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"""Collect configurations from files."""
# Standard Library
import typing as t
from pathlib import Path
# Project
from hyperglass.log import log
from hyperglass.util import run_coroutine_in_new_thread
from hyperglass.settings import Settings
from hyperglass.constants import CONFIG_EXTENSIONS
from hyperglass.exceptions.private import ConfigError, ConfigMissing, ConfigLoaderMissing
LoadedConfig = t.Union[t.Dict[str, t.Any], t.List[t.Any], t.Tuple[t.Any, ...]]
def find_path(file_name: str, *, required: bool) -> t.Union[Path, None]:
"""Find the first matching configuration file."""
for extension in CONFIG_EXTENSIONS:
path = Settings.app_path / f"{file_name}.{extension}"
if path.exists():
return path
if required:
raise ConfigMissing(file_name, app_path=Settings.app_path)
return None
def load_dsl(path: Path, *, empty_allowed: bool) -> LoadedConfig:
"""Verify and load data from DSL (non-python) config files."""
loader = None
if path.suffix in (".yaml", ".yml"):
# Third Party
import yaml
loader = yaml.safe_load
except ImportError as err:
raise ConfigLoaderMissing(path) from err
elif path.suffix == ".toml":
# Third Party
import toml
loader = toml.load
except ImportError as err:
raise ConfigLoaderMissing(path) from err
elif path.suffix == ".json":
# Standard Library
import json
loader = json.load
if loader is None:
raise ConfigLoaderMissing(path)
with path.open("r") as f:
data = loader(f)
if data is None and empty_allowed is False:
raise ConfigError(
"'{!s}' exists, but it is empty and is required to start hyperglass.".format(path),
log.debug("Loaded configuration from {!s}", path)
return data or {}
def load_python(path: Path, *, empty_allowed: bool) -> LoadedConfig:
"""Import configuration from a python configuration file."""
# Standard Library
import inspect
from importlib.util import module_from_spec, spec_from_file_location
# Load the file as a module.
name, _ = path.name.split(".")
spec = spec_from_file_location(name, location=path)
module = module_from_spec(spec)
# Get all exports that are named 'main' (any case).
exports = tuple(getattr(module, e, None) for e in dir(module) if e.lower() == "main")
if len(exports) < 1:
# Raise an error if there are no exports named main.
raise ConfigError(
f"'{path!s} exists', but it is missing a variable or function named 'main'"
# Pick the first export named main.
main, *_ = exports
data = None
if isinstance(main, t.Callable):
if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(main):
# Resolve an async funcion.
data = run_coroutine_in_new_thread(main)
# Resolve a standard function.
data = main()
elif isinstance(main, (t.Dict, t.List, t.Tuple)):
data = main
if data is None and empty_allowed is False:
raise ConfigError(f"'{path!s} exists', but variable or function 'main' is an invalid type")
log.debug("Loaded configuration from {!s}", path)
return data or {}
def load_config(name: str, *, required: bool) -> LoadedConfig:
"""Load a configuration file."""
path = find_path(name, required=required)
if path is None and required is False:
return {}
if path.suffix == ".py":
return load_python(path, empty_allowed=not required)
if path.suffix.replace(".", "") in CONFIG_EXTENSIONS:
return load_dsl(path, empty_allowed=not required)
raise ConfigError(
"{p} has an unsupported file extension. Must be one of {e}",