From `hyperglass/hyperglass/config/config.toml`:
### site_title
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | -------------- |
| String | `"hyperglass"` |
` element that is shown in a browser's title bar.
### title_mode
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | ------------- |
| String | `"none"` |
Controls the title section on the main page.
#### Parameters
##### `"none"`
Hides Title and Subtitle text, displays logo defined in [logo_path](#logo_path).
##### `"both"`
Displays both Title and Subtitle text defined in [title](#title) and [subtitle](#subtitle) parameters.
##### `"hide_subtitle"`
Displays only the Title text defined in the [title](#title) parameter.
### title
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | -------------- |
| String | `"hyperglass"` |
### subtitle
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | -------------------- |
| String | `"AS" + primary_asn` |
See [primary_asn](#primary_asn) parameter.
### enable_footer
| Type | Default Value |
| ------- | ------------- |
| Boolean | `True` |
Enables or disables entire footer element, which contains text defined in `hyperglass/hyperglass/templates/`.
### enable_credit
| Type | Default Value |
| ------- | ------------- |
| Boolean | `True` |
Enables or disables hoverable icon on the left side of the footer, which links to the hyperglass repo.
### color_btn_submit
| Type | Default Value | Preview |
| ------ | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| String | `"#40798c"` | |
Sets color of the submit button.
### color_tag_loctitle
| Type | Default Value | Preview |
| ------ | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| String | `"#330036"` | |
Sets color of the title portion of the location tag which appears at the top of the results box on the left side.
### color_tag_cmdtitle
| Type | Default Value | Preview |
| ------ | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| String | `"#330036"` | |
Sets color of the title portion of the command tag which appears at the top of the results box on the right side.
### color_tag_cmd
| Type | Default Value | Preview |
| ------ | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| String | `"#ff5e5b"` | |
Sets color of the command name portion of the command tag which appears at the top of the results box on the right side.
### color_tag_loc
| Type | Default Value | Preview |
| ------ | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| String | `"#40798c"` | |
Sets color of the location name portion of the location tag which appears at the top of the results box on the left side.
### color_hero
| Type | Default Value | Preview |
| ------ | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| String | `"#fbfffe"` | |
Sets the background color of the main page. The main page is a Bulma [fullheight hero class]( layout. This parameter will set the color of the entire hero `` class, including navbar, head, body, and footer subclasses.
### color_progressbar
| Type | Default Value | Preview |
| ------ | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| String | `"#40798c"` | |
Sets color of the progress bar that displays while the back-end application processes the request.
### logo_path
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | ------------------------------------- |
| String | `"static/images/hyperglass-dark.png"` |
Sets the path to the logo file, which will be displayed if [title_mode](#title_mode) is set to `"logo_only"`. This file can be any browser-compatible format, such as JPEG, PNG, or SVG.
### logo_width
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | ------------- |
| String | `"384"` |
Sets the width of the logo defined in the [logo_path](#logo_path) parameter. This is helpful if your logo is a dimension that doesn't quite work with the default width.
### placeholder_prefix
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | ------------------------------------- |
| String | `"Prefix, IP, Community, or AS_PATH"` |
Sets the placeholder text that appears in the main search box.
### show_peeringdb
| Type | Default Value |
| ------- | ------------- |
| Boolean | `True` |
Enables or disables the PeeringDB link in the upper right corner. If `True`, the [primary_asn](#primary_asn) will be automatically used to create the URL to your ASN's PeeringDB entry.
### text_results
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | ------------- |
| String | `"Results"` |
Sets the header text of the results box.
### text_location
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | ------------- |
| String | `"Location"` |
Sets the placeholder text of the location selector.
### text_cache
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------- |
| String | `"Results will be cached for {cache_timeout} minutes."` |
Sets the text at the bottom of the results box that states the cache timeout. `{cache_timeout}` will be formatted with the value of [cache_timeout](/configuration/general/#cache_timeout).
### text_limiter_title
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | ----------------- |
| String | `"Limit Reached"` |
Sets the title text for the site-wide rate limit page. Users are redirected to this page when they have accessed the site more than the [specified](/configuration/general/#rate_limit_site) limit.
### text_limiter_subtitle
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| String | `"You have accessed this site more than {rate_limit_site} times in the last minute."` |
Sets the subtitle text for the site-wide rate limit page. Users are redirected to this page when they have accessed the site more than the [specified](/configuration/general/#rate_limit_site) limit. `{rate_limit_site}` will be formatted with the value of [rate_limit_site](/configuration/general/#rate_limit_site).
### text_415_title
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | ----------------- |
| String | `"Error"` |
Sets the title text for the full general error page.
### text_415_subtitle
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | ------------------------- |
| String | `"Something went wrong."` |
Sets the subtitle text for the full general error page.
### text_415_button
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | ----------------- |
| String | `"Home"` |
Sets the button text for the full general error page.
### text_help_bgp_route
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | ------------------------- |
| String | `"Performs BGP table lookup based on IPv4/IPv6 prefix."` |
Sets the BGP Route query help text, displayed when the **?** icon is hovered.
### text_help_bgp_community
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | ------------------------- |
| String | `'Performs BGP table lookup based on Extended or Large community value.'` |
Sets the BGP Community query help text, displayed when the **?** icon is hovered.
!!! note
Since there are double quotes (`" "`) in the `` HTML tags, single quotes (`' '`) are required for the TOML string.
### text_help_bgp_aspath
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | ------------------------- |
| String | `'Performs BGP table lookup based on AS_PATH
regular expression.
For commonly used BGP regular expressions, click here.'` |
Sets the BGP AS Path query help text, displayed when the **?** icon is hovered.
!!! note
Since there are double quotes (`" "`) in the `` HTML tags, single quotes (`' '`) are required for the TOML string.
### text_help_ping
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | ------------------------- |
| String | `"Sends 5 ICMP echo requests to the target."` |
Sets the Ping query help text, displayed when the **?** icon is hovered.
### text_help_traceroute
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | ------------------------- |
| String | `'Performs UDP Based traceroute to the target.
For information about how to interpret traceroute results, click here.'` |
Sets the Traceroute query help text, displayed when the **?** icon is hovered.
!!! note
Since there are double quotes (`" "`) in the `` HTML tags, single quotes (`' '`) are required for the TOML string.
### primary_font_url
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | ------------------------- |
| String | `",600,700"` |
Sets the web font URL for the primary font. This font is used for all titles, subtitles, and non-code/preformatted text. The value is passed as a Jinja2 variable to the head block in the base template.
### primary_font_name
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | ------------------------- |
| String | `"Nunito"` |
Sets the web font name for the primary font. This font is used for all titles, subtitles, and non-code/preformatted text. The value is passed as a Jinja2 variable to generate `hyperglass/hyperglass/static/sass/hyperglass.scss`, which ultimately get passed to CSS.
### mono_font_url
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | ------------------------- |
| String | `""` |
Sets the web font URL for the monospace/code/preformatted text font. This font is used for all query output text, as well as the command title and command name tag. The value is passed as a Jinja2 variable to the head block in the base template.
### mono_font_name
| Type | Default Value |
| ------ | ------------------------- |
| String | `"Fira Mono"` |
Sets the web font URL for the monospace/code/preformatted text font. This font is used for all query output text, as well as the command title and command name tag. The value is passed as a Jinja2 variable to generate `hyperglass/hyperglass/static/sass/hyperglass.scss`, which ultimately get passed to CSS.