Run other scripts on DHCP lease

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🛈 This script can not be used on its own but requires the base installation.
See [main README](../ for details.


This script is supposed to run from dhcp server as lease script. Currently
it does:

* run [collect-wireless-mac](
* run [dhcp-lease-comment](
* run [dhcp-to-dns](
* run [hotspot-to-wpa](

Note that installation order influences execution order. You may want to
install `dhcp-to-dns` before `collect-wireless-mac` for dns name in

Requirements and installation

Just install the script:

    $ScriptInstallUpdate lease-script;

... and add it as `lease-script` to your dhcp server:

    / ip dhcp-server set lease-script=lease-script [ find ];

See also

* [Collect MAC addresses in wireless access list](
* [Comment DHCP leases with info from access list](
* [Create DNS records for DHCP leases](
* [Use WPA2 network with hotspot credentials](

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