diff --git a/check-routeros-update b/check-routeros-update index fe87d9c..9dcef1d 100644 --- a/check-routeros-update +++ b/check-routeros-update @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ $WaitFullyConnected; } } - :if ([ $ScriptFromTerminal "check-routeros-update" ] = true) do={ + :if ([ $ScriptFromTerminal $0 ] = true) do={ :put ("Do you want to install RouterOS version " . $Update->"latest-version" . "? [y/N]"); :if (([ :terminal inkey timeout=60 ] % 32) = 25) do={ $DoUpdate; diff --git a/packages-update b/packages-update index fb5c7fa..99f1f30 100644 --- a/packages-update +++ b/packages-update @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ $ScriptLock $0; :local DoDowngrade false; :if ($NumInstalled > $NumLatest) do={ - :if ([ $ScriptFromTerminal "packages-update" ] = true) do={ + :if ([ $ScriptFromTerminal $0 ] = true) do={ :put "Latest version is older than installed one. Want to downgrade? [y/N]"; :if (([ :terminal inkey timeout=60 ] % 32) = 25) do={ :set DoDowngrade true; @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ $ScriptLock $0; / system script run $Script; } on-error={ $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Running backup script " . $ScriptName . " before update failed!") false; - :if ([ $ScriptFromTerminal "packages-update" ] = true) do={ + :if ([ $ScriptFromTerminal $0 ] = true) do={ :put "Do you want to continue anyway? [y/N]"; :if (([ :terminal inkey timeout=60 ] % 32) = 25) do={ $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("User requested to continue anyway.") false; @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ $ScriptLock $0; / system package downgrade; } -:if ([ $ScriptFromTerminal "packages-update" ] = true) do={ +:if ([ $ScriptFromTerminal $0 ] = true) do={ :put "Do you want to (s)chedule reboot or (r)eboot now? [s/R]"; :if (([ :terminal inkey timeout=60 ] % 32) = 19) do={ / system scheduler add name="reboot-for-update" start-time=03:00:00 interval=1d \