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"""Utility functions."""
def _logger():
from loguru import logger as _loguru_logger
from hyperglass.constants import LOG_HANDLER
from hyperglass.constants import LOG_LEVELS
_loguru_logger.configure(handlers=[LOG_HANDLER], levels=LOG_LEVELS)
return _loguru_logger
log = _logger()
def cpu_count():
"""Get server's CPU core count.
Used for number of web server workers.
{int} -- CPU Cores
import multiprocessing
return multiprocessing.cpu_count()
async def check_path(path, mode="r"):
"""Verify if a path exists and is accessible.
path {Path|str} -- Path object or string of path
mode {str} -- File mode, r or w
RuntimeError: Raised if file does not exist or is not accessible
{Path|None} -- Path object if checks pass, None if not.
from pathlib import Path
from aiofile import AIOFile
if not isinstance(path, Path):
path = Path(path)
if not path.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"{str(path)} does not exist.")
async with AIOFile(path, mode):
result = path
except Exception:
result = None
return result
def check_python():
"""Verify Python Version.
RuntimeError: Raised if running Python version is invalid.
{str} -- Python version
import sys
from hyperglass.constants import MIN_PYTHON_VERSION
pretty_version = ".".join(tuple(str(v) for v in MIN_PYTHON_VERSION))
if sys.version_info < MIN_PYTHON_VERSION:
raise RuntimeError(f"Python {pretty_version}+ is required.")
return pretty_version
async def build_ui(app_path):
"""Execute `next build` & `next export` from UI directory.
RuntimeError: Raised if exit code is not 0.
RuntimeError: Raised when any other error occurs.
import asyncio
from pathlib import Path
ui_dir = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "ui"
build_dir = app_path / "static" / "ui"
build_command = "node_modules/.bin/next build"
export_command = "node_modules/.bin/next export -o {f}".format(f=build_dir)
all_messages = []
for command in (build_command, export_command):
proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell(
stdout, stderr = await asyncio.wait_for(proc.communicate(), timeout=60)
messages = stdout.decode("utf-8").strip()
errors = stderr.decode("utf-8").strip()
if proc.returncode != 0:
raise RuntimeError(f"\nMessages:\n{messages}\nErrors:\n{errors}")
await proc.wait()
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(str(e))
return "\n".join(all_messages)
async def write_env(variables):
"""Write environment variables to temporary JSON file.
variables {dict} -- Environment variables to write.
RuntimeError: Raised on any errors.
from aiofile import AIOFile
import ujson as json
from pathlib import Path
env_file = Path("/tmp/hyperglass.env.json") # noqa: S108
env_vars = json.dumps(variables)
async with AIOFile(env_file, "w+") as ef:
await ef.write(env_vars)
await ef.fsync()
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(str(e))
return f"Wrote {env_vars} to {str(env_file)}"
async def check_redis(db, config):
"""Ensure Redis is running before starting server.
db {int} -- Redis database ID
config {dict} -- Redis configuration parameters
RuntimeError: Raised if Redis is not running.
{bool} -- True if redis is running.
import aredis
redis_instance = aredis.StrictRedis(db=db, **config)
redis_host = config["host"]
redis_port = config["port"]
await redis_instance.echo("hyperglass test")
except Exception:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Redis isn't running at: {redis_host}:{redis_port}"
) from None
return True
async def clear_redis_cache(db, config):
"""Clear the Redis cache.
db {int} -- Redis database ID
config {dict} -- Redis configuration parameters
RuntimeError: Raised if clearing the cache produces an error.
