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import {
} from 'color2k';
import { extendTheme } from '@chakra-ui/react';
import { mode } from '@chakra-ui/theme-tools';
import type { Theme as ChakraTheme } from '@chakra-ui/react';
import type { IConfigTheme, Theme } from '~/types';
const defaultBodyFonts = [
'"Segoe UI"',
'"Apple Color Emoji"',
'"Segoe UI Emoji"',
'"Segoe UI Symbol"',
const defaultMonoFonts = [
'"Liberation Mono"',
'"Courier New"',
export function isLight(color: string): boolean {
return readableColorIsBlack(color);
export function isDark(color: string): boolean {
return !readableColorIsBlack(color);
function alphaColors(color: string) {
return {
50: transparentize(color, Number((1 - 0.04).toFixed(2))),
100: transparentize(color, Number((1 - 0.08).toFixed(2))),
200: transparentize(color, Number((1 - 0.12).toFixed(2))),
300: transparentize(color, Number((1 - 0.16).toFixed(2))),
400: transparentize(color, Number((1 - 0.24).toFixed(2))),
500: transparentize(color, Number((1 - 0.38).toFixed(2))),
600: transparentize(color, Number((1 - 0.48).toFixed(2))),
700: transparentize(color, Number((1 - 0.6).toFixed(2))),
800: transparentize(color, Number((1 - 0.8).toFixed(2))),
900: transparentize(color, Number((1 - 0.92).toFixed(2))),
function generateColors(colorInput: string) {
const colorMap = Object();
const lightnessMap = [0.95, 0.85, 0.75, 0.65, 0.55, 0.45, 0.35, 0.25, 0.15, 0.05];
const saturationMap = [0.32, 0.16, 0.08, 0.04, 0, 0, 0.04, 0.08, 0.16, 0.32];
const colorHsla = parseToHsla(colorInput);
const lightnessGoal = colorHsla[2];
const closestLightness = lightnessMap.reduce((prev, curr) =>
Math.abs(curr - lightnessGoal) < Math.abs(prev - lightnessGoal) ? curr : prev,
const baseColorIndex = lightnessMap.findIndex(l => l === closestLightness);
const colors = lightnessMap
.map(l => {
const [h, s, _, a] = colorHsla;
return hsla(h, s, l, a);
.map((color, i) => {
const saturationDelta = saturationMap[i] - saturationMap[baseColorIndex];
return saturationDelta >= 0
? saturate(color, saturationDelta)
: desaturate(color, saturationDelta * -1);
const getColorNumber = (index: number) => (index === 0 ? 50 : index * 100);
colors.map((color, i) => {
const colorIndex = getColorNumber(i);
if (colorIndex === 500) {
colorMap[500] = colorInput;
} else {
colorMap[colorIndex] = color;
return colorMap;
function generatePalette(palette: IConfigTheme['colors']): Theme.Colors {
const generatedPalette = Object();
for (const color of Object.keys(palette)) {
if (!['black', 'white'].includes(color)) {
generatedPalette[color] = generateColors(palette[color]);
} else {
generatedPalette[color] = palette[color];
generatedPalette[`${color}Alpha`] = alphaColors(palette[color]);
generatedPalette.blackSolid = {
50: '#444444',
100: '#3c3c3c',
200: '#353535',
300: '#2d2d2d',
400: '#262626',
500: '#1e1e1e',
600: '#171717',
700: '#0f0f0f',
800: '#080808',
900: '#000000',
generatedPalette.whiteSolid = {
50: '#ffffff',
100: '#f7f7f7',
200: '#f0f0f0',
300: '#e8e8e8',
400: '#e1e1e1',
500: '#d9d9d9',
600: '#d2d2d2',
700: '#cacaca',
800: '#c3c3c3',
900: '#bbbbbb',
return generatedPalette;
function formatFont(font: string): string {
const fontList = font.split(' ');
const fontFmt = fontList.length >= 2 ? `'${fontList.join(' ')}'` : fontList.join(' ');
return fontFmt;
function importFonts(userFonts: Theme.Fonts): [ChakraTheme['fonts'], Theme.FontWeights] {
const [body, mono] = [defaultBodyFonts, defaultMonoFonts];
const { body: userBody, mono: userMono, ...fontWeights } = userFonts;
const bodyFmt = formatFont(userBody);
const monoFmt = formatFont(userMono);
if (userFonts.body && !body.includes(bodyFmt)) {
if (userFonts.mono && !mono.includes(monoFmt)) {
return [
body: body.join(', '),
heading: body.join(', '),
mono: mono.join(', '),
function importColors(userColors: IConfigTheme['colors']): Theme.Colors {
const generatedColors = generatePalette(userColors);
return {
transparent: 'transparent',
current: 'currentColor',
export function makeTheme(
userTheme: IConfigTheme,
defaultColorMode: 'dark' | 'light' | null,
): Theme.Full {
const [fonts, fontWeights] = importFonts(userTheme.fonts);
const colors = importColors(userTheme.colors);
const config = {} as Theme.Full['config'];
switch (defaultColorMode) {
case null:
config.useSystemColorMode = true;
case 'light':
config.initialColorMode = 'light';
case 'dark':
config.initialColorMode = 'dark';
const defaultTheme = extendTheme({
styles: {
global: props => ({
html: { scrollBehavior: 'smooth', height: '-webkit-fill-available' },
body: {
background: mode('light.500', 'dark.500')(props),
color: mode('black', 'white')(props),
return defaultTheme;
export function googleFontUrl(fontFamily: string, weights: number[] = [300, 400, 700]): string {
const urlWeights = weights.join(',');
const fontName = fontFamily.split(/, /)[0].trim().replace(/'|"/g, '');
const urlFont = fontName.split(/ /).join('+');
return `https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=${urlFont}:${urlWeights}&display=swap`;
export { theme as defaultTheme } from '@chakra-ui/react';