"""CLI utility functions.""" # Standard Library import os import shutil from typing import Iterable from pathlib import Path # Third Party from click import echo, style # Project from hyperglass.cli.echo import info, error, status, success, warning from hyperglass.cli.static import CL, NL, WS, E PROJECT_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent def async_command(func): """Decororator for to make async functions runable from synchronous code.""" import asyncio from functools import update_wrapper func = asyncio.coroutine(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() return loop.run_until_complete(func(*args, **kwargs)) return update_wrapper(wrapper, func) def fix_ownership(user, group, directory): """Make user & group the owner of the directory.""" import grp import pwd import os uid = pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_uid gid = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid try: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for d in dirs: full_path = os.path.join(root, d) os.chown(full_path, uid, gid) for f in files: full_path = os.path.join(root, f) os.chown(full_path, uid, gid) os.chown(root, uid, gid) except Exception as e: error("Failed to change '{d}' ownership: {e}", d="hyperglass/", e=e) success("Successfully changed '{d}' ownership", d="hyperglass/") def fix_permissions(directory): """Make directory readable by public.""" import os try: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for d in dirs: full_path = os.path.join(root, d) os.chmod(full_path, 0o744) for f in files: full_path = os.path.join(root, f) os.chmod(full_path, 0o744) os.chmod(root, 0o744) except Exception as e: error("Failed to change '{d}' ownership: {e}", d="hyperglass/", e=e) success("Successfully changed '{d}' ownership", d="hyperglass/") def start_web_server(start, params): """Start web server.""" msg_start = "Starting hyperglass web server on" msg_uri = "http://" msg_host = str(params["host"]) msg_port = str(params["port"]) msg_len = len("".join([msg_start, WS[1], msg_uri, msg_host, CL[1], msg_port])) try: echo( NL[1] + WS[msg_len + 8] + E.ROCKET + NL[1] + E.CHECK + style(msg_start, fg="green", bold=True) + WS[1] + style(msg_uri, fg="white") + style(msg_host, fg="blue", bold=True) + style(CL[1], fg="white") + style(msg_port, fg="magenta", bold=True) + WS[1] + E.ROCKET + NL[1] + WS[1] + NL[1] ) start() except Exception as e: error("Failed to start web server: {e}", e=e) def migrate_config(config_dir): """Copy example config files and remove .example extensions.""" status("Migrating example config files...") import shutil examples = Path(PROJECT_ROOT / "examples").glob("*.yaml.example") if not isinstance(config_dir, Path): config_dir = Path(config_dir) if not config_dir.exists(): error("'{d}' does not exist", d=str(config_dir)) migrated = 0 for file in examples: target_file = config_dir / file.with_suffix("").name try: if target_file.exists(): info("{f} already exists", f=str(target_file)) else: shutil.copyfile(file, target_file) migrated += 1 info("Migrated {f}", f=str(target_file)) except Exception as e: error("Failed to migrate '{f}': {e}", f=str(target_file), e=e) if migrated == 0: info("Migrated {n} example config files", n=migrated) elif migrated > 0: success("Successfully migrated {n} example config files", n=migrated) def migrate_systemd(source, destination): """Copy example systemd service file to /etc/systemd/system/.""" import os import shutil basefile, extension = os.path.splitext(source) newfile = os.path.join(destination, basefile) try: status("Migrating example systemd service...") if os.path.exists(newfile): info("'{f}' already exists", f=str(newfile)) else: shutil.copyfile(source, newfile) except Exception as e: error("Error migrating example systemd service: {e}", e=e) success("Successfully migrated systemd service to: {f}", f=str(newfile)) def build_ui(): """Create a new UI build. Raises: ClickException: Raised on any errors. """ try: from hyperglass.compat import aiorun from hyperglass.util import build_frontend from hyperglass.configuration import params, frontend_params, CONFIG_PATH except ImportError as e: error("Error importing UI builder: {e}", e=e) status("Starting new UI build...") if params.developer_mode: dev_mode = "development" else: dev_mode = "production" try: build_success = aiorun( build_frontend( dev_mode=params.developer_mode, dev_url=f"http://localhost:{str(params.listen_port)}/", prod_url="/api/", params=frontend_params, force=True, app_path=CONFIG_PATH, ) ) if