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"""Validate router configuration variables."""
# Standard Library
import os
import re
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union, Optional
from pathlib import Path
from ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv6Address
# Third Party
from pydantic import StrictInt, StrictStr, StrictBool, validator
# Project
from hyperglass.log import log
from hyperglass.util import validate_nos, resolve_hostname
from hyperglass.constants import SCRAPE_HELPERS, SUPPORTED_STRUCTURED_OUTPUT
from hyperglass.exceptions import ConfigError, UnsupportedDevice
# Local
from .ssl import Ssl
from .vrf import Vrf, Info
from ..main import HyperglassModel, HyperglassModelExtra
from .proxy import Proxy
from .network import Network
from .credential import Credential
_default_vrf = {
"name": "default",
"display_name": "Global",
"info": Info(),
"ipv4": {
"source_address": None,
"access_list": [
{"network": "", "action": "permit", "ge": 0, "le": 32}
"ipv6": {
"source_address": None,
"access_list": [{"network": "::/0", "action": "permit", "ge": 0, "le": 128}],
class Device(HyperglassModel):
"""Validation model for per-router config in devices.yaml."""
name: StrictStr
address: Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address, StrictStr]
network: Network
credential: Credential
proxy: Optional[Proxy]
display_name: StrictStr
port: StrictInt
ssl: Optional[Ssl]
nos: StrictStr
commands: Optional[StrictStr]
vrfs: List[Vrf] = [_default_vrf]
display_vrfs: List[StrictStr] = []
vrf_names: List[StrictStr] = []
structured_output: Optional[StrictBool]
def __hash__(self) -> int:
"""Make device object hashable so the object can be deduplicated with set()."""
return hash((self.name,))
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
"""Make device object comparable so the object can be deduplicated with set()."""
result = False
if isinstance(other, HyperglassModel):
result = self.name == other.name
return result
def _target(self):
return str(self.address)
def validate_address(cls, value, values):
"""Ensure a hostname is resolvable."""
if not isinstance(value, (IPv4Address, IPv6Address)):
if not any(resolve_hostname(value)):
raise ConfigError(
"Device '{d}' has an address of '{a}', which is not resolvable.",
return value
@validator("structured_output", pre=True, always=True)
def validate_structured_output(cls, value, values):
"""Validate structured output is supported on the device & set a default.
ConfigError: Raised if true on a device that doesn't support structured output.
{bool} -- True if hyperglass should return structured output for this device.
if value is True and values["nos"] not in SUPPORTED_STRUCTURED_OUTPUT:
raise ConfigError(
"The 'structured_output' field is set to 'true' on device '{d}' with "
+ "NOS '{n}', which does not support structured output",
elif value is None and values["nos"] in SUPPORTED_STRUCTURED_OUTPUT:
value = True
value = False
return value
def supported_nos(cls, value):
"""Validate that nos is supported by hyperglass.
UnsupportedDevice: Raised if nos is unsupported.
{str} -- Valid NOS
if value in SCRAPE_HELPERS.keys():
value = SCRAPE_HELPERS[value]
supported, _ = validate_nos(value)
if not supported:
raise UnsupportedDevice('"{nos}" is not supported.', nos=value)
return value
def validate_ssl(cls, value, values):
"""Set default cert file location if undefined.
value {object} -- SSL object
values {dict} -- Other already-validated fields
{object} -- SSL configuration
if value is not None:
if value.enable and value.cert is None:
app_path = Path(os.environ["hyperglass_directory"])
cert_file = app_path / "certs" / f'{values["name"]}.pem'
if not cert_file.exists():
log.warning("No certificate found for device {d}", d=values["name"])
value.cert = cert_file
return value
@validator("commands", always=True)
def validate_commands(cls, value: str, values: "Device") -> str:
"""If a named command profile is not defined, use the NOS name."""
if value is None:
value = values["nos"]
# If the _telnet prefix is added, remove it from the command
# profile so the commands are the same regardless of
# protocol.
if "_telnet" in value:
value = value.replace("_telnet", "")
return value
@validator("vrfs", pre=True)
def validate_vrfs(cls, value, values):
"""Validate VRF definitions.
