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"""Utility functions."""
# Standard Library
import os
import sys
import json
import string
import typing as t
import platform
from asyncio import iscoroutine
from pathlib import Path
from ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv6Address, ip_address
# Third Party
from loguru._logger import Logger as LoguruLogger
from netmiko.ssh_dispatcher import CLASS_MAPPER # type: ignore
# Project
from hyperglass.types import Series
from hyperglass.constants import DRIVER_MAP
ALL_DRIVERS = {*DRIVER_MAP.values(), "netmiko"}
DeepConvert = t.TypeVar("DeepConvert", bound=t.Dict[str, t.Any])
def cpu_count(multiplier: int = 0) -> int:
"""Get server's CPU core count.
Used to determine the number of web server workers.
# Standard Library
import multiprocessing
return multiprocessing.cpu_count() * multiplier
def check_python() -> str:
"""Verify Python Version."""
# Project
from hyperglass.constants import MIN_PYTHON_VERSION
pretty_version = ".".join(tuple(str(v) for v in MIN_PYTHON_VERSION))
if sys.version_info < MIN_PYTHON_VERSION:
raise RuntimeError(f"Python {pretty_version}+ is required.")
return platform.python_version()
def split_on_uppercase(s: str) -> t.List[str]:
"""Split characters by uppercase letters.
From: https://stackoverflow.com/a/40382663
string_length = len(s)
is_lower_around = lambda: s[i - 1].islower() or string_length > (i + 1) and s[i + 1].islower()
start = 0
parts = []
for i in range(1, string_length):
if s[i].isupper() and is_lower_around():
start = i
return parts
def parse_exception(exc: BaseException) -> str:
"""Parse an exception and its direct cause."""
if not isinstance(exc, BaseException):
raise TypeError(f"'{repr(exc)}' is not an exception.")
def get_exc_name(exc):
return " ".join(split_on_uppercase(exc.__class__.__name__))
def get_doc_summary(doc):
return doc.strip().split("\n")[0].strip(".")
name = get_exc_name(exc)
parsed = []
if exc.__doc__:
detail = get_doc_summary(exc.__doc__)
parsed.append(f"{name} ({detail})")
if exc.__cause__:
cause = get_exc_name(exc.__cause__)
if exc.__cause__.__doc__:
cause_detail = get_doc_summary(exc.__cause__.__doc__)
parsed.append(f"{cause} ({cause_detail})")
return ", caused by ".join(parsed)
def make_repr(_class):
"""Create a user-friendly represention of an object."""
def _process_attrs(_dir):
for attr in _dir:
if not attr.startswith("_"):
attr_val = getattr(_class, attr)
if callable(attr_val):
yield f'{attr}=<function name="{attr_val.__name__}">'
elif iscoroutine(attr_val):
yield f'{attr}=<coroutine name="{attr_val.__name__}">'
elif isinstance(attr_val, str):
yield f'{attr}="{attr_val}"'
yield f"{attr}={str(attr_val)}"
return f'{_class.__name__}({", ".join(_process_attrs(dir(_class)))})'
def repr_from_attrs(obj: object, attrs: Series[str], strip: t.Optional[str] = None) -> str:
"""Generate a `__repr__()` value from a specific set of attribute names.
Useful for complex models/objects where `__repr__()` should only display specific fields.
# Check the object to ensure each attribute actually exists, and deduplicate
attr_names = {a for a in attrs if hasattr(obj, a)}
# Dict representation of attr name to obj value (e.g. `obj.attr`), if the value has a
# `__repr__` method.
attr_values = {
f if strip is None else f.strip(strip): v # noqa: IF100
for f in attr_names
if hasattr((v := getattr(obj, f)), "__repr__")
pairs = (f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in attr_values.items())
return f"{obj.__class__.__name__}({', '.join(pairs)})"
def validate_platform(_type: str) -> t.Tuple[bool, t.Union[None, str]]:
"""Validate device type is supported."""
result = (False, None)
if _type in ALL_DEVICE_TYPES:
result = (True, DRIVER_MAP.get(_type, "netmiko"))
return result
def get_driver(_type: str, driver: t.Optional[str]) -> str:
"""Determine the appropriate driver for a device."""
if driver is None:
# If no driver is set, use the driver map with netmiko as
# fallback.
return DRIVER_MAP.get(_type, "netmiko")
elif driver in ALL_DRIVERS:
# If a driver is set and it is valid, allow it.
return driver
# Otherwise, fail validation.
raise ValueError("{} is not a supported driver.".format(driver))
def current_log_level(logger: LoguruLogger) -> str:
"""Get the current log level of a logger instance."""
handler = list(logger._core.handlers.values())[0]
levels = {v.no: k for k, v in logger._core.levels.items()}
current_level = levels[handler.levelno].lower()
except Exception as err:
current_level = "info"
return current_level
def resolve_hostname(hostname: str) -> t.Generator[t.Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address], None, None]:
"""Resolve a hostname via DNS/hostfile."""
