""" Imports configuration varibles from configuration files and returns default values if undefined. """ # Standard Library Imports from pathlib import Path # Third Party Imports import logzero import yaml from logzero import logger from pydantic import ValidationError # Project Imports from hyperglass.configuration import models from hyperglass.exceptions import ConfigError # Project Directories working_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent # Import main hyperglass configuration file try: with open(working_dir.joinpath("hyperglass.yaml")) as config_yaml: user_config = yaml.safe_load(config_yaml) except FileNotFoundError as no_config_error: user_config = None logger.error(f"{no_config_error} - Default configuration will be used") # Import device commands file try: with open(working_dir.joinpath("commands.yaml")) as commands_yaml: user_commands = yaml.safe_load(commands_yaml) except FileNotFoundError: user_commands = None logger.info( ( f'No commands found in {working_dir.joinpath("commands.yaml")}. ' "Defaults will be used." ) ) # Import device configuration file try: with open(working_dir.joinpath("devices.yaml")) as devices_yaml: user_devices = yaml.safe_load(devices_yaml) except FileNotFoundError as no_devices_error: logger.error(no_devices_error) raise ConfigError( ( f'"{working_dir.joinpath("devices.yaml")}" not found. ' "Devices are required to start hyperglass, please consult " "the installation documentation." ) ) # Map imported user config files to expected schema: try: if user_config: params = models.Params(**user_config) elif not user_config: params = models.Params() if user_commands: commands = models.Commands.import_params(user_commands) elif not user_commands: commands = models.Commands() devices = models.Routers.import_params(user_devices["router"]) credentials = models.Credentials.import_params(user_devices["credential"]) proxies = models.Proxies.import_params(user_devices["proxy"]) networks = models.Networks.import_params(user_devices["network"]) except ValidationError as validation_errors: errors = validation_errors.errors() for error in errors: raise ConfigError( f'The value of {error["loc"][0]} field is invalid: {error["msg"]} ' ) # Logzero Configuration log_level = 20 if params.general.debug: log_level = 10 log_format = ( "%(color)s[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d " "%(levelname)s]%(end_color)s %(message)s" ) date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" logzero_formatter = logzero.LogFormatter(fmt=log_format, datefmt=date_format) logzero_config = logzero.setup_default_logger( formatter=logzero_formatter, level=log_level )