{bool} -- True if cache was cleared.
import aredis
redis_instance = aredis.StrictRedis(db=db, **config)
await redis_instance.flushdb()
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(f"Error clearing cache: {str(e)}") from None
return True
async def move_files(src, dst, files): # noqa: C901
"""Move iterable of files from source to destination.
src {Path} -- Current directory of files
dst {Path} -- Target destination directory
files {Iterable} -- Iterable of files
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterable
def error(*args, **kwargs):
msg = ", ".join(args)
kwargs = {k: str(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()}
error_msg = msg.format(**kwargs)
return RuntimeError(error_msg)
if not isinstance(src, Path):
src = Path(src)
except TypeError:
raise error("{p} is not a valid path", p=src)
if not isinstance(dst, Path):
dst = Path(dst)
except TypeError:
raise error("{p} is not a valid path", p=dst)
if not isinstance(files, Iterable):
raise error(
"{fa} must be an iterable (list, tuple, or generator). Received {f}",
fa="Files argument",
for path in (src, dst):
if not path.exists():
raise error("{p} does not exist", p=path)
migrated = ()
for file in files:
dst_file = dst / file.name
if not file.exists():
raise error("{f} does not exist", f=file)
if not dst_file.exists():
shutil.copyfile(file, dst_file)
migrated += (str(dst_file),)
except Exception as e:
raise error("Failed to migrate {f}: {e}", f=dst_file, e=e)
return migrated
async def build_frontend( # noqa: C901
dev_mode, dev_url, prod_url, params, app_path, force=False
"""Perform full frontend UI build process.
Securely creates temporary file, writes frontend configuration
parameters to file as JSON. Then writes the name of the temporary
file to /tmp/hyperglass.env.json as {"configFile": <file_name> }.
Webpack reads /tmp/hyperglass.env.json, loads the temporary file,
and sets its contents to Node environment variables during the build
After the build is successful, the temporary file is automatically
closed during garbage collection.
dev_mode {bool} -- Development Mode
dev_url {str} -- Development Mode URL
prod_url {str} -- Production Mode URL
params {dict} -- Frontend Config paramters
RuntimeError: Raised if errors occur during build process.
{bool} -- True if successful
import hashlib
import tempfile
import shutil
from filecmp import dircmp
from pathlib import Path
from aiofile import AIOFile
import ujson as json
env_file = Path("/tmp/hyperglass.env.json") # noqa: S108
env_vars = {"_HYPERGLASS_CONFIG_": params}
Set NextJS production/development mode and base URL based on
developer_mode setting.
if dev_mode:
env_vars.update({"NODE_ENV": "development", "_HYPERGLASS_URL_": dev_url})
env_vars.update({"NODE_ENV": "production", "_HYPERGLASS_URL_": prod_url})
env_json = json.dumps(env_vars)
Create SHA256 hash from all parameters passed to UI, use as
build identifier.
build_id = hashlib.sha256(env_json.encode()).hexdigest()
if env_file.exists() and not force:
Read hard-coded environment file from last build. If build
ID matches this build's ID, don't run a new build.
async with AIOFile(env_file, "r") as ef:
ef_json = await ef.read()
ef_id = json.loads(ef_json).get("buildId", "empty")
log.debug("Previous Build ID: {id}", id=ef_id)
if ef_id == build_id:
"UI parameters unchanged since last build, skipping UI build..."
return True
Create temporary file. json file extension is added for easy
webpack JSON parsing.
temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
mode="w+", prefix="hyperglass_", suffix=".json", delete=not dev_mode
f"Created temporary UI config file: '{temp_file.name}' for build {build_id}"
async with AIOFile(temp_file.name, "w+") as temp:
await temp.write(env_json)
await temp.fsync()
# Write "permanent" file (hard-coded named) for Node to read.
async with AIOFile(env_file, "w+") as ef:
await ef.write(
json.dumps({"configFile": temp_file.name, "buildId": build_id})
await ef.fsync()
# While temporary file is still open, initiate UI build process.
if not dev_mode or force:
build_result = await build_ui(app_path=app_path)
if build_result:
log.debug("Completed UI build")
elif dev_mode and not force:
log.debug("Running in developer mode, did not build new UI files")
Compare repository's static assets with build directory's
assets. If the contents don't match, re-copy the files.
asset_dir = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "assets"
target_dir = app_path / "static" / "images"
comparison = dircmp(asset_dir, target_dir, ignore=[".DS_Store"])
if not comparison.left_list == comparison.right_list:
shutil.copytree(asset_dir, target_dir)
if not comparison.left_list == comparison.right_list:
raise Exception(
"Files in '{a}' do not match files in '{b}'".format(
a=str(asset_dir), b=str(target_dir)
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(str(e))
return True