"""Hyperglass Front End.""" # Standard Library Imports import asyncio import os import tempfile import time from pathlib import Path # Third Party Imports import aredis from fastapi import FastAPI from fastapi import HTTPException from prometheus_client import CONTENT_TYPE_LATEST from prometheus_client import CollectorRegistry from prometheus_client import Counter from prometheus_client import generate_latest from prometheus_client import multiprocess from starlette.exceptions import HTTPException as StarletteHTTPException from starlette.requests import Request from starlette.responses import PlainTextResponse from starlette.responses import UJSONResponse from starlette.staticfiles import StaticFiles # Project Imports from hyperglass.configuration import frontend_params from hyperglass.configuration import params from hyperglass.exceptions import AuthError from hyperglass.exceptions import DeviceTimeout from hyperglass.exceptions import HyperglassError from hyperglass.exceptions import InputInvalid from hyperglass.exceptions import InputNotAllowed from hyperglass.exceptions import ResponseEmpty from hyperglass.exceptions import RestError from hyperglass.exceptions import ScrapeError from hyperglass.execution.execute import Execute from hyperglass.models.query import Query from hyperglass.util import check_python from hyperglass.util import log # Verify Python version meets minimum requirement try: python_version = check_python() log.info(f"Python {python_version} detected") except RuntimeError as r: raise HyperglassError(str(r), alert="danger") from None log.debug(f"Configuration Parameters: {params.dict(by_alias=True)}") tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="hyperglass_") os.environ["prometheus_multiproc_dir"] = tempdir.name # Static File Definitions STATIC_DIR = Path(__file__).parent / "static" UI_DIR = STATIC_DIR / "ui" IMAGES_DIR = STATIC_DIR / "images" NEXT_DIR = UI_DIR / "_next" log.debug(f"Static Files: {STATIC_DIR}") # Main App Definition app = FastAPI() app.mount("/ui", StaticFiles(directory=UI_DIR), name="ui") app.mount("/_next", StaticFiles(directory=NEXT_DIR), name="_next") app.mount("/images", StaticFiles(directory=IMAGES_DIR), name="images") app.mount("/ui/images", StaticFiles(directory=IMAGES_DIR), name="ui/images") APP_PARAMS = { "host": str(params.general.listen_address), "port": params.general.listen_port, "debug": params.general.debug, } # Redis Config redis_config = { "host": params.general.redis_host, "port": params.general.redis_port, "decode_responses": True, } r_cache = aredis.StrictRedis(db=params.features.cache.redis_id, **redis_config) async def check_redis(): """Ensure Redis is running before starting server. Raises: HyperglassError: Raised if Redis is not running. Returns: {bool} -- True if Redis is running. """ try: await r_cache.echo("hyperglass test") # await r_limiter.echo("hyperglass test") except Exception: raise HyperglassError( f"Redis isn't running at: {redis_config['host']}:{redis_config['port']}", alert="danger", ) from None return True # Verify Redis is running asyncio.run(check_redis()) # Prometheus Config count_data = Counter( "count_data", "Query Counter", ["source", "query_type", "loc_id", "target", "vrf"] ) count_errors = Counter( "count_errors", "Error Counter", ["reason", "source", "query_type", "loc_id", "target"], ) count_ratelimit = Counter( "count_ratelimit", "Rate Limit Counter", ["message", "source"] ) count_notfound = Counter( "count_notfound", "404 Not Found Counter", ["message", "path", "source"] ) @app.get("/metrics") async def metrics(request): """Serve Prometheus metrics.""" registry = CollectorRegistry() multiprocess.MultiProcessCollector(registry) latest = generate_latest(registry) return PlainTextResponse( latest, headers={ "Content-Type": CONTENT_TYPE_LATEST, "Content-Length": str(len(latest)), }, ) @app.exception_handler(StarletteHTTPException) async def http_exception_handler(request, exc): """Handle application errors.""" return UJSONResponse( { "output": exc.detail.get("message", params.messages.general), "alert": exc.detail.get("alert", "error"), "keywords": exc.detail.get("keywords", []), }, status_code=exc.status_code, ) @app.exception_handler(HyperglassError) async def http_exception_handler(request, exc): """Handle request validation errors.""" return UJSONResponse( {"output": exc.message, "alert": exc.alert, "keywords": exc.keywords}, status_code=400, ) async def clear_cache(): """Clear the Redis cache.""" try: await r_cache.flushdb() return "Successfully cleared cache" except Exception as error_exception: log.error(f"Error clearing cache: {error_exception}") raise HyperglassError(f"Error clearing cache: {error_exception}") @app.get("/config") async def frontend_config(): """Provide validated user/default config for front end consumption. Returns: {dict} -- Filtered configuration """ return UJSONResponse(frontend_params, status_code=200) @app.post("/query/") async def hyperglass_main(query_data: Query, request: Request): """Process XHR POST data. Ingests XHR POST data from form submit, passes it to the backend application to perform the filtering/lookups. """ # Get client IP address for Prometheus logging & rate limiting client_addr = request.client.host # Increment Prometheus counter count_data.labels( client_addr, query_data.query_type, query_data.query_location, query_data.query_target, query_data.query_vrf, ).inc() log.debug(f"Client Address: {client_addr}") # Use hashed query_data string as key for for k/v cache store so # each command output value is unique. cache_key = hash(str(query_data)) # Define cache entry expiry time cache_timeout = params.features.cache.timeout log.debug(f"Cache Timeout: {cache_timeout}") # Check if cached entry exists if not await r_cache.get(cache_key): log.debug(f"Created new cache key {cache_key} entry for query {query_data}") log.debug("Beginning query execution...") # Pass request to execution module try: starttime = time.time() cache_value = await Execute(query_data).response() endtime = time.time() elapsedtime = round(endtime - starttime, 4) log.debug(f"Query {cache_key} took {elapsedtime} seconds to run.") except (InputInvalid, InputNotAllowed, ResponseEmpty) as frontend_error: raise HTTPException(detail=frontend_error.dict(), status_code=400) except (AuthError, RestError, ScrapeError, DeviceTimeout) as backend_error: raise HTTPException(detail=backend_error.dict(), status_code=500) if cache_value is None: raise HTTPException( detail={ "message": params.messages.general, "alert": "danger", "keywords": [], }, status_code=500, ) # Create a cache entry await r_cache.set(cache_key, str(cache_value)) await r_cache.expire(cache_key, cache_timeout) log.debug(f"Added cache entry for query: {cache_key}") # If it does, return the cached entry cache_response = await r_cache.get(cache_key) response_output = cache_response log.debug(f"Cache match for: {cache_key}, returning cached entry") log.debug(f"Cache Output: {response_output}") return UJSONResponse( {"output": response_output}, status_code=200, headers={ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Content-Type", "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "GET,POST,OPTIONS", }, )