mirror of https://github.com/checktheroads/hyperglass synced 2024-05-11 05:55:08 +00:00
horsitis 8a7077052a Update juniper.py
Fix error "traceroute: wait must be >1 sec"
2021-03-17 11:50:50 +02:00

94 lines
5.4 KiB

"""Juniper Command Model."""
# Third Party
from pydantic import StrictStr
# Local
from .common import CommandSet, CommandGroup
class _IPv4(CommandSet):
"""Validation model for non-default dual afi commands."""
bgp_route: StrictStr = 'show route protocol bgp table inet.0 {target} detail | except Label | except Label | except "Next hop type" | except Task | except Address | except "Session Id" | except State | except "Next-hop reference" | except destinations | except "Announcement bits"'
bgp_aspath: StrictStr = 'show route protocol bgp table inet.0 aspath-regex "{target}"'
bgp_community: StrictStr = "show route protocol bgp table inet.0 community {target}"
ping: StrictStr = "ping inet {target} count 5 source {source}"
traceroute: StrictStr = "traceroute inet {target} wait 1 source {source}"
class _IPv6(CommandSet):
"""Validation model for non-default ipv4 commands."""
bgp_route: StrictStr = 'show route protocol bgp table inet6.0 {target} detail | except Label | except Label | except "Next hop type" | except Task | except Address | except "Session Id" | except State | except "Next-hop reference" | except destinations | except "Announcement bits"'
bgp_aspath: StrictStr = 'show route protocol bgp table inet6.0 aspath-regex "{target}"'
bgp_community: StrictStr = "show route protocol bgp table inet6.0 community {target}"
ping: StrictStr = "ping inet6 {target} count 5 source {source}"
traceroute: StrictStr = "traceroute inet6 {target} wait 2 source {source}"
class _VPNIPv4(CommandSet):
"""Validation model for non-default ipv6 commands."""
bgp_route: StrictStr = 'show route protocol bgp table {vrf}.inet.0 {target} detail | except Label | except Label | except "Next hop type" | except Task | except Address | except "Session Id" | except State | except "Next-hop reference" | except destinations | except "Announcement bits"'
bgp_aspath: StrictStr = 'show route protocol bgp table {vrf}.inet.0 aspath-regex "{target}"'
bgp_community: StrictStr = "show route protocol bgp table {vrf}.inet.0 community {target}"
ping: StrictStr = "ping inet routing-instance {vrf} {target} count 5 source {source}"
traceroute: StrictStr = "traceroute inet routing-instance {vrf} {target} wait 1 source {source}"
class _VPNIPv6(CommandSet):
"""Validation model for non-default ipv6 commands."""
bgp_route: StrictStr = 'show route protocol bgp table {vrf}.inet6.0 {target} detail | except Label | except Label | except "Next hop type" | except Task | except Address | except "Session Id" | except State | except "Next-hop reference" | except destinations | except "Announcement bits"'
bgp_aspath: StrictStr = 'show route protocol bgp table {vrf}.inet6.0 aspath-regex "{target}"'
bgp_community: StrictStr = "show route protocol bgp table {vrf}.inet6.0 community {target}"
ping: StrictStr = "ping inet6 routing-instance {vrf} {target} count 5 source {source}"
traceroute: StrictStr = "traceroute inet6 routing-instance {vrf} {target} wait 2 source {source}"
_structured = CommandGroup(
bgp_route="show route protocol bgp table inet.0 {target} detail | display xml",
bgp_aspath='show route protocol bgp table inet.0 aspath-regex "{target}" detail | display xml',
bgp_community="show route protocol bgp table inet.0 community {target} detail | display xml",
ping="ping inet {target} count 5 source {source}",
traceroute="traceroute inet {target} wait 1 source {source}",
bgp_route="show route protocol bgp table inet6.0 {target} detail | display xml",
bgp_aspath='show route protocol bgp table inet6.0 aspath-regex "{target}" detail | display xml',
bgp_community="show route protocol bgp table inet6.0 community {target} detail | display xml",
ping="ping inet6 {target} count 5 source {source}",
traceroute="traceroute inet6 {target} wait 2 source {source}",
bgp_route="show route protocol bgp table {vrf}.inet.0 {target} detail | display xml",
bgp_aspath='show route protocol bgp table {vrf}.inet.0 aspath-regex "{target}" detail | display xml',
bgp_community="show route protocol bgp table {vrf}.inet.0 community {target} detail | display xml",
ping="ping inet routing-instance {vrf} {target} count 5 source {source}",
traceroute="traceroute inet routing-instance {vrf} {target} wait 1 source {source}",
bgp_route="show route protocol bgp table {vrf}.inet6.0 {target} detail | display xml",
bgp_aspath='show route protocol bgp table {vrf}.inet6.0 aspath-regex "{target}" detail | display xml',
bgp_community="show route protocol bgp table {vrf}.inet6.0 community {target} detail | display xml",
ping="ping inet6 routing-instance {vrf} {target} count 5 source {source}",
traceroute="traceroute inet6 routing-instance {vrf} {target} wait 2 source {source}",
class JuniperCommands(CommandGroup):
"""Validation model for default juniper commands."""
ipv4_default: _IPv4 = _IPv4()
ipv6_default: _IPv6 = _IPv6()
ipv4_vpn: _VPNIPv4 = _VPNIPv4()
ipv6_vpn: _VPNIPv6 = _VPNIPv6()
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Initialize command group, ensure structured fields are not overridden."""
self.structured = _structured