mirror of https://github.com/checktheroads/hyperglass synced 2024-05-11 05:55:08 +00:00
2021-09-16 13:46:50 -07:00

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"""Device-Agnostic Parsed Response Data Model."""
# Standard Library
import re
from typing import List, Literal
from ipaddress import ip_network
# Third Party
from pydantic import StrictInt, StrictStr, StrictBool, validator
# Project
from hyperglass.state import use_state
from hyperglass.external.rpki import rpki_state
# Local
from ..main import HyperglassModel
WinningWeight = Literal["low", "high"]
class BGPRoute(HyperglassModel):
"""Post-parsed BGP route."""
prefix: StrictStr
active: StrictBool
age: StrictInt
weight: StrictInt
med: StrictInt
local_preference: StrictInt
as_path: List[StrictInt]
communities: List[StrictStr]
next_hop: StrictStr
source_as: StrictInt
source_rid: StrictStr
peer_rid: StrictStr
rpki_state: StrictInt
def validate_communities(cls, value):
"""Filter returned communities against configured policy.
permit: only permit matches
deny: only deny matches
(structured := use_state("params").structured)
def _permit(comm):
"""Only allow matching patterns."""
valid = False
for pattern in structured.communities.items:
if re.match(pattern, comm):
valid = True
return valid
def _deny(comm):
"""Allow any except matching patterns."""
valid = True
for pattern in structured.communities.items:
if re.match(pattern, comm):
valid = False
return valid
func_map = {"permit": _permit, "deny": _deny}
func = func_map[structured.communities.mode]
return [c for c in value if func(c)]
def validate_rpki_state(cls, value, values):
"""If external RPKI validation is enabled, get validation state."""
(structured := use_state("params").structured)
if structured.rpki.mode == "router":
# If router validation is enabled, return the value as-is.
return value
elif structured.rpki.mode == "external":
# If external validation is enabled, validate the prefix
# & asn with Cloudflare's RPKI API.
as_path = values["as_path"]
if len(as_path) == 0:
# If the AS_PATH length is 0, i.e. for an internal route,
# return RPKI Unknown state.
return 3
# Get last ASN in path
asn = as_path[-1]
net = ip_network(values["prefix"])
except ValueError:
return 3
# Only do external RPKI lookups for global prefixes.
if net.is_global:
return rpki_state(prefix=values["prefix"], asn=asn)
return value
class BGPRouteTable(HyperglassModel):
"""Post-parsed BGP route table."""
vrf: StrictStr
count: StrictInt = 0
routes: List[BGPRoute]
winning_weight: WinningWeight
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Sort routes by prefix after validation."""
self.routes = sorted(self.routes, key=lambda r: r.prefix)
def __add__(self: "BGPRouteTable", other: "BGPRouteTable") -> "BGPRouteTable":
"""Merge another BGP table instance with this instance."""
if isinstance(other, BGPRouteTable):
self.routes = sorted([*self.routes, *other.routes], key=lambda r: r.prefix)
self.count = len(self.routes)
return self