run tests from the provider's network.
hyperglass is intended to make implementing a looking glass too easy not to do, with the lofty goal of improving the internet community at large by making looking glasses more common across autonomous systems of any size.
⚠️ **v1.0.0***is currently in beta. While everything should work, some things might not. Documentation and the live demo are not yet complete. For a fully working and documented version of hyperglass, **please go to the [master branch](https://github.com/checktheroads/hyperglass/tree/master)**.*
- Configurable support for any other [supported platform](https://hyperglass.io/docs/platforms)
- Optionally access devices via an SSH proxy/jump server
- VRF support
- Access List/prefix-list style query control to whitelist or blacklist query targets on a per-VRF basis
- REST API with automatic, configurable OpenAPI documentation
- Modern, responsive UI built on [ReactJS](https://reactjs.org/), with [NextJS](https://nextjs.org/) & [Chakra UI](https://chakra-ui.com/)
- Query multiple devices simultaneously
- Browser-based DNS-over-HTTPS resolution of FQDN queries
*To request support for a specific platform, please [submit a Github Issue](https://github.com/checktheroads/hyperglass/issues/new) with the **enhancement** label.*
*However, the hyperglass demo does cost [@checktheroads](https://github.com/checktheroads) about $15/month for 3 Digital Ocean droplets, and $60/year for the [hyperglass.io](https://hyperglass.io) domain. If you're feeling particularly helpful and want to help offset that cost, small donations are welcome.*