"""Validate router configuration variables.""" # Standard Library import os import re from typing import List, Optional from pathlib import Path # Third Party from pydantic import StrictInt, StrictStr, StrictBool, validator # Project from hyperglass.log import log from hyperglass.util import clean_name, validate_nos from hyperglass.models import HyperglassModel, HyperglassModelExtra from hyperglass.constants import SCRAPE_HELPERS, SUPPORTED_STRUCTURED_OUTPUT from hyperglass.exceptions import ConfigError, UnsupportedDevice from hyperglass.configuration.models.ssl import Ssl from hyperglass.configuration.models.vrfs import Vrf, Info from hyperglass.configuration.models.proxies import Proxy from hyperglass.configuration.models.networks import Network from hyperglass.configuration.models.credentials import Credential from hyperglass.configuration.models.commands.common import CommandGroup _default_vrf = { "name": "default", "display_name": "Global", "info": Info(), "ipv4": { "source_address": None, "access_list": [ {"network": "", "action": "permit", "ge": 0, "le": 32} ], }, "ipv6": { "source_address": None, "access_list": [{"network": "::/0", "action": "permit", "ge": 0, "le": 128}], }, } class Router(HyperglassModel): """Validation model for per-router config in devices.yaml.""" name: StrictStr address: StrictStr network: Network credential: Credential proxy: Optional[Proxy] display_name: StrictStr port: StrictInt ssl: Optional[Ssl] nos: StrictStr commands: Optional[CommandGroup] vrfs: List[Vrf] = [_default_vrf] display_vrfs: List[StrictStr] = [] vrf_names: List[StrictStr] = [] structured_output: Optional[StrictBool] @validator("structured_output", pre=True, always=True) def validate_structured_output(cls, value, values): """Validate structured output is supported on the device & set a default. Raises: ConfigError: Raised if true on a device that doesn't support structured output. Returns: {bool} -- True if hyperglass should return structured output for this device. """ if value is True and values["nos"] not in SUPPORTED_STRUCTURED_OUTPUT: raise ConfigError( "The 'structured_output' field is set to 'true' on device '{d}' with " + "NOS '{n}', which does not support structured output", d=values["name"], n=values["nos"], ) elif value is None and values["nos"] in SUPPORTED_STRUCTURED_OUTPUT: value = True else: value = False return value @validator("nos") def supported_nos(cls, value): """Validate that nos is supported by hyperglass. Raises: UnsupportedDevice: Raised if nos is unsupported. Returns: {str} -- Valid NOS """ if value in SCRAPE_HELPERS.keys(): value = SCRAPE_HELPERS[value] supported, _ = validate_nos(value) if not supported: raise UnsupportedDevice('"{nos}" is not supported.', nos=value) return value @validator("name") def validate_name(cls, value): """Remove or replace unsupported characters from field values. Arguments: value {str} -- Raw name/location Returns: {} -- Valid name/location """ return clean_name(value) @validator("ssl") def validate_ssl(cls, value, values): """Set default cert file location if undefined. Arguments: value {object} -- SSL object values {dict} -- Other already-valiated fields Returns: {object} -- SSL configuration """ if value is not None: if value.enable and value.cert is None: app_path = Path(os.environ["hyperglass_directory"]) cert_file = app_path / "certs" / f'{values["name"]}.pem' if not cert_file.exists(): log.warning("No certificate found for device {d}", d=values["name"]) cert_file.touch() value.cert = cert_file return value @validator("commands", always=True) def validate_commands(cls, value, values): """If a named command profile is not defined, use the NOS name. Arguments: value {str} -- Reference to command profile values {dict} -- Other already-validated fields Returns: {str} -- Command profile or NOS name """ if value is None: value = values["nos"] return value @validator("vrfs", pre=True) def validate_vrfs(cls, value, values): """Validate VRF definitions. - Ensures source IP addresses are set for the default VRF (global routing table). - Initializes the default VRF with the DefaultVRF() class so that specific defaults can be set for the global routing table. - If the 'display_name' is