# Standard Library
from socket import gaierror, getaddrinfo
# Project
from hyperglass.log import log
log.debug("Ensuring '{}' is resolvable...", hostname)
ip4 = None
ip6 = None
res = getaddrinfo(hostname, None)
for sock in res:
if sock[0].value == 2 and ip4 is None:
ip4 = ip_address(sock[4][0])
elif sock[0].value in (10, 30) and ip6 is None:
ip6 = ip_address(sock[4][0])
except (gaierror, ValueError, IndexError) as err:
yield ip4
yield ip6
def snake_to_camel(value: str) -> str:
"""Convert a string from snake_case to camelCase."""
parts = value.split("_")
humps = (hump.capitalize() for hump in parts[1:])
return "".join((parts[0], *humps))
def get_fmt_keys(template: str) -> t.List[str]:
"""Get a list of str.format keys.
For example, string `"The value of {key} is {value}"` returns
`["key", "value"]`.
keys = []
for block in (b for b in string.Formatter.parse("", template) if isinstance(template, str)):
key = block[1]
if key:
return keys
def deep_convert_keys(_dict: t.Type[DeepConvert], predicate: t.Callable[[str], str]) -> DeepConvert:
"""Convert all dictionary keys and nested dictionary keys."""
converted = {}
def get_value(value: t.Any):
if isinstance(value, t.Dict):
return {predicate(k): get_value(v) for k, v in value.items()}
elif isinstance(value, t.List):
return [get_value(v) for v in value]
elif isinstance(value, t.Tuple):
return tuple(get_value(v) for v in value)
return value
for key, value in _dict.items():
converted[predicate(key)] = get_value(value)
return converted
def at_least(minimum: int, value: int,) -> int:
"""Get a number value that is at least a specified minimum."""
if value < minimum:
return minimum
return value
def compare_dicts(dict_a: t.Dict[t.Any, t.Any], dict_b: t.Dict[t.Any, t.Any]) -> bool:
"""Determine if two dictationaries are (mostly) equal."""
if isinstance(dict_a, t.Dict) and isinstance(dict_b, t.Dict):
dict_a_keys, dict_a_values = set(dict_a.keys()), set(dict_a.values())
dict_b_keys, dict_b_values = set(dict_b.keys()), set(dict_b.values())
return all((dict_a_keys == dict_b_keys, dict_a_values == dict_b_values))
return False
def compare_init(obj_a: object, obj_b: object) -> bool:
"""Compare the `__init__` annoations of two objects."""
def _check_obj(obj: object):
"""Ensure `__annotations__` exists on the `__init__` method."""
if hasattr(obj, "__init__") and isinstance(getattr(obj, "__init__", None), t.Callable):
if hasattr(obj.__init__, "__annotations__") and isinstance(
getattr(obj.__init__, "__annotations__", None), t.Dict
return True
return False
if all((_check_obj(obj_a), _check_obj(obj_b))):
obj_a.__init__.__annotations__.pop("self", None)
obj_b.__init__.__annotations__.pop("self", None)
return compare_dicts(obj_a.__init__.__annotations__, obj_b.__init__.__annotations__)
return False
def run_coroutine_in_new_thread(coroutine: t.Coroutine) -> t.Any:
"""Run an async function in a separate thread and get the result."""
# Standard Library
import asyncio
import threading
class Resolver(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, coro: t.Coroutine) -> None:
self.result: t.Any = None
self.coro: t.Coroutine = coro
def run(self):
self.result = asyncio.run(self.coro())
thread = Resolver(coroutine)
return thread.result
def compare_lists(left: t.List[t.Any], right: t.List[t.Any], *, ignore: Series[t.Any] = ()) -> bool:
"""Determine if all items in left list exist in right list."""
left_ignored = [i for i in left if i not in ignore]
diff_ignored = [i for i in left if i in right and i not in ignore]
return len(left_ignored) == len(diff_ignored)