build_success: success("Completed UI build in {m} mode", m=dev_mode) except Exception as e: error("Error building UI: {e}", e=e) return True def create_dir(path, **kwargs): """Validate and attempt to create a directory, if it does not exist.""" # If input path is not a path object, try to make it one if not isinstance(path, Path): try: path = Path(path) except TypeError: error("{p} is not a valid path", p=path) # If path does not exist, try to create it if not path.exists(): try: path.mkdir(**kwargs) except PermissionError: error( "{u} does not have permission to create {p}. Try running with sudo?", u=os.getlogin(), p=path, ) # Verify the path was actually created if path.exists(): success("Created {p}", p=path) # If the path already exists, inform the user elif path.exists(): info("{p} already exists", p=path) return True def move_files(src, dst, files): # noqa: C901 """Move iterable of files from source to destination. Arguments: src {Path} -- Current directory of files dst {Path} -- Target destination directory files {Iterable} -- Iterable of files """ if not isinstance(src, Path): try: src = Path(src) except TypeError: error("{p} is not a valid path", p=src) if not isinstance(dst, Path): try: dst = Path(dst) except TypeError: error("{p} is not a valid path", p=dst) if not isinstance(files, Iterable): error( "{fa} must be an iterable (list, tuple, or generator). Received {f}", fa="Files argument", f=files, ) for path in (src, dst): if not path.exists(): error("{p} does not exist", p=str(path)) migrated = 0 for file in files: dst_file = dst / file.name if not file.exists(): error("{f} does not exist", f=file) try: if dst_file.exists(): warning("{f} already exists", f=dst_file) else: shutil.copyfile(file, dst_file) migrated += 1 info("Migrated {f}", f=dst_file) except Exception as e: error("Failed to migrate {f}: {e}", f=dst_file, e=e) if migrated == 0: warning("Migrated {n} files", n=migrated) elif migrated > 0: success("Successfully migrated {n} files", n=migrated) return True def make_systemd(user): """Generate a systemd file based on the local system. Arguments: user {str} -- User hyperglass needs to be run as Returns: {str} -- Generated systemd template """ import platform template = """ [Unit] Description=hyperglass After=network.target Requires={redis_name} [Service] User={user} Group={group} ExecStart={hyperglass_path} start [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target """ known_rhel = ("rhel", "centos") distro = platform.linux_distribution() if distro[0] in known_rhel: redis_name = "redis" else: redis_name = "redis-server" hyperglass_path = shutil.which("hyperglass") if not hyperglass_path: hyperglass_path = "python3 -m hyperglass.console" warning("hyperglass executable not found, using {h}", h=hyperglass_path) systemd = template.format( redis_name=redis_name, user=user, group=user, hyperglass_path=hyperglass_path ) info(f"Generated systemd service:\n{systemd}") return systemd def write_to_file(file, data): """Write string data to a file. Arguments: file {Path} -- File path data {str} -- String data to write Returns: {bool} -- True if successful """ try: with file.open("w+") as f: f.write(data.strip()) except PermissionError: error( "{u} does not have permission to write to {f}. Try running with sudo?", u=os.getlogin(), f=file, ) if not file.exists(): error("Error writing file {f}", f=file) elif file.exists(): success("Wrote systemd file {f}", f=file) return True def migrate_static_assets(app_path): """Migrate app's static assets to app_path. Arguments: app_path {Path} -- hyperglass runtime path """ from hyperglass.util import migrate_static_assets as _migrate migrated, msg, a, b = _migrate(app_path) if not migrated: callback = error elif migrated: callback = success callback(msg, a=a, b=b) def install_systemd(app_path): """Installs generated systemd file to system's systemd directory. Arguments: app_path {Path} -- hyperglass runtime path Raises: ClickException: Raised if the /etc/systemd/system does not exist ClickException: Raised if the symlinked file does not exit Returns: {bool} -- True if successful """ service = app_path / "hyperglass.service" systemd = Path("/etc/systemd/system") installed = systemd / "hyperglass.service" if not systemd.exists(): error("{e} does not exist. Unable to install systemd service.", e=systemd) installed.symlink_to(service) if not installed.exists(): error("Unable to symlink {s} to {d}", s=service, d=installed) success("Symlinked {s} to {d}", s=service, d=installed) return True