not set for a non-default VRF, try to make one that looks pretty based on the 'name'. Arguments: value {list} -- List of VRFs values {dict} -- Other already-validated fields Raises: ConfigError: Raised if the VRF is missing a source address Returns: {list} -- List of valid VRFs """ vrfs = [] for vrf in value: vrf_name = vrf.get("name") for afi in ("ipv4", "ipv6"): vrf_afi = vrf.get(afi) # If AFI is actually defined (enabled), and if the # source_address field is not set, raise an error if vrf_afi is not None and vrf_afi.get("source_address") is None: raise ConfigError( ( "VRF '{vrf}' in router '{router}' is missing a source " "{afi} address." ), vrf=vrf.get("name"), router=values.get("name"), afi=afi.replace("ip", "IP"), ) # If no display_name is set for a non-default VRF, try # to make one by replacing non-alphanumeric characters # with whitespaces and using str.title() to make each # word look "pretty". if vrf_name != "default" and not isinstance( vrf.get("display_name"), StrictStr ): new_name = vrf["name"] new_name = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9]", " ", new_name) new_name = re.split(" ", new_name) vrf["display_name"] = " ".join([w.title() for w in new_name]) log.debug( f'Field "display_name" for VRF "{vrf["name"]}" was not set. ' f"Generated '{vrf['display_name']}'" ) elif vrf_name == "default" and vrf.get("display_name") is None: vrf["display_name"] = "Global" # Validate the non-default VRF against the standard # Vrf() class. vrf = Vrf(**vrf) vrfs.append(vrf) return vrfs class Routers(HyperglassModelExtra): """Validation model for device configurations.""" hostnames: List[StrictStr] = [] vrfs: List[StrictStr] = [] display_vrfs: List[StrictStr] = [] routers: List[Router] = [] networks: List[StrictStr] = [] @classmethod def _import(cls, input_params): """Import loaded YAML, initialize per-network definitions. Remove unsupported characters from device names, dynamically set attributes for the devices class. Builds lists of common attributes for easy access in other modules. Arguments: input_params {dict} -- Unvalidated router definitions Returns: {object} -- Validated routers object """ vrfs = set() networks = set() display_vrfs = set() vrf_objects = set() all_nos = set() router_objects = [] routers = Routers() routers.hostnames = [] routers.vrfs = [] routers.display_vrfs = [] for definition in input_params: # Validate each router config against Router() model/schema router = Router(**definition) # Set a class attribute for each router so each router's # attributes can be accessed with `devices.router_hostname` setattr(routers, router.name, router) # Add router-level attributes (assumed to be unique) to # class lists, e.g. so all hostnames can be accessed as a # list with `devices.hostnames`, same for all router # classes, for when iteration over all routers is required. routers.hostnames.append(router.name) router_objects.append(router) all_nos.add(router.nos) for vrf in router.vrfs: # For each configured router VRF, add its name and # display_name to a class set (for automatic de-duping). vrfs.add(vrf.name) display_vrfs.add(vrf.display_name) # Also add the names to a router-level list so each # router's VRFs and display VRFs can be easily accessed. router.display_vrfs.append(vrf.display_name) router.vrf_names.append(vrf.name) # Add a 'default_vrf' attribute to the devices class # which contains the configured default VRF display name. if vrf.name == "default" and not hasattr(cls, "default_vrf"): routers.default_vrf = { "name": vrf.name, "display_name": vrf.display_name, } # Add the native VRF objects to a set (for automatic # de-duping), but exlcude device-specific fields. _copy_params = { "deep": True, "exclude": {"ipv4": {"source_address"}, "ipv6": {"source_address"}}, } vrf_objects.add(vrf.copy(**_copy_params)) # Convert the de-duplicated sets to a standard list, add lists # as class attributes. routers.vrfs = list(vrfs) routers.display_vrfs = list(display_vrfs) routers.vrf_objects = list(vrf_objects) routers.networks = list(networks) routers.all_nos = list(all_nos) # Sort router list by router name attribute routers.routers = sorted(router_objects, key=lambda x: x.display_name) return routers