""" Defines models for all config variables. Imports config variables and overrides default class attributes. Validates input for overridden parameters. """ # Standard Library Imports import re from ipaddress import IPv4Address from ipaddress import IPv6Address from math import ceil from typing import List from typing import Union # Third Party Imports from pydantic import BaseSettings from pydantic import IPvAnyAddress from pydantic import IPvAnyNetwork from pydantic import SecretStr from pydantic import UrlStr from pydantic import constr from pydantic import validator from pydantic.color import Color # Project Imports from hyperglass.constants import Supported from hyperglass.exceptions import ConfigError from hyperglass.exceptions import UnsupportedDevice def clean_name(_name): """ Converts any "desirable" seperators to underscore, then removes all characters that are unsupported in Python class variable names. Also removes leading numbers underscores. """ _replaced = re.sub(r"[\-|\.|\@|\~|\:\/|\s]", "_", _name) _scrubbed = "".join(re.findall(r"([a-zA-Z]\w+|\_+)", _replaced)) return _scrubbed.lower() class Router(BaseSettings): """Model for per-router config in devices.yaml.""" address: Union[IPvAnyAddress, str] network: str src_addr_ipv4: IPv4Address src_addr_ipv6: IPv6Address credential: str location: str display_name: str port: int nos: str proxy: Union[str, None] = None @validator("nos") def supported_nos(cls, v): # noqa: N805 """Validates that passed nos string is supported by hyperglass""" if not Supported.is_supported(v): raise UnsupportedDevice(f'"{v}" device type is not supported.') return v @validator("credential", "proxy", "location") def clean_credential(cls, v): # noqa: N805 """Remove or replace unsupported characters from field values""" return clean_name(v) class Routers(BaseSettings): """Base model for devices class.""" @staticmethod def build_network_lists(valid_devices): """ Builds locations dict, which is converted to JSON and passed to JavaScript to associate locations with the selected network/ASN. Builds networks dict, which is used to render the network/ASN select element contents. """ @classmethod def import_params(cls, input_params): """ Imports passed dict from YAML config, removes unsupported characters from device names, dynamically sets attributes for the Routers class. """ routers = {} hostnames = [] for (devname, params) in input_params.items(): dev = clean_name(devname) router_params = Router(**params) setattr(Routers, dev, router_params) routers.update({dev: router_params.dict()}) hostnames.append(dev) Routers.routers = routers Routers.hostnames = hostnames return Routers() class Config: """Pydantic Config""" validate_all = True validate_assignment = True class Network(BaseSettings): """Model for per-network/asn config in devices.yaml""" display_name: str class Networks(BaseSettings): """Base model for networks class""" @classmethod def import_params(cls, input_params): """ Imports passed dict from YAML config, removes unsupported characters from device names, dynamically sets attributes for the credentials class. """ obj = Networks() networks = {} for (netname, params) in input_params.items(): netname = clean_name(netname) setattr(Networks, netname, Network(**params)) networks.update({netname: Network(**params).dict()}) Networks.networks = networks return obj class Config: """Pydantic Config""" validate_all = True validate_assignment = True class Credential(BaseSettings): """Model for per-credential config in devices.yaml""" username: str password: SecretStr class Credentials(BaseSettings): """Base model for credentials class""" @classmethod def import_params(cls, input_params): """ Imports passed dict from YAML config, removes unsupported characters from device names, dynamically sets attributes for the credentials class. """ obj = Credentials() for (credname, params) in input_params.items(): cred = clean_name(credname) setattr(Credentials, cred, Credential(**params)) return obj class Config: """Pydantic Config""" validate_all = True validate_assignment = True class Proxy(BaseSettings): """Model for per-proxy config in devices.yaml""" address: Union[IPvAnyAddress, str] port: int = 22 username: str password: SecretStr nos: str ssh_command: str @validator("nos") def supported_nos(cls, v): # noqa: N805 """Validates that passed nos string is supported by hyperglass""" if not v == "linux_ssh": raise UnsupportedDevice(f'"{v}" device type is not supported.') return v class Proxies(BaseSettings): """Base model for proxies class""" @classmethod def import_params(cls, input_params): """ Imports passed dict from YAML config, removes unsupported characters from device names, dynamically sets attributes for the proxies class. """ obj = Proxies() for (devname, params) in input_params.items(): dev = clean_name(devname) setattr(Proxies, dev, Proxy(**params)) return obj class Config: """Pydantic Config""" validate_all = True validate_assignment = True class General(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.general""" debug: bool = False primary_asn: str = "65001" org_name: str = "The Company" google_analytics: Union[str, None] = None redis_host: Union[str, IPvAnyNetwork] = "localhost" redis_port: int = 6379 requires_ipv6_cidr: List[str] = ["cisco_ios", "cisco_nxos"] query_timeout: int = 15 class Branding(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.branding""" site_name: str = "hyperglass" class Colors(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.colors""" primary: Color = "#40798c" background: Color = "#fbfffe" light: Color = "#fbfffe" dark: Color = "#383541" danger: Color = "#ff5e5b" warning: Color = "#eec643" class Tag(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.colors.tag""" query_type: Color = "#ff5e5b" query_type_title: Color = "#330036" location: Color = "#40798c" location_title: Color = "#330036" tag: Tag = Tag() class Credit(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.branding.credit""" enable: bool = True class Font(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.branding.font""" primary: str = "Nunito" mono: str = "Fira Code" class Footer(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.branding.font""" enable: bool = True class Logo(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.branding.logo""" path: str = "ui/images/hyperglass-dark.png" width: int = 384 favicons: str = "ui/images/favicons/" class PeeringDb(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.branding.peering_db""" enable: bool = True credit: Credit = Credit() font: Font = Font() footer: Footer = Footer() logo: Logo = Logo() colors: Colors = Colors() peering_db: PeeringDb = PeeringDb() class Text(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.branding.text""" query_type: str = "Query Type" title_mode: str = "logo_only" title: str = "hyperglass" subtitle: str = "AS{primary_asn}".format(primary_asn=General().primary_asn) results: str = "Results" location: str = "Select Location..." query_placeholder: str = "IP, Prefix, Community, or AS Path" terms: str = "Terms" info: str = "Help" peeringdb = "PeeringDB" bgp_route: str = "BGP Route" bgp_community: str = "BGP Community" bgp_aspath: str = "BGP AS Path" ping: str = "Ping" traceroute: str = "Traceroute" class Error404(BaseSettings): """Class model for 404 Error Page""" title: str = "Error" subtitle: str = "{uri} isn't a thing" button: str = "Home" class Error500(BaseSettings): """Class model for 500 Error Page""" title: str = "Error" subtitle: str = "Something Went Wrong" button: str = "Home" class Error504(BaseSettings): """Class model for 504 Error Element""" message: str = "Unable to reach {target}" error404: Error404 = Error404() error500: Error500 = Error500() error504: Error504 = Error504() credit: Credit = Credit() footer: Footer = Footer() text: Text = Text() class Messages(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.messages""" no_query_type: str = "Query Type must be specified." no_location: str = "A location must be selected." no_input: str = "A target must be specified" not_allowed: str = "{i} is not allowed." requires_ipv6_cidr: str = ( "{d} requires IPv6 BGP lookups" "to be in CIDR notation." ) invalid_ip: str = "{i} is not a valid IP address." invalid_dual: str = "{i} is an invalid {qt}." general: str = "An error occurred." directed_cidr: str = "{q} queries can not be in CIDR format." class Features(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.features""" class BgpRoute(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.features.bgp_route""" enable: bool = True class BgpCommunity(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.features.bgp_community""" enable: bool = True class Regex(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.features.bgp_community.regex""" decimal: str = r"^[0-9]{1,10}$" extended_as: str = r"^([0-9]{0,5})\:([0-9]{1,5})$" large: str = r"^([0-9]{1,10})\:([0-9]{1,10})\:[0-9]{1,10}$" regex: Regex = Regex() class BgpAsPath(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.features.bgp_aspath""" enable: bool = True class Regex(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.bgp_aspath.regex""" mode: constr(regex="asplain|asdot") = "asplain" asplain: str = r"^(\^|^\_)(\d+\_|\d+\$|\d+\(\_\.\+\_\))+$" asdot: str = ( r"^(\^|^\_)((\d+\.\d+)\_|(\d+\.\d+)\$|(\d+\.\d+)\(\_\.\+\_\))+$" ) regex: Regex = Regex() class Ping(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.features.ping""" enable: bool = True class Traceroute(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.features.traceroute""" enable: bool = True class Blacklist(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.features.blacklist""" enable: bool = True networks: List[IPvAnyNetwork] = [ "", "", "2001:db8::/32", "", "", "", ] class Cache(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.features.cache""" redis_id: int = 0 timeout: int = 120 show_text: bool = True text: str = "Results will be cached for {timeout} minutes.".format( timeout=ceil(timeout / 60) ) class MaxPrefix(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.features.max_prefix""" enable: bool = False ipv4: int = 24 ipv6: int = 64 message: str = ( "Prefix length must be smaller than /{m}. {i} is too specific." ) class