"""Parse Juniper XML Response to Structured Data.""" # Standard Library from typing import Dict, Iterable # Third Party import xmltodict from pydantic import ValidationError # Project from hyperglass.log import log from hyperglass.util import validation_error_message from hyperglass.exceptions import ParsingError, ResponseEmpty from hyperglass.configuration import params from hyperglass.parsing.models.juniper import JuniperRoute def parse_juniper(output: Iterable) -> Dict: # noqa: C901 """Parse a Juniper BGP XML response.""" data = {} for i, response in enumerate(output): try: parsed = xmltodict.parse( response, force_list=("rt", "rt-entry", "community") ) log.debug("Initially Parsed Response: \n{}", parsed) if "rpc-reply" in parsed.keys(): parsed_base = parsed["rpc-reply"]["route-information"] elif "route-information" in parsed.keys(): parsed_base = parsed["route-information"] if "route-table" not in parsed_base: raise ResponseEmpty(params.messages.no_output) if "rt" not in parsed_base["route-table"]: raise ResponseEmpty(params.messages.no_output) parsed = parsed_base["route-table"] validated = JuniperRoute(**parsed) serialized = validated.serialize().export_dict() if i == 0: data.update(serialized) else: data["routes"].extend(serialized["routes"]) except xmltodict.expat.ExpatError as err: log.critical(str(err)) raise ParsingError("Error parsing response data") except KeyError as err: log.critical("{} was not found in the response", str(err)) raise ParsingError("Error parsing response data") except ValidationError as err: log.critical(str(err)) raise ParsingError(validation_error_message(*err.errors())) return data