Notify on RouterOS update

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🛈 This script can not be used on its own but requires the base installation.
See [main README](../ for details.


The primary use of this script is to notify about RouterOS updates.

Run from a terminal you can start the update process or schedule it.

Centrally managing update process of several devices is possibly by
specifying versions safe to be updated on a web server.

Also installing patch updates (where just last digit is increased)
automatically is supported.

Requirements and installation

Just install the script:

    $ScriptInstallUpdate check-routeros-update;

And add a scheduler for automatic update notification:

    / system scheduler add interval=1d name=check-routeros-update on-event="/ system script run check-routeros-update;" start-time=startup;


Configuration is required only if you want to control update process with
safe versions from a web server. The configuration goes to
`global-config-overlay`, this is the parameter:

* `SafeUpdateNeighbor`: install updates automatically if seen in neighbor list
* `SafeUpdatePatch`: install patch updates automatically
* `SafeUpdateUrl`: url to check for safe update, the channel (`long-term`,
`stable` or `testing`) is appended

Usage and invocation

Be notified when run from scheduler or run it manually:

    / system script run check-routeros-update;

If an update is found you can install it right away.

Installing script [packages-update]( gives extra options.

See also

* [Manage system update](

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