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"""Utility functions for gathering system information."""
# Standard Library
import os
import sys
import typing as t
import platform
# Third Party
import psutil as _psutil
from cpuinfo import get_cpu_info as _get_cpu_info # type: ignore
# Project
from hyperglass.constants import __version__
SystemData = t.Dict[str, t.Tuple[t.Union[str, int], str]]
def _cpu() -> SystemData:
"""Construct CPU Information."""
cpu_info = _get_cpu_info()
brand = cpu_info.get("brand_raw", "")
cores_logical = _psutil.cpu_count()
cores_raw = _psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)
cpu_ghz = _psutil.cpu_freq().current / 1000
return (brand, cores_logical, cores_raw, cpu_ghz)
def _memory() -> SystemData:
"""Construct RAM Information."""
mem_info = _psutil.virtual_memory()
total_gb = round(mem_info.total / 1e9, 2)
usage_percent = mem_info.percent
return (total_gb, usage_percent)
def _disk() -> SystemData:
"""Construct Disk Information."""
disk_info = _psutil.disk_usage("/")
total_gb = round(disk_info.total / 1e9, 2)
usage_percent = disk_info.percent
return (total_gb, usage_percent)
def get_node_version() -> t.Tuple[int, int, int]:
"""Get the system's NodeJS version."""
# Standard Library
import shutil
import subprocess
node_path = shutil.which("node")
raw_version = subprocess.check_output([node_path, "--version"]).decode() # noqa: S603
# Node returns the version as 'v14.5.0', for example. Remove the v.
version = raw_version.replace("v", "")
# Parse the version parts.
return tuple((int(v) for v in version.split(".")))
def cpu_count(multiplier: int = 0) -> int:
"""Get server's CPU core count.
Used to determine the number of web server workers.
# Standard Library
import multiprocessing
return multiprocessing.cpu_count() * multiplier
def check_python() -> str:
"""Verify Python Version."""
# Project
from hyperglass.constants import MIN_PYTHON_VERSION
pretty_version = ".".join(tuple(str(v) for v in MIN_PYTHON_VERSION))
running_version = ".".join(
str(v) for v in (sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor, sys.version_info.micro)
if sys.version_info < MIN_PYTHON_VERSION:
raise RuntimeError(f"Python {pretty_version}+ is required (Running {running_version})")
return running_version
def get_system_info() -> SystemData:
"""Get system info."""
cpu_info, cpu_logical, cpu_physical, cpu_speed = _cpu()
mem_total, mem_usage = _memory()
disk_total, disk_usage = _disk()
return {
"hyperglass Version": (__version__, "text"),
"hyperglass Path": (os.environ["hyperglass_directory"], "code"),
"Python Version": (platform.python_version(), "code"),
"Node Version": (".".join(str(v) for v in get_node_version()), "code"),
"Platform Info": (platform.platform(), "code"),
"CPU Info": (cpu_info, "text"),
"Logical Cores": (cpu_logical, "code"),
"Physical Cores": (cpu_physical, "code"),
"Processor Speed": (f"{cpu_speed}GHz", "code"),
"Total Memory": (f"{mem_total} GB", "text"),
"Memory Utilization": (f"{mem_usage}%", "text"),
"Total Disk Space": (f"{disk_total} GB", "text"),
"Disk Utilization": (f"{disk_usage}%", "text"),