erdgeist d42bf5a031 ** struct ot_workstruct gets ritcher (and will become even ritcher soon).
This is where we encapsulate all per-request data from peer to hash to peer_id, so that it is
available everywhere without passing hundreds of pointers down the stack. Most functions that
do work down the stack now accept an ot_workstruct and some flags. So it can end up in the
stats/event-handler where it will be the default parameter in the future.

** peer_id is now being copied by default and moved to ot_workstruct
So it is available in stats and subsequent functions.

** sync scrape madness is gone
SYNC_SCRAPE was intended to sync tracker state that would normally be lost on restarts i.e.
downloaded counts per torrent. The way was to push it in the tracker cloud after finding all
neighbouring trackers.
This is madness. It never was tested and can be done per tracker by fetching
stats/mode=statedump from time to time and starting opentracker with the -l option later.

** livesync thread has its own ot_workstruct now
So it can behave like ot_udp and ot_http against trackerlogic.c and get rid of the first half
of the embarrassing global variables. The sending half will be fixed soon [tm].

** stats can log completed events
The author recognizes the needs of original content distributors to keep track of the amount
of times a work has been downloaded. While not feasible and used on openbittorrent and other
open and anonymous tracker installations, a tracker user can now choose to send those events
to syslog.
2010-04-22 22:08:42 +00:00

126 lines
4.0 KiB

/* This software was written by Dirk Engling <>
It is considered beerware. Prost. Skol. Cheers or whatever.
$id$ */
/* System */
#include <string.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* Libowfat */
#include "socket.h"
#include "io.h"
/* Opentracker */
#include "trackerlogic.h"
#include "ot_udp.h"
#include "ot_stats.h"
static const uint8_t g_static_connid[8] = { 0x23, 0x42, 0x05, 0x17, 0xde, 0x41, 0x50, 0xff };
static void udp_make_connectionid( uint32_t * connid, const ot_ip6 remoteip ) {
/* Touch unused variable */
/* Use a static secret for now */
memcpy( connid, g_static_connid, 8 );
/* UDP implementation according to */
void handle_udp6( int64 serversocket, struct ot_workstruct *ws ) {
ot_ip6 remoteip;
uint32_t *inpacket = (uint32_t*)ws->inbuf;
uint32_t *outpacket = (uint32_t*)ws->outbuf;
uint32_t numwant, left, event, scopeid;
uint16_t port, remoteport;
size_t byte_count, scrape_count;
byte_count = socket_recv6( serversocket, ws->inbuf, G_INBUF_SIZE, remoteip, &remoteport, &scopeid );
stats_issue_event( EVENT_ACCEPT, FLAG_UDP, (uintptr_t)remoteip );
stats_issue_event( EVENT_READ, FLAG_UDP, byte_count );
/* Initialise hash pointer */
ws->hash = NULL;
ws->peer_id = NULL;
/* Minimum udp tracker packet size, also catches error */
if( byte_count < 16 )
switch( ntohl( inpacket[2] ) ) {
case 0: /* This is a connect action */
/* look for udp bittorrent magic id */
if( (ntohl(inpacket[0]) != 0x00000417) || (ntohl(inpacket[1]) != 0x27101980) )
outpacket[0] = 0;
outpacket[1] = inpacket[3];
udp_make_connectionid( outpacket + 2, remoteip );
socket_send6( serversocket, ws->outbuf, 16, remoteip, remoteport, 0 );
stats_issue_event( EVENT_CONNECT, FLAG_UDP, 16 );
case 1: /* This is an announce action */
/* Minimum udp announce packet size */
if( byte_count < 98 )
/* We do only want to know, if it is zero */
left = inpacket[64/4] | inpacket[68/4];
numwant = ntohl( inpacket[92/4] );
if (numwant > 200) numwant = 200;
event = ntohl( inpacket[80/4] );
port = *(uint16_t*)( ((char*)inpacket) + 96 );
ws->hash = (ot_hash*)( ((char*)inpacket) + 16 );
OT_SETIP( &ws->peer, remoteip );
OT_SETPORT( &ws->peer, &port );
OT_PEERFLAG( &ws->peer ) = 0;
switch( event ) {
case 1: OT_PEERFLAG( &ws->peer ) |= PEER_FLAG_COMPLETED; break;
case 3: OT_PEERFLAG( &ws->peer ) |= PEER_FLAG_STOPPED; break;
default: break;
if( !left )
outpacket[0] = htonl( 1 ); /* announce action */
outpacket[1] = inpacket[12/4];
if( OT_PEERFLAG( &ws->peer ) & PEER_FLAG_STOPPED ) { /* Peer is gone. */
ws->reply = ws->outbuf;
ws->reply_size = remove_peer_from_torrent( FLAG_UDP, ws );
} else {
ws->reply = ws->outbuf + 8;
ws->reply_size = 8 + add_peer_to_torrent_and_return_peers( FLAG_UDP, ws, numwant );
socket_send6( serversocket, ws->outbuf, ws->reply_size, remoteip, remoteport, 0 );
stats_issue_event( EVENT_ANNOUNCE, FLAG_UDP, ws->reply_size );
case 2: /* This is a scrape action */
outpacket[0] = htonl( 2 ); /* scrape action */
outpacket[1] = inpacket[12/4];
for( scrape_count = 0; ( scrape_count * 20 < byte_count - 16) && ( scrape_count <= 74 ); scrape_count++ )
return_udp_scrape_for_torrent( *(ot_hash*)( ((char*)inpacket) + 16 + 20 * scrape_count ), ((char*)outpacket) + 8 + 12 * scrape_count );
socket_send6( serversocket, ws->outbuf, 8 + 12 * scrape_count, remoteip, remoteport, 0 );
stats_issue_event( EVENT_SCRAPE, FLAG_UDP, scrape_count );
void udp_init( ) {
const char *g_version_udp_c = "$Source$: $Revision$\n";