import { useMemo, useState } from 'react'; import { Image, Skeleton } from '@chakra-ui/react'; import { useColorValue, useConfig, useColorMode } from '~/context'; import type { TLogo } from './types'; /** * Custom hook to handle loading the user's logo, errors loading the logo, and color mode changes. */ function useLogo(): [string, () => void] { const { web } = useConfig(); const { dark_format, light_format } = web.logo; const { colorMode } = useColorMode(); const src = useColorValue(`/images/dark${dark_format}`, `/images/light${light_format}`); // Use the hyperglass logo if the user's logo can't be loaded for whatever reason. const fallbackSrc = useColorValue( '', '', ); const [fallback, setSource] = useState(null); /** * If the user image cannot be loaded, log an error to the console and set the fallback image. */ function setFallback() { console.warn(`Error loading image from '${src}'`); setSource(fallbackSrc); } // Only return the fallback image if it's been set. return useMemo(() => [fallback ?? src, setFallback], [colorMode]); } export const Logo = (props: TLogo) => { const { web } = useConfig(); const { width } = web.logo; const skeletonA = useColorValue('whiteFaded.100', 'blackFaded.800'); const skeletonB = useColorValue('original.light', 'original.dark'); const [source, setFallback] = useLogo(); return ( {web.text.title} } {...props} /> ); };