mirror of https://github.com/checktheroads/hyperglass synced 2024-05-11 05:55:08 +00:00
2019-12-31 18:29:43 -07:00

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"""Validate feature configuration variables."""
# Standard Library Imports
from math import ceil
# Third Party Imports
from pydantic import StrictBool
from pydantic import StrictInt
from pydantic import StrictStr
from pydantic import constr
# Project Imports
from hyperglass.configuration.models._utils import HyperglassModel
class Features(HyperglassModel):
"""Validation model for params.features."""
class BgpRoute(HyperglassModel):
"""Validation model for params.features.bgp_route."""
enable: StrictBool = True
class BgpCommunity(HyperglassModel):
"""Validation model for params.features.bgp_community."""
enable: StrictBool = True
class Regex(HyperglassModel):
"""Validation model for params.features.bgp_community.regex."""
decimal: StrictStr = r"^[0-9]{1,10}$"
extended_as: StrictStr = r"^([0-9]{0,5})\:([0-9]{1,5})$"
large: StrictStr = r"^([0-9]{1,10})\:([0-9]{1,10})\:[0-9]{1,10}$"
regex: Regex = Regex()
class BgpAsPath(HyperglassModel):
"""Validation model for params.features.bgp_aspath."""
enable: StrictBool = True
class Regex(HyperglassModel):
"""Validation model for params.bgp_aspath.regex."""
mode: constr(regex="asplain|asdot") = "asplain"
asplain: StrictStr = r"^(\^|^\_)(\d+\_|\d+\$|\d+\(\_\.\+\_\))+$"
asdot: StrictStr = (
regex: Regex = Regex()
class Ping(HyperglassModel):
"""Validation model for params.features.ping."""
enable: StrictBool = True
class Traceroute(HyperglassModel):
"""Validation model for params.features.traceroute."""
enable: StrictBool = True
class Cache(HyperglassModel):
"""Validation model for params.features.cache."""
redis_id: StrictInt = 0
timeout: StrictInt = 120
show_text: StrictBool = True
text: StrictStr = "Results will be cached for {timeout} minutes.".format(
timeout=ceil(timeout / 60)
class MaxPrefix(HyperglassModel):
"""Validation model for params.features.max_prefix."""
enable: StrictBool = False
ipv4: StrictInt = 24
ipv6: StrictInt = 64
message: StrictStr = (
"Prefix length must be smaller than /{m}. <b>{i}</b> is too specific."
class RateLimit(HyperglassModel):
"""Validation model for params.features.rate_limit."""
redis_id: StrictInt = 1
class Query(HyperglassModel):
"""Validation model for params.features.rate_limit.query."""
rate: StrictInt = 5
period: StrictStr = "minute"
title: StrictStr = "Query Limit Reached"
message: StrictStr = (
"Query limit of {rate} per {period} reached. "
"Please wait one minute and try again."
).format(rate=rate, period=period)
button: StrictStr = "Try Again"
class Site(HyperglassModel):
"""Validation model for params.features.rate_limit.site."""
rate: StrictInt = 60
period: StrictStr = "minute"
title: StrictStr = "Limit Reached"
subtitle: StrictStr = (
"You have accessed this site more than {rate} "
"times in the last {period}."
).format(rate=rate, period=period)
button: StrictStr = "Try Again"
query: Query = Query()
site: Site = Site()
bgp_route: BgpRoute = BgpRoute()
bgp_community: BgpCommunity = BgpCommunity()
bgp_aspath: BgpAsPath = BgpAsPath()
ping: Ping = Ping()
traceroute: Traceroute = Traceroute()
cache: Cache = Cache()
max_prefix: MaxPrefix = MaxPrefix()
rate_limit: RateLimit = RateLimit()