"""Plugin manager definition.""" # Standard Library import typing as t from inspect import isclass # Project from hyperglass.log import log from hyperglass.state import use_state from hyperglass.exceptions.private import PluginError # Local from ._base import PluginType, HyperglassPlugin from ._input import InputPlugin, InputPluginReturn from ._output import OutputType, OutputPlugin if t.TYPE_CHECKING: # Project from hyperglass.state import HyperglassState from hyperglass.models.api.query import Query from hyperglass.models.directive import Directive PluginT = t.TypeVar("PluginT", bound=HyperglassPlugin) class PluginManager(t.Generic[PluginT]): """Manage all plugins.""" _type: PluginType _state: "HyperglassState" _index: int = 0 _cache_key: str def __init__(self: "PluginManager") -> None: """Initialize plugin manager.""" self._state = use_state() self._cache_key = f"hyperglass.plugins.{self._type}" def __init_subclass__(cls: "PluginManager", **kwargs: PluginType) -> None: """Set this plugin manager's type on subclass initialization.""" _type = kwargs.get("type", None) or cls._type if _type is None: raise PluginError("Plugin '{}' is missing a 'type', keyword argument", repr(cls)) cls._type = _type return super().__init_subclass__() def __iter__(self: "PluginManager") -> "PluginManager": """Plugin manager iterator.""" return self def __next__(self: "PluginManager") -> PluginT: """Plugin manager iteration.""" if self._index <= len(self.plugins()): result = self.plugins()[self._index - 1] self._index += 1 return result self._index = 0 raise StopIteration def plugins(self: "PluginManager", builtins: bool = True) -> t.List[PluginT]: """Get all plugins, with built-in plugins last.""" plugins = self._state.plugins(self._type) if builtins is False: plugins = [p for p in plugins if p.__hyperglass_builtin__ is False] # Sort plugins by their name attribute, which is the name of the class by default. sorted_by_name = sorted(plugins, key=lambda p: str(p)) # Sort with built-in plugins last. return sorted( sorted_by_name, key=lambda p: -1 if p.__hyperglass_builtin__ else 1, # flake8: noqa IF100 reverse=True, ) @property def name(self: PluginT) -> str: """Get this plugin manager's name.""" return self.__class__.__name__ def methods(self: "PluginManager", name: str) -> t.Generator[t.Callable, None, None]: """Get methods of all registered plugins matching `name`.""" for plugin in self.plugins(): if hasattr(plugin, name): method = getattr(plugin, name) if callable(method): yield method def execute(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Gather all plugins and execute in order.""" raise NotImplementedError(f"Plugin Manager '{self.name}' is missing an 'execute()' method.") def reset(self: "PluginManager") -> None: """Remove all plugins.""" self._index = 0 self._state.reset_plugins(self._type) def unregister(self: "PluginManager", plugin: PluginT) -> None: """Remove a plugin from currently active plugins.""" if isclass(plugin): if issubclass(plugin, HyperglassPlugin): self._state.remove_plugin(self._type, plugin) return raise PluginError("Plugin '{}' is not a valid hyperglass plugin", repr(plugin)) def register(self: "PluginManager", plugin: PluginT, *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> None: """Add a plugin to currently active plugins.""" # Create a set of plugins so duplicate plugins are not mistakenly added. try: if issubclass(plugin, HyperglassPlugin): instance = plugin(*args, **kwargs) self._state.add_plugin(self._type, instance) if instance.__hyperglass_builtin__ is True: log.debug("Registered built-in plugin '{}'", instance.name) else: log.success("Registered plugin '{}'", instance.name) return except TypeError: raise PluginError( "Plugin '{p}' has not defined a required method. " "Please consult the hyperglass documentation.", p=repr(plugin), ) raise PluginError("Plugin '{p}' is not a valid hyperglass plugin", p=repr(plugin)) class InputPluginManager(PluginManager[InputPlugin], type="input"): """Manage Input Validation Plugins.""" def execute( self: "InputPluginManager", *, directive: "Directive", query: "Query" ) -> InputPluginReturn: """Execute all input validation plugins. If any plugin returns `False`, execution is halted. """ result = None for plugin in (plugin for plugin in self.plugins() if directive.id in plugin.directives): if result is False: return result result = plugin.validate(query) return result class OutputPluginManager(PluginManager[OutputPlugin], type="output"): """Manage Output Processing Plugins.""" def execute(self: "OutputPluginManager", *, output: OutputType, query: "Query") -> OutputType: """Execute all output parsing plugins. The result of each plugin is passed to the next plugin. """ result = output for plugin in ( plugin for plugin in self.plugins() if query.directive.id in plugin.directives and query.device.platform in plugin.platforms ): log.debug("Output Plugin {!r} starting with\n{!r}", plugin.name, result) result = plugin.process(output=result, query=query) log.debug("Output Plugin {!r} completed with\n{!r}", plugin.name, result) if result is False: return result # Pass the result of each plugin to the next plugin. return result