""" Main Hyperglass Front End """ # Standard Imports import json from ast import literal_eval # Module Imports import redis from logzero import logger from flask_limiter import Limiter from flask_limiter.util import get_ipaddr from flask import Flask, Response, request from prometheus_client import CollectorRegistry, Counter, generate_latest, multiprocess # Project Imports from hyperglass import render from hyperglass.exceptions import HyperglassError from hyperglass.command.execute import Execute from hyperglass.constants import Supported, code from hyperglass.configuration import ( # pylint: disable=unused-import params, devices, logzero_config, ) logger.debug(f"Configuration Parameters:\n {params.dict()}") # Redis Config redis_config = { "host": params.general.redis_host, "port": params.general.redis_port, "charset": "utf-8", "decode_responses": True, } # Main Flask definition app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path="/static") # Redis Cache Config r_cache = redis.Redis(db=params.features.rate_limit.redis_id, **redis_config) # Flask-Limiter Config query_rate = params.features.rate_limit.query.rate query_period = params.features.rate_limit.query.period site_rate = params.features.rate_limit.site.rate site_period = params.features.rate_limit.site.period # rate_limit_query = f"{query_rate} per {query_period}" rate_limit_site = f"{site_rate} per {site_period}" logger.debug(f"Query rate limit: {rate_limit_query}") logger.debug(f"Site rate limit: {rate_limit_site}") # Redis Config for Flask-Limiter storage r_limiter_db = params.features.rate_limit.redis_id r_limiter_url = f'redis://{redis_config["host"]}:{redis_config["port"]}/{r_limiter_db}' r_limiter = redis.Redis(**redis_config, db=params.features.rate_limit.redis_id) # Adds Flask config variable for Flask-Limiter app.config.update(RATELIMIT_STORAGE_URL=r_limiter_url) # Initializes Flask-Limiter limiter = Limiter(app, key_func=get_ipaddr, default_limits=[rate_limit_site]) # Prometheus Config count_data = Counter( "count_data", "Query Counter", ["source", "type", "loc_id", "target"] ) count_errors = Counter( "count_errors", "Error Counter", ["code", "reason", "source", "type", "loc_id", "target"], ) count_ratelimit = Counter( "count_ratelimit", "Rate Limit Counter", ["message", "source"] ) count_notfound = Counter( "count_notfound", "404 Not Found Counter", ["message", "path", "source"] ) @app.route("/metrics") def metrics(): """Prometheus metrics""" content_type_latest = str("text/plain; version=0.0.4; charset=utf-8") registry = CollectorRegistry() multiprocess.MultiProcessCollector(registry) return Response(generate_latest(registry), mimetype=content_type_latest) @app.errorhandler(404) def handle_404(e): """Renders full error page for invalid URI""" html = render.html("404") path = request.path client_addr = get_ipaddr() count_notfound.labels(e, path, client_addr).inc() logger.error(f"Error: {e}, Path: {path}, Source: {client_addr}") return html, 404 @app.errorhandler(429) def handle_429(e): """Renders full error page for too many site queries""" html = render.html("429") client_addr = get_ipaddr() count_ratelimit.labels(e, client_addr).inc() logger.error(f"Error: {e}, Source: {client_addr}") return html, 429 @app.errorhandler(500) def handle_500(e): """General Error Page""" client_addr = get_ipaddr() count_errors.labels(500, e, client_addr, None, None, None).inc() logger.error(f"Error: {e}, Source: {client_addr}") html = render.html("500") return html, 500 def clear_cache(): """Function to clear the Redis cache""" try: r_cache.flushdb() except Exception as error_exception: logger.error(f"Error clearing cache: {error_exception}") raise HyperglassError(f"Error clearing cache: {error_exception}") @app.route("/", methods=["GET"]) @limiter.limit(rate_limit_site, error_message="Site") def site(): """Main front-end web application""" html = render.html("index") return html @app.route("/test", methods=["GET"]) def test_route(): """Test route for various tests""" html = render.html("500") return html, 500 @app.route("/locations/", methods=["GET"]) def get_locations(asn): """ Flask GET route provides a JSON list of all locations for the selected network/ASN. """ locations_list_json = json.dumps(devices.locations[asn]) logger.debug(f"Locations list:{devices.locations[asn]}") return locations_list_json @app.route("/lg", methods=["POST"]) # Invoke Flask-Limiter with configured rate limit @limiter.limit(rate_limit_query, error_message="Query") def hyperglass_main(): """ Main backend application initiator. Ingests Ajax POST data from form submit, passes it to the backend application to perform the filtering/lookups. """ # Get JSON data from Ajax POST lg_data = request.get_json() logger.debug(f"Unvalidated input: {lg_data}") # Return error if no target is specified if not lg_data["target"]: logger.debug("No input specified") return Response(params.messages.no_input, code.invalid) # Return error if no location is selected if lg_data["location"] not in devices.hostnames: logger.debug("No selection specified") return Response(params.messages.no_location, code.invalid) # Return error if no query type is selected if not Supported.is_supported_query(lg_data["type"]): logger.debug("No query specified") return Response(params.messages.no_query_type, code.invalid) # Get client IP address for Prometheus logging & rate limiting client_addr = get_ipaddr() # Increment Prometheus counter count_data.labels( client_addr, lg_data["type"], lg_data["location"], lg_data["target"] ).inc() logger.debug(f"Client Address: {client_addr}") # Stringify the form response containing serialized JSON for the request, use as key for k/v # cache store so each command output value is unique cache_key = str(lg_data) # Define cache entry expiry time cache_timeout = params.features.cache.timeout logger.debug(f"Cache Timeout: {cache_timeout}") # Check if cached entry exists if not r_cache.get(cache_key): try: logger.debug(f"Sending query {cache_key} to execute module...") cache_value = Execute(lg_data).response() logger.debug( f"Validated response...\nStatus Code: {cache_value[1]}\nOutput:\n{cache_value[0]}" ) # If it doesn't, create a cache entry r_cache.set(cache_key, str(cache_value)) r_cache.expire(cache_key, cache_timeout) logger.debug(f"Added cache entry for query: {cache_key}") except: logger.error(f"Unable to add output to cache: {cache_key}") raise HyperglassError(f"Error with cache key {cache_key}") # If it does, return the cached entry logger.debug(f"Cache match for: {cache_key}, returning cached entry") cache_response = r_cache.get(cache_key) response = literal_eval(cache_response) response_output, response_status = response logger.debug(f"Cache Output: {response_output}") logger.debug(f"Cache Status Code: {response_status}") # If error, increment Prometheus metrics if response_status in [405, 415, 504]: count_errors.labels( response_status, code.get_reason(response_status), client_addr, lg_data["type"], lg_data["location"], lg_data["target"], ).inc() return Response(*response)