- Ensures source IP addresses are set for the default VRF
(global routing table).
- Initializes the default VRF with the DefaultVRF() class so
that specific defaults can be set for the global routing
- If the 'display_name' is not set for a non-default VRF, try
to make one that looks pretty based on the 'name'.
value {list} -- List of VRFs
values {dict} -- Other already-validated fields
ConfigError: Raised if the VRF is missing a source address
{list} -- List of valid VRFs
vrfs = []
for vrf in value:
vrf_name = vrf.get("name")
for afi in ("ipv4", "ipv6"):
vrf_afi = vrf.get(afi)
# If AFI is actually defined (enabled), and if the
# source_address field is not set, raise an error
if vrf_afi is not None and vrf_afi.get("source_address") is None:
raise ConfigError(
"VRF '{vrf}' in router '{router}' is missing a source "
"{afi} address."
afi=afi.replace("ip", "IP"),
# If no display_name is set for a non-default VRF, try
# to make one by replacing non-alphanumeric characters
# with whitespaces and using str.title() to make each
# word look "pretty".
if vrf_name != "default" and not isinstance(
vrf.get("display_name"), StrictStr
new_name = vrf["name"]
new_name = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9]", " ", new_name)
new_name = re.split(" ", new_name)
vrf["display_name"] = " ".join([w.title() for w in new_name])
f'Field "display_name" for VRF "{vrf["name"]}" was not set. '
f"Generated '{vrf['display_name']}'"
elif vrf_name == "default" and vrf.get("display_name") is None:
vrf["display_name"] = "Global"
# Validate the non-default VRF against the standard
# Vrf() class.
vrf = Vrf(**vrf)
return vrfs
class Devices(HyperglassModelExtra):
"""Validation model for device configurations."""
hostnames: List[StrictStr] = []
vrfs: List[StrictStr] = []
display_vrfs: List[StrictStr] = []
vrf_objects: List[Vrf] = []
objects: List[Device] = []
all_nos: List[StrictStr] = []
default_vrf: Vrf = Vrf(name="default", display_name="Global")
def __init__(self, input_params: List[Dict]) -> None:
"""Import loaded YAML, initialize per-network definitions.
Remove unsupported characters from device names, dynamically
set attributes for the devices class. Builds lists of common
attributes for easy access in other modules.
input_params {dict} -- Unvalidated router definitions
{object} -- Validated routers object
vrfs = set()
display_vrfs = set()
vrf_objects = set()
all_nos = set()
objects = set()
hostnames = set()
init_kwargs = {}
for definition in input_params:
# Validate each router config against Router() model/schema
device = Device(**definition)
# Add router-level attributes (assumed to be unique) to
# class lists, e.g. so all hostnames can be accessed as a
# list with `devices.hostnames`, same for all router
# classes, for when iteration over all routers is required.
for vrf in device.vrfs:
# For each configured router VRF, add its name and
# display_name to a class set (for automatic de-duping).
# Also add the names to a router-level list so each
# router's VRFs and display VRFs can be easily accessed.
# Add a 'default_vrf' attribute to the devices class
# which contains the configured default VRF display name.
if vrf.name == "default" and not hasattr(self, "default_vrf"):
init_kwargs["default_vrf"] = Vrf(
name=vrf.name, display_name=vrf.display_name
# Add the native VRF objects to a set (for automatic
# de-duping), but exlcude device-specific fields.
"ipv4": {"source_address"},
"ipv6": {"source_address"},
# Convert the de-duplicated sets to a standard list, add lists
# as class attributes. Sort router list by router name attribute
init_kwargs["hostnames"] = list(hostnames)
init_kwargs["all_nos"] = list(all_nos)
init_kwargs["vrfs"] = list(vrfs)
init_kwargs["display_vrfs"] = list(vrfs)
init_kwargs["vrf_objects"] = list(vrf_objects)
init_kwargs["objects"] = sorted(objects, key=lambda x: x.display_name)
def __getitem__(self, accessor: str) -> Device:
"""Get a device by its name."""
for device in self.objects:
if device.name == accessor:
return device
raise AttributeError(f"No device named '{accessor}'")