const githubURL = ""; const { googleTrackingId, algoliaKey } = process.env; module.exports = { title: "hyperglass", tagline: "the network looking glass that tries to make the internet better.", url: "", baseUrl: "/", favicon: "img/favicon.ico", organizationName: "checktheroads", projectName: "hyperglass", themeConfig: { googleAnalytics: { trackingID: googleTrackingId || " ", anonymizeIP: false }, gtag: { trackingID: googleTrackingId || " ", anonymizeIP: false }, algolia: { apiKey: algoliaKey, indexName: "BH4D9OD16A" }, navbar: { links: [ { to: "docs/introduction", label: "Docs", position: "left" }, { to: "screenshots", label: "Screenshots", position: "left" }, { href: "", label: "Demo", position: "left" } ] }, footer: { style: "dark", links: [ { title: "Docs", items: [ { label: "Introduction", to: "docs/introduction" }, { label: "Getting Started", to: "docs/getting-started" }, { label: "Configuration", to: "docs/configuration" } ] }, { title: "Community", items: [ { label: "Gitter", href: "" }, { label: "Keybase", href: "" } ] }, { title: "Social", items: [ { label: "GitHub", href: githubURL }, { label: "Twitter", href: "" } ] } ] } }, presets: [ [ "@docusaurus/preset-classic", { docs: { sidebarPath: require.resolve("./sidebars.js"), editUrl: githubURL + "/edit/master/docs/" }, theme: { customCss: require.resolve("./src/css/custom.css") } } ] ], plugins: [ "@docusaurus/plugin-google-analytics", "@docusaurus/plugin-google-gtag", "@docusaurus/plugin-sitemap" ] };