RateLimit(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.features.rate_limit""" redis_id: int = 1 class Query(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.features.rate_limit.query""" rate: int = 5 period: str = "minute" title: str = "Query Limit Reached" message: str = ( "Query limit of {rate} per {period} reached. " "Please wait one minute and try again." ).format(rate=rate, period=period) button: str = "Try Again" class Site(BaseSettings): """Class model for params.features.rate_limit.site""" rate: int = 60 period: str = "minute" title: str = "Limit Reached" subtitle: str = ( "You have accessed this site more than {rate} " "times in the last {period}." ).format(rate=rate, period=period) button: str = "Try Again" query: Query = Query() site: Site = Site() bgp_route: BgpRoute = BgpRoute() bgp_community: BgpCommunity = BgpCommunity() bgp_aspath: BgpAsPath = BgpAsPath() ping: Ping = Ping() traceroute: Traceroute = Traceroute() blacklist: Blacklist = Blacklist() cache: Cache = Cache() max_prefix: MaxPrefix = MaxPrefix() rate_limit: RateLimit = RateLimit() class Params(BaseSettings): """Base model for params""" general: General = General() features: Features = Features() branding: Branding = Branding() messages: Messages = Messages() class Config: """Pydantic Config""" validate_all = True validate_assignment = True class NosModel(BaseSettings): """Class model for non-default commands""" class Dual(BaseSettings): """Class model for non-default dual afi commands""" bgp_aspath: str = None bgp_community: str = None class IPv4(BaseSettings): """Class model for non-default ipv4 commands""" bgp_route: str = None ping: str = None traceroute: str = None class IPv6(BaseSettings): """Class model for non-default ipv6 commands""" bgp_route: str = None ping: str = None traceroute: str = None dual: Dual = Dual() ipv4: IPv4 = IPv4() ipv6: IPv6 = IPv6() class Commands(BaseSettings): """Base class for commands class""" @classmethod def import_params(cls, input_params): """ Imports passed dict from YAML config, dynamically sets attributes for the commands class. """ obj = Commands() for (nos, cmds) in input_params.items(): setattr(Commands, nos, NosModel(**cmds)) return obj class CiscoIOS(BaseSettings): """Class model for default cisco_ios commands""" class Dual(BaseSettings): """Default commands for dual afi commands""" bgp_community = "show bgp all community {target}" bgp_aspath = 'show bgp all quote-regexp "{target}"' class IPv4(BaseSettings): """Default commands for ipv4 commands""" bgp_route = "show bgp ipv4 unicast {target} | exclude pathid:|Epoch" ping = "ping {target} repeat 5 source {source}" traceroute = "traceroute {target} timeout 1 probe 2 source {source}" class IPv6(BaseSettings): """Default commands for ipv6 commands""" bgp_route = "show bgp ipv6 unicast {target} | exclude pathid:|Epoch" ping = "ping ipv6 {target} repeat 5 source {source}" traceroute = "traceroute ipv6 {target} timeout 1 probe 2 source {source}" dual: Dual = Dual() ipv4: IPv4 = IPv4() ipv6: IPv6 = IPv6() class CiscoXR(BaseSettings): """Class model for default cisco_xr commands""" class Dual(BaseSettings): """Default commands for dual afi commands""" bgp_community = ( "show bgp all unicast community {target} | utility egrep -v " '"\\(BGP |Table |Non-stop\\)"' ) bgp_aspath = ( "show bgp all unicast regexp {target} | utility egrep -v " '"\\(BGP |Table |Non-stop\\)"' ) class IPv4(BaseSettings): """Default commands for ipv4 commands""" bgp_route = ( "show bgp ipv4 unicast {target} | util egrep \\(BGP routing table " "entry|Path \\#|aggregated by|Origin |Community:|validity| from \\)" ) ping = "ping ipv4 {target} count 5 source {src_addr_ipv4}" traceroute = "traceroute ipv4 {target} timeout 1 probe 2 source {source}" class IPv6(BaseSettings): """Default commands for ipv6 commands""" bgp_route = ( "show bgp ipv6 unicast {target} | util egrep \\(BGP routing table " "entry|Path \\#|aggregated by|Origin |Community:|validity| from \\)" ) ping = "ping ipv6 {target} count 5 source {src_addr_ipv6}" traceroute = "traceroute ipv6 {target} timeout 1 probe 2 source {source}" dual: Dual = Dual() ipv4: IPv4 = IPv4() ipv6: IPv6 = IPv6() class Juniper(BaseSettings): """Class model for default juniper commands""" class Dual(BaseSettings): """Default commands for dual afi commands""" bgp_community = "show route protocol bgp community {target}" bgp_aspath = "show route protocol bgp aspath-regex {target}" class IPv4(BaseSettings): """Default commands for ipv4 commands""" bgp_route = "show route protocol bgp table inet.0 {target} detail" ping = "ping inet {target} count 5 source {src_addr_ipv4}" traceroute = "traceroute inet {target} wait 1 source {source}" class IPv6(BaseSettings): """Default commands for ipv6 commands""" bgp_route = "show route protocol bgp table inet6.0 {target} detail" ping = "ping inet6 {target} count 5 source {src_addr_ipv6}" traceroute = "traceroute inet6 {target} wait 1 source {source}" dual: Dual = Dual() ipv4: IPv4 = IPv4() ipv6: IPv6 = IPv6() cisco_ios: NosModel = CiscoIOS() cisco_xr: NosModel = CiscoXR() juniper: NosModel = Juniper() class Config: """Pydantic Config""" validate_all = False validate_assignment = True