description="Enable debug mode. Warning: this will generate a *lot* of log output.",
title="Developer Mode",
description='Enable developer mode. If enabled, the hyperglass backend (Python) and frontend (React/Javascript) applications are "unlinked", so that React tools can be used for front end development. A `<Debugger />` convenience component is also displayed in the UI for easier UI development.',
title="Primary ASN",
description="Your network's primary ASN. This field is used to set some useful defaults such as the subtitle and PeeringDB URL.",
"Beloved Hyperglass User",
title="Organization Name",
description="Your organization's name. This field is used in the UI & API documentation to set fields such as `<meta/>` HTML tags for SEO and the terms & conditions footer component.",
description="The name of your hyperglass site. This field is used in the UI & API documentation to set fields such as the `<title/>` HTML tag, and the terms & conditions footer component.",
"{org_name} Network Looking Glass",
title="Site Description",
description='A short description of your hyperglass site. This field is used in th UI & API documentation to set the `<meta name="description"/>` tag. `{org_name}` may be used to insert the value of the `org_name` field.',
description='Keywords pertaining to your hyperglass site. This field is used to generate `<meta name="keywords"/>` HTML tags, which helps tremendously with SEO.',
description="Global timeout in seconds for all requests. The frontend application (UI) uses this field's exact value when submitting queries. The backend application uses this field's value, minus one second, for its own timeout handling. This is to ensure a contextual timeout error is presented to the end user in the event of a backend application timeout.",
description="Path to a log file to which hyperglass can write logs. If none is set, hyperglass will write logs to a file located at `/tmp/`, with a uniquely generated name for each time hyperglass is started.",